Chapter 39 The Vortex of Memory

"I've never seen your weapons before!" Mayumi said curiously. The medical department where she works has many base personnel every day. Whether it's the police department, the equipment department or the victory team, their standard weapons are not like this .

"This is a weapon specially used to deal with aliens. Its power can be adjusted according to different situations. If it is captured alive, it only needs to be wounded." I didn't say anything about the rest, but everyone knows that you don't need to be captured alive. Kill it.

Mayumi is not satisfied with this answer though because it's too general like you asked how to make this dish? The answer was that the plates needed to be wiped clean. But I still know that no one can say it

"Okay, now you can find a quiet place to listen to how to explain the fact that you have been involved in these kidnapping cases." Xingye said, looking directly at Raedel.

'Escorted' Raidel to a nearby small park, two groups of team members separated to guard the surroundings to prevent accidents, but the guns were still aimed at Raedel intentionally or unintentionally.

"I am Raedel from the Stendel star. I came to the earth to pursue Abbas. On our Stendel star, we control it during the day and Abbas dominates it at night. But suddenly one day Abbas thought To control our day time, but Abbas, who belong to the night race, cannot fight during the day, so they came to the universe to find a race that can fight during the day." Raeder began to introduce himself and the people who came to the earth reason.

"It turns out that there is no one in the universe who is more suitable for all-weather combat than the earthlings. After the strong earthlings are captured and brainwashed, there will be no worries. Such a problem will be solved." Zong Fang nodded and said.

"But haven't you thought about fighting back? You came to Earth not only to chase Abbas, but also don't you have any thoughts about the people on Earth?" Xingye looked at Raeder and said.

Raeder was silent for a while and then said: "That's right, I still have a mission, which is to capture warriors who can fight at night like him if I can't stop Abbas. But my mother-in-law made me feel something more important than the mission." , Yesterday I decided to give up this mission to stop Abbas and return to the planet, and tell Raedel and Abbas what I got from my mother-in-law. I think as long as we can understand each other, we will be able to get along amicably."

Everyone turned their attention to Xingye when they heard the words. The victory team knew how to deal with Raedel who had already established a friendship with the people on Earth. It was Xingye who decided. This is the power entrusted to HUNTER by the general staff to deal with alien life forms that are malicious to the earth.

"But do you think you can solve such a big problem by yourself?" Xingye said with a smile: "Life's greed for living space cannot be solved with a few words."

"I believe that as long as we can communicate with Abbas, we will understand each other one day." Raeder said firmly.

"But Abbas survives at night, so what if they occupy the daytime?" Mayumi asked puzzled.

"They will try their best to survive in the daytime, just like us humans fill up unlivable valleys and blow up mountains." Zongfang said with great emotion.

"So have you ever kidnapped an Earthling?" Dagu looked at Raedel and asked.

"No, I can tell you where the spaceship is, and there are no earthlings on it." Raeder said very sincerely: "I will return to my own planet after I stop Abbas."

"Drip! Drip!" At this time, the PDI on Hoshino's waist rang, and Hoshino opened it to take a look: "I found traces of alien beasts, and a group has been dispatched!"

Xingye stood up and said: "I don't have time to verify what you said. I will send someone to check your spaceship, and I can return it to you to return to your planet. But Abbas's spaceship must stay on Earth." Above, this is his compensation to the earth."

Before anyone could answer, Xingye looked at Riyo Endo beside him: "The alien beast has appeared, let's go immediately! The coordinates have been sent."

"Understood!" Endo Riyo nodded and said to the surrounding team members: "Assemble! Let's go!"

Everyone in the Victory Team watched as this mysterious troop boarded a black car and rode off into the distance.

"Has the alien beast appeared again?" Zong Fang walked over and said with a serious face.

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded: "Recently, traces of alien beasts have been found in several cities, and HUNTER has already focused on clearing up the alien beasts. And the aliens lurking on the earth have already It's almost finished, no matter how much you put in your energy, there will be no results, so for the time being, the job of HUNTER is to investigate and clear these strange beasts."

"Have the aliens been wiped out?" Mayumi asked curiously.

"It's just that it's perfectly hidden and hasn't been discovered for the time being. Now the construction of satellites has begun Something big will happen." Xingye said worriedly.

Zong Fang nodded in agreement, and felt palpitations when he thought of the overwhelming strange beasts and that powerful monster last time.

"But now our most important thing is to find Abbas and rescue the kidnapped people." Xincheng turned the topic to the current issue.

"But how to find Abbas?" Hori said distressedly: "Didn't Starry Night Hunter find a way to find Abbas?"

"If there were the two of them, they would have been arrested long ago." Xingye said with a curled lip.

"Did I say that your heads are used to wear helmets?" The mother-in-law knocked on Hori's helmet a little unhappy: "Think with your brains!"

"The purpose of Abbas is to find someone who is strong enough to fight at night." Zongfang smiled.

"Then let's play a play!" Lina understood what Zong Fang wanted to do.

"The audience is the nocturnal creature Abbas." Dagu also understood.

"Looks like tonight is a very long night!" Xincheng nodded and said.

"Hey, am I the only one who doesn't know?" Hori said in amazement seeing the original appearance of the others.

"Then if you don't mind, come and sit at my house! Hey!" the mother-in-law said with a smile.


The victory team in the command room is holding a combat meeting.

"Can Raidel's words be believed?" Captain Ju Jianhui asked with some concern.

"I think I can give it a try! And Xingye didn't take him away!" Dagu replied.

"Where's the vice-captain?" Ju Jianhui turned to ask Zong Fang next to him.

"I agree!"

"Then act, I will bear the responsibility! The battle begins!" Ju Jianhui made up his mind.


"Urgent news, the GUTS to rescue the missing people launched a battle in the designated area tonight, ordinary citizens should not fight after dark, please stop wrestling and other sports..." An emergency news was repeatedly played on the TV. Horii sat around the table with Xingye, mother-in-law and Raeder at her mother-in-law's house and watched the news on the TV. Both the mother-in-law and Raidel knew that Xingye and Hori were here to monitor Raidel, and the Victory Team would not let Raidel move freely until it was confirmed.

"Grandma, is this your son?" Hori asked curiously when he saw a picture of a young man on the wall.

"Yeah!" The mother-in-law took the photo down and rubbed it carefully with her hands: "He is a good boy, although he is very busy at work, he often comes back to see me. After the uncle died, he always wanted me to move in with him, but I I can't bear to part with the house where I lived with my uncle for so long, although it is small, it is full of memories."

"Hasn't he come back recently?" Xingye asked a little strangely, and didn't see any other shoes at the door, only her mother-in-law's.

The mother-in-law smiled and her eyes were lost, as if lost in memory: "He went to accompany uncle. Two years ago, he worked in a machinery factory in Kyoto. Their company sent someone to bring back his belongings and said that he was killed by someone Killed."

"Macari Starman!" Xingye said suddenly with a gloomy tone.

"Yes, that's the name. They still want to pick me up to live there and say they want to take care of me, but I don't want to leave home when I'm old." The mother-in-law smiled heartily and said that she didn't see any sad look, or she had already drained. tears.

"That's an alien." Xingye looked at her mother-in-law in a very low tone incomprehensibly: "It's an alien just like Raeder!"

"Haha!" The mother-in-law laughed loudly: "Maybe some are bad children, but Raeder is a good boy, not all children are bad! You can't define all children as bad just because of one bad child." "The mother-in-law's eyes were very calm and without any grievances.

Xingye stood up, nodded at her mother-in-law, walked out of the room, and stared at the small but clean yard in a daze. Some seasonal vegetables were planted in a corner of the yard, and some vines, melons and fruits and some vegetables were crawling on the wall. plant. A brick path with several clumps of grass leads to the gate of the courtyard.

Mayumi stood behind Xingye and looked at him worriedly. Xingye turned her head and looked at Mayumi who was full of worry and couldn't help smiling: "What's the matter, why are you looking at me like this? I'm fine, don't think too much!"

"I thought..." Mayumi patted her chest with a sigh of relief and regretted it just after saying this: "I'm sorry!"

"I told you I'm fine, and besides, it's over." Xingye rubbed Mayumi's little head mischievously, messing up her soft and beautiful hair.

"I hate it!" Mayumi slapped Xingye's hand away and rolled her eyes, and when she saw Xingye returned to her usual smile, she finally let go of her heart.

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