Ultraman Senki

Chapter 244 Chaos head annihilation battle

Since the two Ultramans wiped out Chaos Gauss and Chaos Nexus, there has been no trace of Chaos's head on the earth for a week, and the earth seems to have entered a rare peace period. Although the heads of Chaos at P87 are still gathering, their scale is shocking.

Not only Chaos's head is preparing for battle, but humans are also actively preparing for it. The massively bred Chaos destructive enzymes have been produced into various weapons, ready to be used against Chaos's head.

At the same time, the latest battle plan has also come out. The Defense Force will jointly launch an attack on the head of Chaos, which is gathered at the P87 point in the universe, with the EYES. The No. S2 engine used by Whirlwind-KS-1, then filled the left and right bodies with Chaos destructive enzymes, and after reaching the point P87 in the universe, launched the left and right bodies to the space channel, in order to completely eliminate the accumulation there. The head of Chaos.

In order to implement this plan as soon as possible, both EYES and the defense force have done their best, and they have contributed people, resources and materials. After gathering the power of the whole world, only one planet has completed the reproduction of Chaos's destructive enzymes. Then it was loaded into the left and right bodies of the Tektronix propulsion machine. The body was filled with a large amount of high-concentration explosives, so that after the explosion, it would be better for Chaos to destroy the enzymes and better fight with Chaos head. Partial contact neutralization.

Captain Hiura and Kazaki's injuries are almost healed, there are still some scars on their bodies, and Musashi has always wanted to contact Gauss, but he couldn't call Gauss anyway.

"Captain, let me drive the Tektronix propulsion machine," Xingye asked Ying to say: "That way, you won't be afraid of any accidents."

Captain Ripu nodded upon hearing this, stepped forward and patted Xingye's shoulder and said, "Be careful!"

"Although I can't become Gauss now, I will do my best to protect the earth." Musashi said firmly.

Seeing the reluctance in everyone's eyes, Xingye couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter, it's not life and death, don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

"When Chaos's head is eliminated, let's celebrate." Feng Chui nodded vigorously.

"Then celebrate my triumphant return!"

"The central airframe check is normal, and the Tektronix is ​​ready to go!" Xingye sat in the driver's seat and quickly checked the operating status of the airframe.

"Allowed to go!"

"The S2 engine starts," Xingye turned on the engine, and a scorching flame burst out from the tail of the Tektronix immediately: "The Tektronix engine starts!"

The huge fuselage of the Tektronix thruster slowly slid on the runway, and as Xingye slowly pulled up the joystick, the Tektronix thruster also slowly rose and flew straight to the blue sky.

After arriving in space outside the earth, I immediately turned off the conventional engine and turned on the plasma engine, and the starlight outside the cockpit of the Tektronix thruster was instantly drawn into lines.

"It must be successful!" Everyone in the command room was praying.

"Can we really end the battle by doing this?" Musashi said a little confused.

"I can understand your feelings, but now we have no other choice but to fight!" Feng Chui patted Musashi on the shoulder.

"Is there really no other way?" Musashi muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" At this moment, a shrill siren sounded suddenly.

"It's not good," the panicked face of Administrator Chishan appeared on the big screen: "All the monsters on the Kaba Islands have escaped from the protective net!"

"What?" Captain Hiura hurriedly said before Musashi said, "Where's the energy protection net?"

"The energy protection net is out of order." Chi Shan manager said anxiously.

"We must not allow monsters to enter human cities!" Captain Hiura said with a stern face: "EYES is dispatched!"


Xingye has been driving the Tektronix propulsion machine at high speed for a long time, and the surroundings can only see countless starlights drawn into strips. Finally reaching the vicinity of P87, Xingye turned off the plasma engine and turned on the normal power engine.

From here, you can already see with the naked eye the huge dazzling semi-circular colorful mask in the distance, slowly turning, there is a colorful river of light connecting the space channel below, incomparably beautiful in the dark cosmic void. conspicuous.

The Tektronix propulsion machine slowly approached the space channel at the point P87 in the universe, set up the autopilot system of the left and right bodies, and then pressed the separation button, and the valves at the connection of the left and right bodies opened immediately, breaking away from the control of the main body in an instant.

According to the predetermined procedure, the engines of the left and right sides of the body turned on and rushed towards the gathering place of Chaos's head, and Chaos's head slowly turned there as if he didn't feel any danger.

"What's wrong with Chaos's head?" Xingye was a little puzzled. According to the wisdom of Chaos's head, he shouldn't be able to detect something bad. He was ready to transform to prevent Chaos's head from destroying the left and right bodies. But now it seems to be useless.

"What's wrong?" Xingye felt as if there was something he hadn't thought of, but he couldn't think of it for a while. Seeing the moment when the left and right mechas rushed into Chaos' head, the high-explosive bombs were detonated instantly, and the left and right mechas were blown into pieces. Fragments, the moment when Chaos's destructive enzyme was released, Chaos' head suddenly disappeared.

Only one distorted space channel was left covered by Chaos' destructive enzyme, and the explosion exploded in an instant before expanding the explosion range, causing the internal collapse to instantly shrink to a point and then disappear without a trace.

"It turns out that the head of Chaos used his body to construct a space channel, which is why the space channel looks so weird. Does this mean that Chaos' head is waiting?" Xing Ye woke up suddenly and finally understood the cause and effect, Kaos The reason why Oss's head stays there is that he has already built a space channel, and he can escape at any time. His purpose is to consume Chaos's destruction enzyme.

"The earth is in danger!" Xingye immediately pulled out the evolution trustee without hesitation, and his body turned into a golden light and flew towards the earth at full speed.

On Earth, not long after the Youth Elite Team set off, a colorful mask suddenly appeared in the sky above the Earth, and it appeared without any warning before.

"Captain, the heads of Chaos were found in the K2 area, and the number is uncountable!" Ayano's unbelievable voice came: "All the heads of Chaos at point P87 of the universe appeared on the earth!"

"Nani!" Captain Ripu couldn't help but widen his eyes in disbelief: "Did Xingye not succeed? What about others?"

"Unable to contact Xingye, Chaos' head has condensed into a solid body!" Ayano looked at the unbelievably huge mass of Chaos's head on the screen in astonishment.

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