Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2458

Hong Kai also clicked his tongue when he heard the words, his brows were almost wrinkled together, and he said very distressed: "Senior Xingye, if you say that, I don't think I can help you much, Galatron is already difficult enough Alright, with World Tree's Galatron, I guess I can't break through the defense."

"When I was in the universe to rescue the Ultimate Zero Guard, which was besieged by the Beria Legion, I encountered 20 Galatron MK1s, and slaughtered a large number of Galatrons with ease, just like trampling ants to death Relax." Zhu Xingzhen said with a serious expression, that Galatron MK1 is already so powerful, and with the World Tree energy, who knows how it will be enhanced, not to mention there are upgraded models, I'm afraid I can't break the defense.

"Don't worry," Xingye hurriedly comforted: "Don't treat the World Tree energy as omnipotent. It's actually just a special kind of energy, but it can suppress low-level energies. It should be said that only the World Tree energy can Deal with the World Tree energy, so as long as you use the same level of energy, those Galatrons are nothing to be afraid of."

Zhu Xingzhen's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and immediately sat up from the recliner, and said excitedly: "Do you have a solution?" After saying this, he remembered that Xingye said before that he has Saiga's miraculous power must be at the same level as the energy of the World Tree.

Thinking of this, Zhu Xing really said nervously: "Which one are you talking about?"

"Of course it's a miracle. The power of the rules is much stronger than the pure energy of the World Tree. It can't be discussed in terms of pure energy." On the one hand, he also wanted to experience the incomparable power of Saiyan again, but on the other hand, he was a little worried.

"What about me, what about me." Hong Kai hurriedly pointed to himself and asked, "What power can I use that is at the same level as World Tree energy?"

"Your Uub Holy Sword and the four-element gems." As soon as Xingye finished speaking, Hong Kai immediately took out the Uub Holy Sword and carefully looked at the four pieces that had been completely integrated with the round sword plate. Gemstone asked Xingye: "But I didn't feel it at all. When I was fighting the evil Belial, I didn't have any power to fight back."

"That's because your opponents in the past didn't need to use such high-level energy. World Tree energy only appeared once in billions of years, so it's normal not to use this kind of energy." Xingye took Picking up the holy sword of Uub, playing with a sword flower in his hand, he said: "The four gems are the basic elements that make up the universe, and the virtual planet Kesia is actually imitating the universe, so even if your holy sword of Uub is on the virtual planet Kesia The interior is still usable."

"Then what about me?" Zhao Canglu's voice came from behind abruptly, making everyone turn their heads away, and they saw Chao Canglu, who was holding the ultimate sublimation device, climbing the stairs step by step, walking in front of Xingye. He firmly said: "Senior Xingye, I can help too. This ultimate sublimator contains the energy of the World Tree. As long as you learn how to use it, you can definitely help deal with those Galat who use the energy of the World Tree. Long."

"Have you figured it out? Then let's come together." Xingye casually threw the Ubu holy sword back to Hongkai, and quickly clicked a few times on the projection screen with his left hand, saying: "It just so happens that Xingyun Village also has Ultimate Zero Guard The rest of the team are about to enter the orbit of the Helios, let's get together and discuss how to deal with the worst situation."

"Mirror Knight and the others may not be able to deal with Galatron who uses the energy of the World Tree, right?" Zhu Xing was really worried about this, looked up at Xingye, and said in disbelief: "You also have a way? No way! "

Xingye smiled, but that smile made Zhu Xing's heart skip a beat, and he widened his eyes and said in surprise, "You really do!"

"The energy of the World Tree can only be used for a short time, and it is still very limited," Xingye sat down again and explained: "I got more than ten cubes that store the energy of the World Tree from Beria's base. If the principle of the special capsule is modified, it should be able to borrow the energy of the world tree for a short time when the mirror knight and the red lotus flame emit light, which is equivalent to installing an additional battery for them. As for Jambert and Jannay, modify some The energy transmission line for weapon launch can use the World Tree energy."

"It's that simple?" Hong Kai and Zhu Xing really looked at each other. Just now, they felt that the energy of the World Tree was very tall. Why did Xingye explain it like this, and suddenly felt that the energy of the World Tree was just like that, like a bird's nest, shark's fin and abalone? The delicacies of the mountains and seas, it’s just that after eating it, it’s not much better than the taste of vermicelli.

"Everything sounds simple. When you look at it, you will know how complicated the work is. Really, there will be a lot of fights, but no one will modify the spaceship and other simple tasks."

"Uh... this sounds difficult!" Lu Chaokura couldn't help scratching his face, he can repair bicycles, and more complicated motorcycles can only be repaired, not to mention the spaceship, which sounds tall on something.

"Huh?!" Xingye turned his head and stared at Chao Canglu, his eyes made Chao Canglu change his words immediately: "It's very simple, very simple!"

Hong Kai quietly asked: "Simple, can you?"


While talking and laughing, Jambert and Jannay in spaceship form, mirror knight, and red lotus flame entered the orbit of the Helios around the sun. The three spaceships were as close as possible to each other, and the distance between them was only more than ten kilometers.

Xingye informed everyone of her plan by radio, and all the "family members" without combat power, such as Emirana, Mayumi, and Aizaki Moeya, were transferred to the Helios, which did not participate in the battle against the virtual planet Xia. Among the two spaceships, Xingyunzhuang and Xingyunzhuang.

After completing the personnel transfer work, Xingye began to rebuild the power lines of Jambert and Jannay in full swing. It was not to dismantle the original lines, but to re-lay new energy lines from the energy ports of different weapons. In the cube that stores the energy of the world tree, the normal energy and the energy of the world tree can be converted to use when attacking.

It's easy to say, but it's hard to do. It has to be considered that the temporary line can't affect the original facilities and lines, and it can't affect the deformation of Jambert and Janney. After being attacked by external forces, there will be no displacement or pipelines. Deformation, and taking into account that it will not leave scars on the spacecraft after dismantling, is a complicated and troublesome systematic project. If it is not for the powerful computing power of Xiao Zuo, Xingye really needs to draw a wiring diagram before proceeding.

However, with the help of Xiao Zuo, Xingye immediately got started, dismantled Jambert’s circuit boards one by one, laid pipelines of different diameters according to the output power of different weapons, and finally gathered them into the newly added World Tree energy storage compartment In the middle, modify and edit the weapon control program of Jambert, and the transformation is completed, and the rest is to slowly debug.

Although it was easy to say, it took nearly a week to complete the transformation work. Let Zhanbert slowly debug it by himself. Xingye was busy playing with Zhannai again. If it was just a competition of attack power, Jennay beat Zhannai. Burt San Tiao Road, after all, is a robot specially designed for killing, with weapons all over his body, and his attack power was so strong that he was the ultimate Zero Guards team who lacked violent energy.

Because of this, Jannay got the most World Tree energy storage cubes. After all, the whole body is full of weapons, which consumes energy and is of course the most troublesome. It took twelve days just to lay the lines, and later debugging It took three days and half a month to finally complete Jannay's transformation.

During this period, the earth is very peaceful. Although many people are still in fear of hundreds of monsters attacking monsters, social order has returned to normal. The ruins of buildings destroyed by monsters are being cleaned up in an orderly manner, and new buildings are planned. Also put on the agenda.

No matter how hard the blow is, human beings will always be able to cheer up again quickly and continue to move forward. Asakura Riku and the others have also returned to Earth a few times, especially Mayumi and Emilana, almost every day. Going to the earth, shopping, buying clothes, and tasting the delicacies of various countries is a lot of fun. Except for the busy starry night, everyone else has more or less returned to the earth once or twice.

Such a fun game, without any tension before the war, think about it, monsters and so on, you can see and touch them, but the virtual planet Kesia has never seen it before. It is difficult to see it with only descriptions and images. I have personal experience, besides, to defeat the powerful enemy Beria, it is indeed necessary to relax and relax.

And in an unknown universe, countless light lines suddenly appeared, and in an instant, a slow-moving planet was riddled with holes, and then the slow-moving light stopped flowing outwards. They rushed towards the source in unison, and endless energy followed, making this planet quickly become blurred, and it was weakened like yarn in the blink of an eye.

At this time, suddenly a silver-white light hit from afar, and hit the entangled lines composed of countless 0s and 1s fiercely, destroying these lines completely, and then With the movement of light, more lines were destroyed, and a large amount of energy absorbed from the interior of the planet surged out in an instant and dispersed in the void of the universe.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast. In just two or three seconds, thousands of lines were completely wiped out, disappearing without a trace. Then there was another silver energy ring that closed from all directions. Its diameter was only more than ten meters, but it gathered the energy dispersed in hundreds of millions of cubic kilometers, and returned to the planet that was as thin as a veil like a projection. , like filling, making the planet solidify again.

Afterwards, the void of the universe returned to calm again, and there was no more waves rising. I don't know how long this calm lasted. To the vast universe, even tens of thousands of years seemed extremely insignificant.

A strong golden light suddenly appeared near this slow-moving planet. The King of Ultra walked out of the golden light, slowly turned his neck, scanned his surroundings, and finally set his sights on this planet, which is different from other planets. On a very different planet, I carefully felt the remaining energy breath of death.

"Is this...Reggado's protection?" Ultra King whispered uncertainly, there was a hint of Legado's energy fluctuations in the remaining energy breath, but why did such a big change happen? You must know that even the energy fluctuations of Noah and Saiga have not changed much, but only Reggado has undergone such a big change. What happened in the middle?

"But I finally found a clue. There is the energy remnant of the virtual planet Xia here. Did you also find it, Regedo?" The King of Otto disappeared in place after speaking, and embarked on a journey of searching again. At this moment, the vastness of the great universe is vividly revealed, no matter how powerful and sensitive one is, one can only slowly search for this almost endless universe.

I don't know how many universes are separated, and King Ultra's voice can't be transmitted. Xingye has no idea whether King Ultra can find Reggado, so he can only work hard to increase his own combat power to deal with the unknown. When will the virtual planet Xia come?

For now, without Saiga, King of Otto, and Reggado, with Noah's power of time and space, all he can do is to seal the virtual planet Kesia for a period of time. How long it can be sealed is still unknown , after all, a world like the virtual planet Kesia has never been touched before.

Destroying a universe is very difficult. Blowing up a planet or even a galaxy is really nothing. The matter of the shattered planet is still in the universe, unless it directly annihilates matter like the ultimate ray that contains the power of time and space. It really blows up a planet. But even if all the planets in the universe are annihilated, only an empty universe is created, and there is still no damage to the universe itself.

The World Tree taught the four of them how to protect the universe, but did not tell them how to destroy the universe. The only thing known so far is the dimensional energy core that the ancient civilization did not know where to find. Unfortunately, that thing is hard to come by. It has been hundreds of millions of years, whether it is the dimensional energy timer of Beria's Type Zero Zero or the time-space bomb, it is estimated that that piece is left.

And Xingye's idea is to gather all four of their regular powers to imprison the virtual planet Xesia, and then activate the power of the Orb four-element gemstone to disrupt the basic four elements that make up the virtual planet Xesia, so that the host of the virtual planet Xesia will be revealed. , directly destroying the artificial brain Gilbaris, causing the virtual planet Xia to lose its support, and fundamentally collapse. This is the most feasible way Xingye can think of at present. , It is the most time-saving, worry-free and labor-saving to change directly on the server.

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