Chapter 26 The Legend of the Urban Devil

"This is already the fifth missing incident this month!" Xincheng said looking at the information in his hand.

"Yeah!" Ye Rui nodded and tapped a few times on the computer to introduce: "This is the missing place. There have been 16 people missing since two months ago. Most of the places are in small alleys at night. You can only check the surveillance in small alleys. In other words, all the missing people were lost in the alleys. And after investigating the scene, it was found that there was a kind of mucus in common except for the blood stains. After inspection, these The mucus is 95% water and has an ethanol reaction detected."

"Aren't those missing people drunk? Maybe it's their vomit!" Xincheng guessed.

"But I just tested that there is still gasoline in it, those people must not have drunk gasoline!" Hori did not agree with this statement.

"Hasn't the police department already taken over and started the investigation?" Dagu asked puzzled.

"Five police officers involved in the investigation were missing last night, and they disappeared in different places." Ju Jianhui looked up at the team members and said, "The director has asked the victory team to participate in the investigation and find out the truth as soon as possible."

"Yaoxi," Xincheng said eagerly, "I'm going to be moldy here, it's time to go out."

"Then can't you help me? I have been studying for several days to study the weapons against Impreza." Hori was very dissatisfied with the leisure of the new city.

"Is there any result about this?" Zong Fang asked with concern.

Horei sighed in disappointment, his face full of reconciliation: "No, it's too difficult to be able to satisfy a weapon with great power and a small explosion range. These two points are fundamentally contradictory. A powerful explosion range It is also too large and the power in a small range is not enough to blow up that robot. Unless there is a major breakthrough, there will be no results in a short period of time."

"How's the situation of the new fighter? Are you proficient?" Ju Jianhui asked with concern.

"No problem, the cockpits of Feiyan EX and Feiyan II are almost completely mastered now." Dagu raised his head and said confidently.

"I am completely familiar with the high-speed mode of the Phoenix, and I can attack at any time." Lina said very proudly, but she also has the capital to be proud. Compared with other test pilots, she has completed the transition from normal mode to High-speed mode shift.

The speed of Phoenix's normal mode is only maintained at Mach 10, and it can be mastered as long as you practice hard, but the high-speed mode is at Mach 30. In addition to your hard work, you need a lot of talent to master this. Except for Starry Night, Lina is the only person who flies Phoenix in high-speed mode for a long time.

"Yeah!" Jun Jianhui nodded with satisfaction. The combat effectiveness of the Victory Team has increased a lot compared to before, and it is able to deal with more emergencies.

"What's the matter so happy?" When Xingye walked in carrying the silver-white box, what he saw was that all the members of the Victory Team were in a state of excitement.

"Come on, let's take a look at the new equipment of the Victory Team." Xingye put the box in his hand on the table and opened it, revealing a silver-white gun and several pieces of special ammunition inside.

"This is the latest laser gun. It has been upgraded on the basis of the Shengli Haipa gun and replaced with the latest magnetic acceleration system. The power of 50 rounds in a single magazine has doubled compared to before, and special ammunition can also be replaced. "Xingye said, picking up several magazines marked with different colors in the box: "These special ammunition has only one bullet in each magazine, but they are very powerful. The ammunition marked in red is a flame bomb with The power to blow up a building in one shot, and the ice blue one is the freezing bomb that can easily freeze the monsters."

"It's amazing!" Dagu carefully picked up the two ammunition and looked at the small ammunition, which was twice the size of his thumb. It was really unbelievable that there was explosive energy in it.

"Has the research institute started large-scale development of powerful lethal weapons?" Ju Jianhui asked with some concern.

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded: "Now we don't have a single weapon that can deal with Impreza, maybe there will be more powerful enemies in the future. Humans now need powerful weapons to defend their own earth. Passed a resolution authorizing the Weapons Research Institute to convert stockpile technology and useful alien technology into usable weapons to deal with the crisis on Earth."

Ju Jianhui pursed her lips for a long time, as if asking Xingye or herself, and muttered to herself: "Can powerful weapons be able to protect human beings?"

No one has answered this question, a powerful weapon is a double-edged sword that can hurt others as well as yourself. It has happened many times in human history to be destroyed by the weapons we made.

Xingye lay on the railing of the balcony, staring at the distant sea in a daze, and kept repeating Captain Jianhui's words in his mind: "Can powerful weapons be able to protect human beings?"

"What's the matter? It doesn't seem very happy!" Dagu came over and asked with concern.

"It's nothing but a feeling. The research department is responsible for researching new technologies, but a large part of these technologies will be transformed into various weapons in the future. Our weapons will become more and more powerful, but it is humans who manipulate these weapons. If humans don't If you keep up with the pace of weapons, then these weapons will become the biggest obstacle to the development of human beings.” Xingye looked at the sea and said lightly: “Humans’ hearts that keep making progress, are not afraid of challenges, and are always full of hope are the most powerful and human beings. The guarantee of survival has been guaranteed, but now everyone has begun to rely on powerful weapons, but relying on the strength of external force will disappear into the universe one day. The universe has a history of tens of billions of years, and countless advanced civilizations have been born. In the end they were all washed away by the long river of time."

Seeing the inconceivable look on Dagu's face, Xingye sneered and said, "Do you think it's ridiculous that the Weapons Research Institute is under my jurisdiction, but I'm talking about my heart here."

"No, I didn't mean that." Dagu waved his hands in a panic.

"Weapons can only protect oneself from external aggression but cannot prevent self-destruction. Only the human heart can keep human beings alive." Xingye turned over and lay on the railing looking at the blue sky: "I can What it does is to use powerful weapons to protect human beings from perishing under external aggression."

"I believe that human beings will never let their hearts get lost. Human beings are by no means so fragile." Dagu's rarely serious tone was very firm.

Xingye looked straight at Dagu and asked, "Dagu, what do you think of Ultraman? Why did it appear?"

Dagu glanced to the side with an unnatural expression, and finally lay on the railing and looked at the sea: "I don't think Ultraman is the enemy of human beings, he should be here to help human beings! I don't know why it appeared , Yes, why did it appear?" Dagu said, touching his left chest with his right hand, his eyes were very confused.

"If one day all human beings from all over the world come to oppose Ultraman's actions, do you think Ultraman will still fight for human beings?" Xingye looked up at the sky and said with a little sigh.

"How is it possible, why do human beings oppose Ultraman's actions?" Dagu smiled very reluctantly.

"What would Ultraman do if one day?" Xingye was also a little confused when he said this, patted Dagu on the shoulder and walked in.

Dagu turned his head and watched Xingye's figure disappearing at the corner of the corridor. His eyes were cloudy and sunny, and he stroked the magic light stick inside his clothes with his right hand: "Why did you choose me? What should I do if there is such a day?" Do?"

The urban traffic at night has decreased by nearly half, and there is an urban legend circulating in the whole city: "At night, demons will appear in dark corners and drag the lonely people into the bottomless abyss." ..." There are several similar legends, but without exception, there are dark corners and man-eating monsters. TPC's police department has routinely sent investigators to invest in the investigation, but five police officers yesterday After the bureau personnel disappeared, the severity of the incident escalated, and even the elite victory team was also involved in the investigation. And the police department has invested ten times more troops in the investigation, which is bound to reveal the truth of this investigation.

"Dagu, are those legends true?" Xincheng asked while driving Sherlock on the quiet road. The traffic on the road was very sparse. Most people were already afraid of the legends and began to reduce their night outings. .

"After all, the legend should be exaggerated, but the citizens seem to be very scared." Dagu looked at the shops on the side of the road and said worriedly. Many shops that were supposed to be open 24 hours a day were closed, and the street seemed particularly deserted. depression.

"Help! Help me!" Just as the two were chatting and patrolling, a heart-piercing shout suddenly came from the front.


"Understood!" Xincheng accelerated the Sherlock car quickly to the sound and made an emergency stop. When the two opened the car door, they had already taken out the Victory Hypa Gun II and walked towards the alley vigilantly.

As soon as they reached the entrance of the alley, they heard a mess of footsteps, and the two immediately raised their pistols and pointed them inside. Turning on the light on the helmet, I found a man in police uniform with a frightened expression on his face, stumbling and running out as if there was something terrifying chasing him behind him.

"What's wrong?" Dagu immediately stepped forward to support him and asked.

"Monster, there are monsters!" The man's tone changed with fright, pointing at the dark alley with a trembling right hand.

Xincheng walked lightly and cautiously towards the inside, his boots stepped on the sewage pit and splashed a splash of water.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh!" A very strange cry and the sound of something wriggling on the ground came, Xincheng immediately stopped and squatted down to aim at the front, and Dagu also raised his gun to aim.

Finally, the sound was getting closer and closer, and the squirming sound became extremely loud in the quiet alley, and a tentacle-like thing protruded from the corner of the alley.

(Thanks to book friend Pindaoshen for the reward)

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