Ultraman Senki

Chapter 360 The Final Research Results

"Boom!" There was a sound, and gravel and dust 100 meters high flew up from the explosion point. Before the dust fell, the ground shook violently, and the ground at the explosion point suddenly collapsed.

Under the horrified eyes of the quarry workers, a monster with skin very similar to rocks drilled out from under the ground, covered in circles of raised folds like rocks, lumpy and ugly like old tree roots. The six thick fingers are tipped with extremely sharp tapered nails.

The monster came out of the ground, roared angrily, and looked at the miners fleeing in all directions with angry eyes.

"Drip! Drip!" The communicator on the wrists of Mengmeng, who was talking with Dr. Inamori, rang, and when I opened it, it was a message from Dunzi: "There is a monster in Chichibu Mountain, please rush there immediately."

"Is Passel installed?" Heng Mei's eyes lit up when she heard it, and she hurriedly asked the ground base personnel next to her.

"It has been installed."

"let's go!"

I dreamed that a group of people ran out in a hurry. Dr. Inamori watched them leave and lowered his head, his eyes flickering constantly. Finally, he put down the things in his hands and walked out of Geo base.

Just after Dr. Inamori drove away in the vehicle, Xingye came out from the side and looked at Dr. Inamori's vehicle in the distance and sighed slightly: "Dr. Inamori, it is useless for you to do this. It's easy to change, and they've already started to change."

Dr. Inamori's idea is too easy to guess, nothing more than wanting to use the monsters controlled by Passel to attack human cities, so as to let humans know the anger and power of the earth monsters, and then humans will make changes.

Xingye really didn't know what to say to this naive and naive idea. The last time Xingye added the natural power of the heavens, it only made some people start to pay attention to it, and the governments of various countries have indeed begun to increase their attention to the environment on the bright side. The strength of protection, but a large part of it is because of Nexus, and there are still very few humans who truly realize that humans need to change.

Starry Night never thought that it could change human beings' long-term thinking and concepts all at once, and it might even be possible that in the future, even if the Destroyer is defeated, human thinking still cannot be completely changed. This is a long-term process that cannot be accomplished overnight. All Xingye can do is to speed up this progress as much as possible, so that human beings can realize this earlier.

I dreamed that when a group of people drove a fighter plane to the place where the monster was, they saw that monster violently destroying everything around it. The excavator squashed it flat, and the conveyor belt slapped it apart... The entire quarry has been destroyed by it, and it can't see the previous appearance at all.

I Meng drove the EX machine and immediately found out the place where the monster's nerves gathered based on the monster data collected by the ground base and the results of the aircraft scan, and then passed it to Heng Mie.

"Let you taste the power, launch!" Following Hengmei's voice, the belly of the GT fighter was opened, and a missile whizzed and hit the wrinkled depression on the monster's forehead.

Before the monster could react, the Seagull team had already activated Pacell under the command of Tong Hou from the ground Geo base: "Pacell, activate!"

A delicate instrument hit on the monster's forehead suddenly lit up, and the irritable monster suddenly stopped moving, and fell straight down, hitting the ground and splashing a circle of dust.


"It's amazing!"

Everyone in the command room of the sky base looked at the motionless monster on the screen with surprise and joy, and were amazed. In the past battles with monsters, every time I tried my best, I failed to cause any damage to the monsters, but this time the monsters fell down in just a few seconds.

Commander Shishi said happily: "The rest will be left to the ground base."

In the past, the serious staff of Chiba was also smiling. Now the Defense Force urgently needs something that can defeat monsters. In the past, people regarded Ultraman as the savior, but after three battles between Ultraman, the Defense Force realized Even Ultraman has a mind of his own.

And Nexus once indulged the heavens and warned mankind, which was regarded as a great shame by the defense forces. I feel that the earth is the earth of human beings, what qualifications does an Ultraman of unknown origin have to teach human beings. At that time, the Defense Forces began to vigorously develop various weapons that could win, and Passel was one of the products.

The commander of the defense force held the phone and listened to the report from the other side: "Really? Passel has succeeded. Very good, tell Reize that there is no need to worry, let's start acting."


Dr. Inamori drove the car out of the Gio base and followed a car. Dr. Inamori soon found out that the stalker was blatantly following because he had no intention of hiding at all. behind.

Dr. Inamori parked the car on the side of the road and opened the door to wait for the other party. The car stopped immediately. Reiko got out of the car and walked over with some restraint.

Dr. Inamori looked at Reiko and said lightly, "Do you have anything to do?"

Reiko hurriedly handed over a business card: "I am a reporter from KCB, and I have some personal questions for you."

"Personal question?"

"I want to find Mr. Hiroya Fujimiya," Reiko said her purpose: "I did some research beforehand, so you might know where he is?"

Dr. Inamori looked at the distant sky with some disappointment: "So he has a friend like you."

Reiko hurriedly explained: "No, I just met him a few times, and it was just a coincidence."

Dr. Inamori turned his head to stare at Reiko, making Reiko lower her head in embarrassment.

Dr. Inamori suddenly asked, "Are you attracted to him?"


"If you can still see him, please tell him so that he can have a good look at my final research results." After speaking, Dr. Inamori turned and got into the car, and left here quickly, leaving Reiko at a loss stand there.

Dr. Inamori thought while driving the vehicle, "I have nothing to worry about, and now this is the only thing I can do."

Xingye sat in the isolation room of the research room of the ground base, and the computer screen showed the picture of four large helicopters on the ground base preparing to lift the monster.

With the help of the personnel on the ground, the criss-crossing steel cables firmly tied the monster to the hoisting frames of four large helicopters.

Outside the room where Starry Night was located in the ground base, more than forty heavily armed soldiers quietly walked into the research room and surrounded the room. Lai Ze stood at the back and watched the room in front of him.

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