Ultraman Senki

Chapter 243 Between Good and Evil

"Ah! Ah!" Chaos Gauss' body was pushed back by the huge impact, and he cried out in pain, his voice soaring into the sky.

"Boom" Chaos Gauss' body exploded in an instant, leaving behind flames all over the sky, and the smoke and dust raised seemed to cover the sky and the sun.

"Boom!" Gauss' body fell heavily to the ground, and the colored timer on his chest almost went out.

"Musashi, please!" After Gauss said this, the colorful timer on his chest flew out with the last light shining, and landed in front of the youth elite team, condensing the figure of Musashi.

After Musashi flew out, Gauss's body suddenly became blurred and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Ultraman Gauss, he..." Shinobu Mizuki looked at Gauss who disappeared in disbelief.

"Musashi, Musashi, cheer up!" Ayano hurriedly went to check on Musashi's situation, but Musashi lay there motionless with his eyes closed.

A golden streamer flashed across the air and rushed towards this side. Mizuki Shinobu and Ayano had just seen the streamer, and it fell down, and the figure of Xingye condensed in front of them.

"What's going on?" Xingye looked at the people lying on the ground, and just after returning to the earth, he felt the disappearance of Gauss's breath and hurriedly flew towards this side.

Mizuki Shinobu briefly explained the matter, and the ambulance plane arrived. The three people who were still intact helped to carry the wounded one by one into the ambulance plane, and the ambulance plane flew towards the base at lightning speed.

The current youth elite team can really be said to have been completely wiped out. Captain Hiura and Kazebuki have been sent to the intensive care unit. The injuries were already very serious and they flew out with the wounded. It can be said that the injuries were added to the injuries. And Musashi was sent to the life support device again, and Doi Heng was still in a coma, he needed a good rest to recover his spirit.

Although Mizuki Shinobu and Ayano were also injured but relatively minor, the two of them insisted on coming to the command room to maintain the operation of the youth elite team.

The Chaos Destroy Enzyme has been completed. The Defense Army lost Queen Hyz and put all their hopes on Chaos Destroy Enzyme. The Sua ancient ore is used for the rapid growth and reproduction of Chaos destructive enzymes, and strives to form large-scale reproduction in the shortest possible time for use in weapons.

The global power is concentrated, and all the detection satellites are concentrated on observing the P87 point, and every slightest change will be recorded for repeated comparison and analysis.

"There is no reaction from Chaos's head on the earth anymore. The last time it should be all Chaos's head." Ayano said with some gratitude.

This is good news, at least there is no need to worry about Chaos's head problem, but Xingye and Mizuki Shinobu have not yet breathed a sigh of relief, but Ayano brought another bad news: "The news from the Universe Observation Center shows that P87 point The heads of Chaos are gathering rapidly, and the scale is far beyond our imagination."

"Have all the heads of Chaos in this universe gathered?" Xingye sighed: "Has the highest alarm on Chaos's head been triggered?"

"Hey, the highest alert? What do you mean?" Mizuki Shinobu asked hurriedly.

"On the moon, the head of Chaos once told their origin. They are artificial life forms made by highly intelligent life, in order to eliminate the hatred and gap between different races on the planet, unify the will of the planet, and restore the planet. In other words, the head of Chaos is actually an existence similar to artificial intelligence."

"artificial intelligence?"

"That's right, the only thing artificial intelligence can understand is the program that the creator gave them at the beginning, and they will only act according to that. Even if they absorb human emotions, they don't understand, what does that mean?" Xing Ye Continued: "It can also be deduced why Chaos's head didn't concentrate a lot of power to eliminate Gauss and me at one time, because our danger level is not that high. After defeating the head entity of Chaos, our The threat level increased so there was Chaos Gauss Luna, and then it continued to increase to Corona, Eclipse."

"Then this time!" Hearing this, Ayano raised her head and her eyes were extremely frightened.

"That's right, the earth of Chaos Gauss, who has eliminated the eclipse form, has been listed as the highest threat, so when Chaos's head comes again, it will be his strongest form." Xingye said with an extremely serious face.

"But he is very pitiful, isn't he?" A weak voice came from the door of the command room, and the three of them turned to look at Musashi leaning on the door and said with pity.

"Musashi, why are you here?" Ayano hurriedly ran over to support Musashi, and carefully helped him onto the stool.

Musashi slowly sat on the stool and raised his head to look at Xingye: "Isn't Chaos's head very pitiful? Isn't it pitiful that he doesn't have his own thoughts and consciousness and just follows the designer's order?"

"There is no good or evil in Chaos' head, and he just acts according to the designed program, which is indeed pitiful." Ayano nodded in agreement.

"But now the head of Chaos has learned anger and hatred from humans, and now he has only malice towards the earth. And when the head of Chaos comes this time, the destruction enzyme of Chaos is likely to be lost. It works." Xingye objected: "If Chaos's head is not knocked down, not only will the earth be destroyed, but more planets in this universe will be destroyed."

"Because he has feelings, can't we communicate and understand each other?" Musashi said earnestly.

"The head of Chaos was originally an artificial life body, and it could only act according to the creator's order. In a sense, the head of Chaos is also a victim. But they have emotions like this, and their purpose is also different. Not to harm other lives, but to establish a better order." Musashi persuaded Xingye patiently.

"Is this the only way to forget so many lives that were killed by Chaos' head?"

"Eliminating Chaos' head is just killing one more life, but if Chaos' head can be prevented from harming other lives, wouldn't there be one more peace-loving life in this universe?"

"Is this Gauss' opinion?" Xingye asked after a moment of silence.

Musashi shook his head, and couldn't help clenching the Stone of Courage hanging around his neck: "Gauss has left me, but I think Gauss must think so too."

"Really? Have you separated again?" Xingye nodded: "Where is Gauss now? Can you still sense it?"

"No," Musashi shook his head dejectedly: "But I believe that Gauss must still be alive, and we must be able to fly again."

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