Ultraman Senki

Chapter 38 Radell

"But we can't just assume that all cosmic beings are bad!" Dagu said.

"So if a technologically advanced civilization sees a rather backward civilization, what is their first reaction? Should they selflessly help this backward civilization or occupy their planet to gain considerable benefits?" Xingye chuckled asked.

Everyone started to think when they heard the words.

"If there is no reference, then think about what the adventurers from Europe did to them when they discovered the New World and Africa. I think this should be similar to when the developed alien civilization saw the backward earth. It is self-evident what they will do." Xingye folded her hands on her chest and leaned her back on the back of the chair to glance at the crowd.

"Indeed, I don't deny that some aliens do have various purposes for the earth. But I always think that this universe is not a cold dark forest, and there must be friends who can talk to each other!" Hori's tone was very strong To be sure, there is one sentence that Hori did not say: "If this is really the case, then it is really too sad."

"I don't deny your point of view, but the purpose of HUNTER will not change. To destroy and capture all alien life forms lurking on the earth with the safety of human beings and the earth first. This point was passed at the general staff meeting, unless it is the general staff Or the director's order, otherwise this point will not change. I will leave first." Seeing that the words were not speculative, Xingye got up and left.

"I'll go and have a look!" Dagu ran out without waiting for the others to stand up and leave a word.

Follow the starry night to the viewing platform of the base, and the base has established such viewing platforms in many places. Its purpose is to allow base personnel who have been closed all the time to come out here to take a breath and look at the scenery of the sea outside, so as to relieve the body and mind, which is more conducive to work.

"Although it's very abrupt to say this, I can feel that you are not such a person, why don't you tell everyone clearly?" Dagu walked to Xingye's side and also leaned on the railing and turned his head and asked.

"They didn't think about what they can do if they can talk to them if they don't have equal force?" Xingye sneered, watching the seagulls rising and falling on the sea from time to time, gritted his teeth angrily and said, "They haven't seen it at all. How outrageous what those guys have done on Earth!"

Dagu saw that Xingye's hand gripping the railing had burst into veins due to force, and he looked at Xingye who was completely different from the past with some surprise. He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

Xingye looked up sadly, glanced at the clear sky, sighed, let go of the railing, turned and walked into the base.

The door of the command room opened, and Lina saw Dagu walking over with a depressed and puzzled face and asked strangely, "What's wrong with Dagu?"

"That..." Dagu sat down and looked up at everyone, telling everyone about the conversation with Xingye just now, and finally said: "Why did Xingye say that?"

Xincheng sighed slightly with an unnatural expression on his face, while Jujian Hui hesitated to speak.

"I found it," Ye Rui pressed his face hard on the computer for a while and said unhappily, "This is the information about Xingye found in the database."

Everyone turned their attention to the big screen. The most eye-catching thing was a half-length photo of Xingye in a white coat, and beside it were some information about him.

"It's too little!" Hori said dissatisfiedly, there was nothing valuable in the information other than the known things such as name, age, and position. The total adds up to less than five elements.

"No way, my authority can only see so many others are encrypted," Ye Rui rolled his eyes and his voice dropped as if he was afraid that others would hear: "Why don't I hack in, you can see More. Na, na, how?"

"Ye Rui's team member!" Ju Jianhui raised his voice and looked at Ye Rui with a smile, but that smile made Ye Rui feel a bad feeling in his heart: "This afternoon, copy the confidentiality regulations and the rules of the winning team. give it to me!"

"I see." Ye Rui muttered sullenly.

"Dingling—" At this moment, the phone rang, and Xincheng picked up the phone: "This is the victory team, what? Really? I understand!"

Hanging up the phone, Xincheng said: "Someone in the captain saw the alien from last night appearing in the urban area."

"The victorious team is dispatched!"


At this time, on a not very busy street, it is noon, which should be a good time for people to shop, but the people here ran towards the surroundings as if they saw a terrible monster. An alien with a red body and octopus-like tentacles on his shoulders was walking on the street majestically with an old woman on his back. The people around saw him screaming and fled to the side, but saw that the aliens were just walking forward and didn't care about them. People got a little bit more courageous and slowly gathered around to look at the aliens and the horses on their backs. The old lady pointed. Some people hastily took out their cameras and mobile phones to take pictures for future conversations at parties.

"Ah! That's the old woman, isn't she kidnapped by aliens?" Someone in the crowd recognized the old woman and said in surprise.

"Hey!" The Durham car ran out from the crossroads, braked and stopped firmly at the intersection, the door opened, and Xincheng, Dagu and Lina jumped down and pointed their Haipa guns at Raedel.

Raider just wanted to turn around and the Sherlock car rushed out at the intersection behind. Zong Fang and Xincheng got out of the car and held up their guns to block Raider's retreat.

"Don't let go of that old man!" Xincheng yelled at Raeder.

"Is it the old lady's turn this time?" Hori looked at the old lady on his back in surprise.

Raider slowly squatted down and placed the old woman on her back firmly on the ground.

"Do you want to escape? Stop dreaming!" Xingye's voice came from behind the winning team. At the same time, there was a sound of orderly footsteps, and a group of people in black uniforms crossed over the Victory Team and raised their guns at Raedel, and there was a chaotic sound that seemed to be made when the radio failed to receive a signal, coming from an instrument held by a person. Pass it out.

When Raedel heard this sound, he squatted down weakly with his head in his hands as if he had been hit hard.

"Wow! This is an alien, it looks so ugly!" Mayumi poked her head out from behind Xingye and watched Raedel express her opinion.

"Mayumi? Why are you here!" Xincheng looked at his sister in surprise.

"Xingye and I were shopping over there, but we heard someone say that there are aliens here, so we came to have a look!" Mayumi said briefly, glanced up and down, Raedel shook his head and said, "It's really ugly."

"Catch him!" One person waved his hand, and the others were still aiming at Raidel vigilantly. Two of them put away their guns and took out a thick shackle and walked towards Raidel carefully.

"This child is not a bad person!" The 'rescued' old woman hurriedly explained to the crowd, holding Raidel behind her: "Although he is a little irritable, he is not a bad person."

At the same time, the crystal on Raeder's head turned rapidly, and an invisible sound wave passed through the crowd, and a voice also appeared in the minds of everyone present.

"What are you talking about, Lina?" Xincheng asked Lina who was closest to him with some doubts.

"Hey, Dagu, did you say anything?" Lina was also a little surprised and asked Dagu.

"Telepathy?" Xingye said without any surprise, "No, it's a telepathic dialogue!"

"Spiritual dialogue?" Mayumi Xu asked curiously: "What is this?"

"Some civilizations that have entered the universe have evolved after a long period of time. Because the universe is a vacuum, the dialogue between them is very cumbersome and it is difficult for different civilizations to talk to each other. Therefore, I don't know when it appeared. This ability communicates directly through the mind, and there is no need to learn the language of other civilizations. However, not a very advanced civilization with a slightly more advanced evolution has mastered this technology and can artificially mass-produce this ability." Xingye explained.

The Victory Team felt very surprised. On the other hand, HUNTER seemed to be familiar with it. The two were already close to Raidel, but the old woman tried her best to push them away from Raidel. Come big trouble.

"Don't catch him, he's not a bad boy!" The old woman kept saying this.

"He's an alien, so come here quickly, Granny!" Riyo Endo yelled at the old lady.

"He's really not a bad boy, he helped me just now. Can you just listen to him?" the old woman begged.

The five members of the Victory Team had already put down their guns. Xincheng walked over and said with some embarrassment: "Xingye, just listen to what he has to say, it won't waste much time anyway!"

Xingye's right arm was also pulled by Mayumi: "Just listen to Xingye!"

"Yes, yes, but you must wear that. Do you understand?" Xingye pointed at the shackles they were holding.

The crystal on Raeder's head quickly turned a few times, and slowly put down his hands covering his head and stretched them out in front of him. The two skillfully put the shackles on his hands. The shackles made several mechanical rotation sounds, firmly locked his hands, and at the same time turned on a green light.

One of the team members said aloud: "This thing will blow you to pieces if you try to get too far away from us, understand?"

Turning off the instrument that had been making messy sounds made Raeder feel less uncomfortable.

"What is this?" Hori asked, looking at the small and exquisite Yi with bright eyes.

The style in the hands of Ridai Endo is obviously different from any weapon the Victory Team has ever seen. He introduced behind his back: "Because this alien has the ability to teleport, the sound from this instrument will make him feel uncomfortable. Just like us humans, when we hear loud noises, our body functions will be greatly reduced."

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