Ultraman Senki

Chapter 46 The Declaration of Independence

"The sound waves emitted by the sound wave transmitter are to make the alien beasts feel uncomfortable and irritated, so they stay away from the range of the sound waves. If the global coverage is carried out, according to the evolution of the alien beasts, they will soon adapt to the messy sound wave environment and lose their effect. Everything will come back to square one. So we can only place acoustic transmitters in residential areas and we can also install acoustic transmitters on signal towers to save costs, and we can also use multiple acoustic transmitters to complete coverage.” Starry Night Communicate in as concise and understandable terms as possible.

The delegates at the meeting listened to Xingye's report and whispered to each other from time to time, nodding frequently. The scheme proposed by Xingye is very economical and highly variable, and can cope with various complex urban environments and terrains.

And on an island not very far from here among the Cremos Islands, a large area of ​​protrusions suddenly appeared in a forest, as if a worm emerged from a cocoon.

"Swish, swish!" Countless piercing sounds came out from the ground, and hundreds of small silver-white objects rushed towards the main island of Cremos in groups from the air.

"What's that?" The two planes on guard in the sky saw a group of black spots flying over in the distant sky, and they took the initiative to meet them out of vigilance. Li Dejin found that those black dots looked like swarms of bees: "The radar is not responding!"

"Swoosh!" Dozens of biological weapons suddenly decelerated from tens of miles to zero, and then the tiny particle cannon on their heads aimed at the two oncoming planes and fired.

Before the two planes could react, they were penetrated by hundreds of rounds of particle cannon shells, and the plane lost control and fell down with black smoke.

"Level 1 alert!" The security guard shouted, quickly took out the magazine from his waist and pressed it on the gun, then rushed into the prepared bunker and looked around vigilantly with the gun in hand.

"Director, go to evacuate quickly! There are enemies invading!" Dozens of gunmen rushed in and interrupted the meeting. The security director said anxiously to the director and hurriedly asked two soldiers to come and take the director to evacuate.

"Who are the enemies? How many are there?" Director Sawai asked instead of leaving.

"It's an unknown biological weapon. It has already been fired upon by the garrison. Please leave here as soon as possible."

"It's not good, there is an unknown interference source that interferes with the signal, and the distress signal cannot be sent." A TPC personnel ran over panting and said in a panic.


"how so?"

Those who participated in the meeting were all high-quality and high-ranking elites, so until now they have not panicked and are just talking in low voices.

"Everyone come with us, hurry to the refuge. We will set up a defensive position there and wait for rescue!" Kuroki Hitomi walked over with several hunters and greeted them.

"Everyone follow!" Director Sawai waved his hand and nodded, "I'm counting on you."

It can be said that the battle is one-sided. The unknown biological weapons are not only small in size but very flexible. I don’t know what kind of power system and energy storage system they use. These biological weapons fly very flexibly and at a very high speed. quick.

Not only that, their firepower is very fierce, and the compact particle cannon is much more powerful than the laser guns in the hands of soldiers. Coupled with their small size and flexibility, it is difficult for soldiers to aim, but these biological weapons can easily hit soldiers from the air. Therefore, soldiers die every second, but biological weapons may not be able to eliminate one every minute.

This one-sided battle soon ended with a complete defeat for human beings. The clean and tidy tiles and glass exterior walls were riddled with holes, and leaking cement walls and steel structures were everywhere. The remaining garrison retreated into the building.

Director Sawai and the others were blocked in a corner of the fifth floor before they went far. All the garrison left was a team of hunters and a dozen soldiers to protect more than 40 representatives from various countries and TPC branches. personnel.

The few windows were welded dead with several layers of iron doors, and in the corridor, a temporary line of defense was built with tables, chairs, iron doors and other objects at a distance of more than ten meters from the only exit staircase.

Unexpectedly, in the limited space of the corridor, those biological weapons that are extremely dexterous outside are difficult to avoid attacks here, while the garrison has a line of defense to avoid attacks, and these biological weapons are very poor in defense. As long as they are hit It will explode.

In just a short while, all the biological weapons that dared to come up were killed, and the walls and floors here were built with thick alloy plates, which are very powerful in defense. These biological weapons gave up before they could penetrate a layer of steel plate after several minutes of concentrated fire.

As for the victory team, just after completing the task, they heard a very bad news that the director lost contact.

"Xincheng and Lina immediately drive the Phoenix to search." Ju Jianhui immediately ordered.

"Understood!" The two of them had just come from the hangar and were about to go to the hangar again to fly the plane to search.

"Really, even if he is the director, he can't leave without saying a word." Xincheng complained, and he boarded the plane again without even taking a breath.

"I heard all the members of Xincheng!" Ju Jianhui's voice came from the radio and Xincheng instantly woke up.

"The captain doesn't know what Director Sawai is doing there?" Zongfang asked curiously.

"I only heard that he was going to attend a high-level secret meeting." Ju Jianhui said with a frown.

"I saw Xingye was with the director today." Dagu recalled.

"Does that mean they disappeared together?" Ju Jianhui frowned even tighter.

"But there is only the land of the Cremos Islands in that area." Ye Rui said after checking the information.

"Krimos Islands?" Ju Jianhui was very surprised.

"What's wrong?" Zong Fang asked concerned.

"The Cremos Islands were the secret bases on the South Island when the Defense Forces handed over power to the TPC. The heads of state and military leaders held summit meetings there," said Ju Jianhui.

"The captain asked me to participate in the search operation!" Dagu, who had always been calm, asked eagerly.

"We can organize the next move when there is news from the Phoenix." Ju Jianhui was very cautious and did not agree to Dagu's challenge.

Dagu sighed in disappointment and waited anxiously, secretly praying that nothing would happen to the director.

"What's this?" Lina looked curiously at the mysterious aurora-like light barrier detected by the probe covering the South Island, and the Phoenix carefully slowed down and flew around the edge of the aurora.

"Captain, I have forcibly intervened in the satellite news from the Cremos Islands!" Ye Rui raised his head and said excitedly.

The news from the Kerimos Islands began to be played on the big screen, and Director Sawai's speech was played in a loop: "From this afternoon, the Kerimos Islands have declared to become an independent country. I am the president of my country, Sawai. We will gradually transfer the Earth Peace United Organization TPC to one of the administrative organs of the unified world country with the Cremos Islands as its capital. In addition, anyone who trespasses into the country's airspace will be killed.. .”

Everyone doesn't want to hear what happened next.

"Impossible, the director is definitely not this kind of person." Dagu shouted excitedly.

"I don't believe it either, it's absolutely fake." Ye Rui said angrily, and began to analyze the authenticity of this video.

For the director of TPC to issue such a declaration is tantamount to dropping a depth bomb around the world and stirring up thousands of waves, and all countries in the world immediately sent messages to inquire. Then it was discovered that the leaders of TPC branches and heads of countries from all over the world had gathered in the Cremos Islands. In other words, the world has lost its leaders and all its leaders. In addition, Director Sawai’s declaration has stirred up the world. The main government personnel of various countries have begun to work overtime to formulate various countermeasures to prevent various situations that will arise.

In addition to Director Sawai's declaration, the other is Director Sawai's deeds all the time. Nine years ago, Director Sawai began to promote global demilitarization and joint operations when he was the chief of UN affairs. The news from the Cremos Islands defined it as Sawai's grand plan to dominate the world.

"It's really nonsense." Hori said angrily: "It is absolutely impossible for the director to have such big ambitions."

"We are analyzing that aurora australis now, and even the detection satellites cannot penetrate it, so it is difficult to determine the situation above." Ju Jianhui reported to Nanyuan Staff Hui, who is concerned about this issue.

"What are you procrastinating for? Why haven't you attacked yet!" The door of the command room opened, and Director Ji Gang asked majestically.

"I want to too..." Dagu said excitedly, but quickly adjusted his emotions and his voice became softer: "Let's go right away!"

"Then what are you still doing here?" Director Ji Gang asked unceremoniously.

"I said Director Ji Gang, the Victory Team can't interfere in this matter." Staff Nanyuan said unhappily.

"Why?" Director Ji Gang's voice raised another tone.

"It's because the victory team can only use force to solve the problem when monsters that cause disasters appear or alien planets invade the earth." Ju Jianhui stood up and explained that although Director Ji Gang knew it, she had to emphasize it.

"Is now the time to have so many scruples?" Ji Gang looked at Ju Jianhui with sharp eyes: "You should know that what Sawai said was not sincere."

"I absolutely trust the director," Ju Jianhui raised his voice, looking at Director Ji Gang without fear.

"Let's go then!"

"This is absolutely not allowed," Nan Yuan said in an unquestionable tone: "This is a rule set by the TPC, and you should not go to HUNTER, and they cannot participate in disputes on the earth. For the disputes between humans Conflicts must not be resolved arbitrarily with powerlessness, the whole world is watching, and doing so is against the director's wishes."

(Please, recommend, recommend, ah!)

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