Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2459 Chaos

In the empty void of the universe, one after another, gaseous or solid planets revolve around the central binary star system. This state will continue until the star decays and causes a gravitational imbalance before it will be broken.

But today, the balance that has been maintained for hundreds of millions of years was broken in just a few minutes. Countless 0s and 1s suddenly appeared at the center of these two stars orbiting each other, and quickly condensed into Tentacles like data chains spanned a long distance in an instant, and plunged into the surface layers of these two stars emitting endless light and heat almost at the same time.

The high temperature, which is enough to melt any known metal, has no effect in front of these data links. The data links continue to go deep into the interior of the star, and a large amount of energy is drawn from the interior of the star along these data links. Come out and send it to an unknown place along the data link.

This kind of extraction lasted for about three hours, and the mass of the two stars lost trillions of tons, but for these two stars, this mass was simply insignificant, less than one part in a billion. It really has no effect.

Suddenly, a silver light beam cut through the void of the universe, and in an instant came to the vicinity of these two stars from extremely far away, and cut off the data links one by one like cutting melons and vegetables. It took less than two seconds. , the data links with a number of tens of millions were all cut into two pieces.

The energy inside the star transmitted along the data link emerges from the fracture, diffuses in the void of the universe, and is attracted back to the star by the star's gravitational force. After all the data links are cut off, it appears as if embedded in A hexagram-like magic circle in the cosmic void.

A large number of severed data links were quickly retracted into the magic circle, and before the second attack hit, the magic circle disappeared. For this reason, nearly two-thirds of the data links were discarded, and they had to be killed immediately. disappear.

The second silver light blade flew into the air and disappeared into the dark universe, and then Noah appeared at the place where the hexagram magic circle was just now. The space crack that was forcibly broken has not completely disappeared, and it is easy to pass to find the other end.

However, Noah did not enter it, but raised his hand to repair the space crack, glanced at the binary star system that was not abnormal, and then opened up a space channel and rushed in.

This place is tens of thousands of light-years away from the earth. It was Noah who felt that the magic circle used by the virtual planet Kesia that could span the universe appeared here, and immediately left the nearly completed transformation of Jannay's energy circuit and went here.

What I saw was the scene where the data link of the virtual planet Kesia was crazily absorbing star energy, which made Noah a little anxious, and he had already begun to absorb star energy far inferior to the energy of the World Tree. This shows that the artificial brain Jill If Barris wants to make big news, he needs a lot of energy to affect the real world.

In the interior of the virtual planet Xia, the ability to maintain energy conservation naturally does not require energy replenishment. Physical robots such as Galatron can be dispatched to the real world. A large amount of elements are needed to build Galatron, and then drive it with a huge amount of energy. Galatron will do.

There is no need to go to other universes. The artificial brain Gilbaris definitely does not only absorb the energy of these two stars. In other universes, he must also be absorbing the energy of stars.

After repairing the space crack, Noah immediately moved towards the other end according to the energy breath left by the magic circle. In the blink of an eye, he had already come to another universe, but what he saw was an extremely astonishing scene .

The solid or gaseous planets are still revolving according to their original orbits, but there is no trace of a star in the center of the orbit, and what can be seen is a large cloud of dark red dust, several times larger than the sun. And it is still expanding, almost swallowing up the innermost planet of this star system.

It's just that this cloud of dark red dust may not have the chance to do so, and has lost the pull of gravity, and is flying towards the outside of the star system along the transverse line at an astonishing speed. It's like a rope with a weight attached to the end that is spinning rapidly. The moment the rope is cut, the weight will fly out immediately. Now all the planets in this star system are facing this problem. Where the gravity disappears, All the planets will immediately leave their original orbits and fly out of the star system.

Calculated according to the flight speed of the innermost planet, this star "died" about 20 minutes ago, so only the three inner planets left their original orbits, and the other planets still maintained their original orbits. But without a star, derailment is a matter of time.

Although it is theoretically possible for a planet to de-orbit, it does not actually exist. At the end of the star, it will evolve into a red giant star and swallow all the planets. It will not happen unless the star dies suddenly like this star things at hand.

A whole star was evacuated from the inside, leaving only a little shell on the surface. The lack of internal matter caused a gravitational imbalance, causing the surface shell to collapse into the current large dark red dust cloud, even a slightly larger lump I can't find it at all, and the power of gravity is vividly displayed at this moment.

"Sure enough, the artificial brain Gilbaris is frantically collecting elements and energy. He wants to create a large number of Galatrons to capture the part of the world tree energy owned by Beria. In this case..." Nuo Looking at the large cloud of dark red dust, Ya fell into contemplation, her brain spinning rapidly, summarizing and analyzing the information she had so far.

Judging from the current situation, the artificial brain Gilbaris is probably going to take the initiative to launch an attack. In this case, there is no need to worry that he will use his World Tree energy to drive Galatron. The energy of the World Tree in Cang Lu's hands is not worth the loss.

Then the purpose of the opponent is to create countless ordinary Galatrons and win by virtue of their numerical advantage, but they should also be mixed with a small amount of Galatrons that use World Tree energy to besiege Noah as an elite force.

The artificial brain Gilbaris knows that Noah is powerful, and it is useless to rely on those ordinary Galatrons. Only the Galatron powered by the energy of the world tree is possible, and the artificial brain Gilbaris No need to defeat Noah, just delay Noah.

After thinking about this, Noah didn't look for the data link to absorb the energy of the stars. He immediately raised his arms and crossed them in front of him, and began to gather the energy of his whole body. The wings of time and space behind him glowed with dazzling colorful lights. With Noah's actions, both the rapidly spreading dust clusters and the planets that were rapidly leaving the star system were all fixed.

Even invisible things such as all kinds of rays, dark matter and dark energy stopped, and then Noah's right hand slowly turned counterclockwise. With his movement, the planet quickly returned to its original orbit , the rapidly expanding dust cluster shrinks at the speed of diffusion.

In just ten seconds, the three planets that escaped from their original orbits all returned to their original orbits, and the dust agglomerates that had expanded several times formed a huge sphere with a diameter of two million kilometers and a thickness of It’s only over a hundred kilometers, and the thickness of the bubble wall and the ratio of the bubbles are much, much higher than this.

Then, the colorful light of the Wings of Time and Space diffused, quickly forming space channels one after another inside the huge sphere, and then a large number of elements poured out from the space channels, quickly filling the empty sphere.

Ninety-eight percent of the tens of thousands of space passages gushes out is hydrogen gas, and only 2% of what gushes out is oxygen, carbon, neon, iron and other heavy elements, according to the thickness of this thin shell Element content, deduce the composition of the elements inside the star, and then extract the corresponding elements from the star breeding ground - the nebula.

It's easy to say, but it's not easy to do, especially when the sphere is about to be filled, the update becomes more and more careful, the accumulation of mass makes the internal gravitational force also increase synchronously, and the huge pressure makes the core part produce super high temperature.

In seven hours, the pressure and temperature inside the sphere broke through a critical point, which finally triggered a fusion reaction. Like dominoes, the energy generated by this fusion spread, causing nuclear fusion to erupt in other regions, and finally the sphere burned blazingly. The flames radiate endless light and heat.

In the twenty-third hour after Noah arrived in this star system, the light emitted from this newborn star projected onto the farthest planet, and Noah finally lifted the blockade of the surrounding space, one by one remained still. The planets immediately continued to rotate along their respective orbits, and various cosmic rays and dark matter also passed through this star system along their respective trajectories, moving towards further places, and everything finally returned to normal.

Noah breathed a sigh of relief, took back the dispersed power of time and space into the wings of time and space, and then built a space channel again, and returned directly to the earth. Since the artificial brain Gilbaris has collected a large amount of energy and various elements Ready to take the initiative to attack, then Noah simply waited on the sidelines and waited for the army of the artificial brain Gilbaris. In the virtual planet Xia, it was the home field of the artificial brain Gilbaris, but in the real world it was Noah's home field.

But only Noah knows all this, Zhu Xingzhen and Hongkai don’t know anything about it, Asakura Riku, Toba Raiha, Aizaki Moeya and Pejia are shopping in Okinawa. He didn't want to come, but was dragged by Asakura Lusheng. Otherwise, if it was only him, Laiye and Mengya, the atmosphere would be even more awkward.

While walking, Peijia carefully looked at the trio on the right. Although the four of them were walking together, Peijia deeply felt that she was the most redundant one. The device worn on the chest changed the light and set a new image. He looks like a human being, and he was able to go shopping with Asakura Lu and the others in such an upright manner. It was originally something to be happy about, but now Peggy thinks it's better not to have this device, so that he doesn't have to be forcibly pulled out by Xiaolu as a Bulb.

Asakura Riku's heart was beating unconvincingly, and he looked straight ahead. He couldn't afford to provoke Aizaki Moya and Toba Raiha who were walking left and right, so even if Peggy was reluctant, he had to take him Pulling in, I'm afraid that there will be a "choose me or him" proposition on the street. Although I don't know if Peggy's presence is effective, it's better than nothing. Asakura Lu would rather fight monsters than do this. It's not correct. The answer to the proposition.

The four of them walked on the road with their own thoughts. They have walked for three streets, but they didn't buy anything, and they didn't intend to stop. There was a kind of rivalry between you and me.

The invisible low pressure made Chao Canglu and Peijia dare not vent their atmosphere, fearing that it would break the atmosphere, and then they would answer the questions on the spot.

Just when the aura exuded by the two girls on the left and right became stronger and stronger, and the air pressure became lower and lower due to their attacks on each other, a sudden change occurred in the blue sky. 1. It was not very conspicuous at the beginning, but as time passed, the number of these two numbers became more and more numerous. When they were gathered together, they had turned into an emerald-colored cloud hundreds of meters wide. Mountain.

Immediately, a large amount of data changed rapidly, and countless 0s and 1s gathered together to form data chains that squirmed and criss-crossed. In the blink of an eye, a hexagram magic circle was formed, and the inner and outer rings were slowly dislocated. Turning, there are a lot of unknown symbols swimming in the middle, which looks extraordinarily beautiful.

The magic circle with a diameter of more than 500 meters hangs in the mid-air, glowing with emerald light. It looks extraordinarily gorgeous, but it is also extremely conspicuous. You can see this huge magic circle when you look up. Many people and cars stopped involuntarily, looking at the magic circle suspended less than a hundred meters from the ground in amazement.

Especially for the few people standing on the top of tall buildings, the magic circle is clearly visible, making people feel like they can touch it with their hands, but no one dares to touch this unknown thing. The impact of frequent monsters is that people turn around I ran downstairs, fearing that if I was later, I would be buried in the building.

Panic spread like a plague, and the crowd around screamed and ran away from the magic circle, even leaving the car behind. Life is more important than things outside of the body.

Surrounded by fleeing crowds, Zhao Canglu and the others standing in place looked very strange. Zhao Canglu stared at the huge magic circle in the sky, and whispered: "This is... Gala Tron?"

He had seen a magic circle like this on the Helios, and a series of robots named Galatron emerged from such a magic circle. If so... Asakura Riku stretched his hand into his arms In the middle, he held the ultimate sublimator, and after a moment of hesitation, Zhao Canglu pulled out the fusion sublimator, thinking silently in his heart: "Father, I will use the power you have given me to do what I should do , This is also your wish when you gave me your power."

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