Chapter 25 Armament

Max Power System has already completed the theory and design of miniaturization, but there are problems in the final production. There is no material that can withstand the impact of ultra-high-speed particles and is very thin. Many experiments have failed, and the last one almost caused an accident. The high-speed particles almost shot through the particle collider. If the experiment hadn't been stopped quickly, I'm afraid...

For this reason, Director Sawai has already issued an order to prohibit the miniaturization of the Max system collision experiment before finding suitable materials. There is no way but to find out the previous design drawings and redesign and redesign Feiyan-2. Large-scale modification. All the things on the Phoenix except the power system were added to the Feiyan EX, and the latest achievement of the high-energy particle cannon was installed on it. It can be said that the firepower of Feiyan EX has reached more than ten times that of Feiyan II.

"Look, this is your fighter!" Xingye picked up the document on the table and handed it to Dagu.

"It's amazing." Dagu looked at the performance data of Feiyan EX in his hand, and was stunned. The maximum speed reached Mach 9. The weapon system, in addition to the necessary high-power laser cannon, spike missile and high-energy particle cannon, is simply a mobile munition. The library can also be equipped with other weapons at any time to meet different combat situations.

"D3 hangar is open, Feiyan EX is ready to go!"

The sound of the broadcast pulled Dagu back from his trance, and he cast his eyes on the Feiyan EX that was about to take off. The take-off door was slowly opened and the tail of the Feiyan EX spewed out a burst of air, and flew up into the sky smoothly. It took only a few seconds. It has already broken through the sound barrier and accelerated to the maximum speed of Mach 9 in just half a minute.

"The maximum speed has been reached, and the body is stable!"


The reports of the monitoring data all met the expected performance, and the test flight was carried out for an hour to test all the performances and conduct weapon experiments.

Feiyan EX slowly flew into the base, and was dragged by the trailer and crawlers, and was transported back to the D3 hangar. The ground crew hurriedly inspected it after the flight, while Xingye and the others monitored the aircraft for a long time. After the flight, aircraft systems and various parts of the airframe malfunctioned.

"It's finally over." Lina took off the helmet and rubbed her sore eyes.

"Thank you!" Dagu diligently handed over a bottle of water, and Lina gave you a sensible look approvingly.

The three entered the command room, and the rest of the victory team was sitting leisurely, with nothing to do.

"You guys are so leisurely, I'm almost exhausted." Lina complained and looked at the victory team.

"What's wrong?" Xincheng asked casually without sincerity, his eyes still on the magazine in his hand.

"It's a new plane. The Victory Team's new fighter plane has completed its final test flight. Now it is transporting the supporting weapons to the base. You can switch to the new fighter plane in just two days." Xing Ye raised his eyebrows. The information in hand said.

"But it takes time to become familiar with new fighters, so it's a bit hasty to change fighters like this." Zong Fang was a little worried.

"No problem. The cockpit and driving system of Feiyan EX are no different from Feiyan 2. You just need to familiarize yourself with it and you can get started soon." Lina, the test pilot, said confidently.

"Feiyan EX is a combination fighter that can be divided into two parts during combat, so two pilots are needed to control it." Xingye said while sending the schematic diagram of Feiyan EX to the big screen.

"The Phoenix will also be added to the Victory Team's equipment to chase down super-fast enemies, but at present, only the Lina team can pilot it, so you have to train to fly this super-fast fighter. As for the Feiyan-1 and Feiyan-1 Feiyan-2 will be retired and become a training machine for the reserve team, you can also guide the younger generation if you have time."

The phrase "reserve?" surprised the winning team a bit.

"Well, you haven't forgotten the original purpose of the Victory Team!" Xingye looked at Ju Jianhui.

"Well, I specialize in the investigation of anomalous phenomena and the negotiation of extraterrestrial creatures. Now the investigation of anomalous phenomena has been handed over to the police department, and the negotiation of extraterrestrial creatures has been taken care of by hunters. Now the victory team only has to fight monsters." This mission is over." Jujian Hui said with emotion.

"That's right, the Victory Team was not established to fight these vicious monsters. Not to mention, you and Zongfang's vice-captain can take up high-level positions, while Lina and Xincheng are graduates of the elite military academy and can command the troops alone. Xincheng is a top scientist in the research institute, Ye Rui is a computer genius, and Dagu is also very accomplished in biology." Xingye's words silenced the victory team. This is an indisputable fact. It's a trivial matter for the elite of the elite to let them out to overthrow a few burly men.

"So it's a waste to let elites like you fight against monsters, and as you grow older, you will always be unable to do this job, so it is necessary to set up a reserve force." Xingye smiled and said of course There is another heavy reason that I didn't say but everyone understands and has this awareness.

"Everyone has seen the power of that robot Impreza last time." Xingye glanced at the crowd and everyone's expression was very heavy.

Ye Rui called up the video of the last battle. Although they had already seen it, they still had an unbelievable feeling when they saw the two Ultramen disappearing one after another in the video.

"Inpreza? Is that the robot's name?" Hori raised his head and thought for a while, "That's a good name!"

"The armor on that guy is unprecedentedly strong. Even the spike missile can only cause him a little damage. Moreover, he is equipped with anti-gravity system, nano-repair system, missile tracking system, particle cannon, etc. It can be said that he is armed to the teeth. In the universe, it is called the unparalleled iron god, a pure war machine, just a robot can already destroy a civilization." Xingye showed a trace of resentment and fear on his face.

"Indeed, if there is no Ultraman, we can't stop that robot at all with our strength." Zong Fang hammered the table with both fists bitterly.

"The robot is not dead yet. Although it was blown into pieces, it finally aggregated into several large pieces and flew back to the sky. I'm afraid it was recovered and repaired. Once it is repaired, it will come to the earth again. We want to Just be prepared." Xingye said and couldn't help sighing here, that guy is really too difficult to deal with: "If you want to completely destroy him, you can only blow it up completely without leaving a trace of debris, but the current human weapons ..." Xingye shook his head involuntarily.

"We don't have a single weapon that can do this. At present, the most powerful weapon for human beings is the nuclear bomb but..." Hori pursed his lips and did not continue. That kind of thing cannot be used on the earth at all.

"I calculated that in order to break the armor on Impreza and completely blow him up, once such a large-yield hydrogen bomb explodes on the earth, it will destroy one-tenth of the earth." Ye Rui saw the calculation The data said bitterly.

"That means we have nothing to do unless the other party is in the universe." Ju Jianhui's words made the entire command room completely silent.

"It's useless to say these things now. Making weapons that can destroy Impreza is something our scientists consider. The most important thing for you is to get familiar with the new fighters before this, and form combat power as soon as possible." Xing Ye He said to everyone: "Work hard these two days and get familiar with the new fighter as soon as possible."

"En!" Everyone nodded vigorously.

"I'm going to the lab right now and I won't come out until I find out a way to eliminate Impreza." After finishing speaking firmly, Hori thought about going out the door to see how energetic he is, and probably won't sleep tonight .

"Then I'll take my leave too." After Xingye finished speaking, she bowed slightly and left the command room.

After returning to the research institute, I passed a scientific research room where dozens of scientific researchers were busy in front of several rows of sophisticated instruments, recording the data one by one on the report in their hands and then hurriedly performing calculations in front of the computer.

Xingye walked into the satellite system control room, where dozens of computers were placed in a room covering hundreds of square meters. Dozens of staff members watched the data of the satellite's operation attentively. The large screen in the center displayed the satellite's current operation situation, orbit data...

"How's the satellite?" Xingye stepped forward and asked concerned.

"The current feedback information is very good. The follow-up satellites and related supporting facilities have been arranged to launch one after another. The energy of the armed satellite in orbit can basically be fully charged. The high-power laser cannon on the satellite can launch an attack in the outer orbit at any time. When the director said this, he showed regret: "However, the high-power laser cannon above can only deal with the aggression from outer space, and it is too easy to be restricted by the weather and environment when attacking the ground. None."

"This plan was originally used to deal with the aggression of outer space. If I replace the laser cannon with a particle cannon, I'm afraid I won't even be able to go to a satellite. Countries will definitely do everything possible to hinder this plan. A group of short-sighted guys," Xingye said with his usual tone Sarcasm: "If you replace the laser cannon with a particle cannon, even if monsters appear on the ground, you can destroy them from outer space. Why do you need manpower? They are afraid that using particle cannons will attack them one day, and they want all countries to abandon their past and unite It will take a long time."

There are always some small alleys in the city at night where you can’t enjoy the prosperity and lights of the city. A drunken office worker walked crookedly in the alley and suddenly felt that his way was blocked, so he wobbled and touched it with his hand. The tentacles feel sticky and slippery. Opening his drunken eyes, he was frightened and woke up, and the drunkenness was instantly forgotten. There was a piercing scream in the alley, followed by a low-pitched sound of swallowing.

For a long time, everything returned to the silent alley, leaving only a purse covered with mucus and a pair of blood-stained leather shoes. You can see the mucus on the side of the road from time to time until it disappears in a sewer.

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