Ultraman Senki

Chapter 359 Passel

And this made the defense force completely unable to sit still. If monsters could become the combat power of human beings, and so many monsters on the earth were all controlled by human beings, then human beings would no longer be afraid of shattering and attracting bodies.

The high-level defense forces have already begun to imagine a very beautiful scene: the body of disillusionment came to the earth to show its teeth and claws, and clamored extremely arrogantly for human beings to surrender quickly, while they smiled and raised their hands to release hundreds of monsters. To be a human being, to trample on the disillusioned body that I was so afraid of in the past.

For this reason, the Defense Force specially dispatched a group of officials to investigate the practicability of Passel, and everyone looked at Dr. Inamori with eager eyes.

A three-star general sitting in the second seat said, "Dr. Inamori, please introduce Passel."

Wearing a white coat, Dr. Inamori nodded slowly: "Based on the monster data saved by GUARD, Pacell uses machine translation language to exert influence on the behavior of monsters."

An officer asked impatiently. "Is it possible to achieve the action of controlling the monster?"

Dr. Inamori shook his head slowly, and said calmly: "Not yet, now Passer has just written a program to suppress the fighting instinct of monsters. And the purpose of Passer is to avoid the damage caused by monsters to humans. damage, rather than controlling the behavior of the monster itself."

The leading general raised his eyes and glanced at Dr. Inamori: "Dr. Inamori, what we need now is not only to avoid the damage caused by monsters, but also to be able to control these monsters as a weapon for us humans to resist destruction."

Dr. Inamori didn't reply after hearing the words, but just silently looked at Passel on the table without answering.

As night fell, Dr. Inamori came outside the base and walked to a small white grave not far away. The cross on it had fallen to the ground.

"Fujimiya, I now understand what you want to do. The behavior of human beings is indeed a cancer to the earth." Dr. Inamori squatted down and slowly straightened the cross: "But please wait After a while, human beings will realize the mistakes they have made and reflect on the mistakes they have made.”

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from behind Dr. Inamori: "Human beings will never repent, they will only go further and further down the wrong path."

Dr. Inamori hurriedly turned his head and looked at Fujimiya in surprise: "Fujimiya, you are here."

Fujimiya stepped forward and looked at the small grave in front of him: "Lily, it may be God's will that it rested so quickly, and it will return to the embrace of the earth as soon as possible so that it doesn't need to face this cruel world."

Dr. Inamori looked at Fujimiya and said earnestly: "Fujimiya, let me try to see if it is possible to change the will and concept of human beings."

Fujimiya said coldly: "It's useless, that guy has already tried it, he wants to use the power of nature and himself to intimidate human beings to force changes, but what? Humans continue to develop their own military strength, trying to Use powerful power to cover up your guilty conscience. Human beings have long been hopeless, and there is no hope of salvation at all."

Dr. Inamori's eyes dimmed: "Fujimiya, you were so gentle back then, and you felt pity for such a tiny life as Lily, why didn't you want to give human beings another chance?"

Fujimiya suddenly turned around and looked at Dr. Inamori expressionlessly: "The earth has given humans too many opportunities, but humans have not changed at all. Now the earth has given me a powerful force to eliminate the earth. tumor."

After Fujimiya finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards Geo Base, and he looked like he was going to break through the level by force.

Dr. Inamori grabbed Fujimiya: "What are you going to do, Fujimiya?"

Fujimiya stopped in his footsteps and his tone was extremely flat, but the content was cruel: "Of course it is to destroy this place."

"Do you think you can do it?" Xingye slowly walked out of the darkness, his lowered right hand was already clenched tightly to the evolution trustee.

Fujimiya looked at Xingye with cold eyes: "You are still holding on to boring hopes and doing unnecessary struggles."

Xingye looked at Fujimiya with a flat tone: "If you want to destroy human beings, you have to pass my level first, and next time you won't just teach you a lesson."

Fujimiya took a deep look at Xingye: "I will definitely save the earth, no matter what means I use."

Under the gaze of Dr. Inamori, Fujinomiya disappeared into the night and then a dazzling blue streamer shot straight into the sky.

Dr. Inamori stared at the blue streamer until it completely disappeared, and murmured to himself: "Fujimiya, just watch, I will definitely change the concept of human beings, so please stop your actions , do not become the enemy of all mankind."

Xingye walked over and looked directly at Dr. Inamori: "Why did you hand over Passel to Fujimiya?"

Dr. Inamori lowered his head and walked towards the base and said, "Because what Fujimiya did was not wrong, human beings really need to reflect, otherwise everything will be too late."

Dr. Inamori returned to his laboratory, watched Passer sit for a long time, quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands and began to input a series of programs, and the light from the computer screen shone on Dr. Inamori's determined face.

Dr. Inamori thought firmly: "I can only do this. Only in this way can human beings realize their mistakes. Only in this way can Fujimiya be pulled back."

In a few days, Dr. Inamori reported his Pacell system to the sky base, and asked them to conduct actual experiments. After the usable finished product appeared, the sky base sent Hengmei, Gameng and the seagull team to the ground base for the actual experiment. investigation.

My dream group walked into the laboratory, and my dream immediately walked over in surprise: "Dr. Inamori, why is it you?"

"I Meng, long time no see." Inamori smiled and nodded at my dream.

"I really didn't expect that you, the doctor, are in charge of Passel."

Dr. Inamori smiled and nodded: "This time, I would like to ask you to conduct an actual test. Although it can suppress the behavior of monsters in theory, it is only a theory after all. There is still a certain gap between practical application and theory."

"Don't worry," Heng Mei walked over and said confidently, "Leave everything to me."

And in a quarry on the outskirts of the city, workers are working in full swing. The emerald green mountains are cut off here to reveal pale rocks, which are as ugly as the scars on the earth.

The loudspeaker in the quarry sounded: "Everyone retreat, prepare to blast!" Everyone stayed away from the explosion point, waiting for the rocks to be blasted before continuing to dig.

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