Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2429 Simulated Battle

Two huge and heavy bodies spun and fell to the ground at the same time, muddy water splashed in all directions, making the two people once again stained with dirty gravel and mud, but who cares about being clean and tidy at this time, the fighting is bright Liangli only exists in movies, whoever is not disheartened in a real fight.

As soon as this side fell to the ground, Jed turned over and sat up straight, stomped the ground with both feet, jumped up immediately, made a backflip in the air, and rode directly on the back of the fallen strong Gomoralant , raised his right arm high and then lowered it forcefully, the sharp claw blade pierced the wings on the back of the strong Gomoralant, followed by '嗤啦! ’ The sound of tearing the cloth sounded, and the claws of Geed pierced the wings of the strong Gomoralant abruptly.

But the strong Gomoralant didn't seem to feel it. His thick tail flicked, and he swung it towards Ged who was riding on him like a whip. The two crimson sharp blades at the end of the tail gleamed under the sunlight. Break through the air and go straight to Gedd.

Ged immediately fell back, raised his legs, and brought them together, kicking the strong Gomoralant's attacking tail, kicking him aside.

Baltangetton on the side has also stood up, the pliers of both arms are opened, and there are two crimson rays of destruction directed at Ged, and Ged quickly rolled on the strong Gomoralant without hesitation. , just started to roll, the strong Gomoralant's broad wings spread out abruptly, and suddenly caught Ged's tumbling body.

It was just such a stagnation that Gedd was unable to avoid the two destructive rays. The strong impact sent Gedd flying out of the strong Gomoralant and rolled into the mud for a while Just stopped.

But Fukui Ideji shook his head in disappointment: "I can't even beat the strong Gomoralant, he's too weak. It seems that I have to fight Leonix."

As Fushii Deji waved his hand, a crimson magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Baltangetton, and then three cosmic beings appeared in the magic circle. The three cosmic beings of different races raised their right hands at the same time, The fusion sublimator held in the palm glowed with a dazzling dark purple light.

The bodies of the three cosmic beings swelled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into three big monsters, King Pangdun, King Airey, and King Gesla. After the three monsters appeared, they immediately strode towards the lying on the ground. Ged ran over, while the strong Gomoralant walked aside and made way.

Zedd, who was lying on the ground, raised his head, staring at the three monsters that were sprinting forward with red eyes. The instinct in his genes made him abandon the strong Gomoralant, and went straight to the ground. Stare at the three monsters.

King Pangdun's two heads opened, spewing out balls of flame one after another and rushing towards Ged. The flame bombs had already arrived before the person arrived. Ged was rolling quickly on the ground full of mud and gravel, and clusters of flame bombs fell on the ground, bursting into pillars of flame, and a large amount of sand was thrown into the sky, as if a fire was set off in an instant. There are sandstorms.

At this moment, Jedd, who had escaped seven or eight flame bombs, stood up, his body was dirty and covered with mud, water and gravel. With a wave of his right arm, a large amount of sand was shaken around and fell to the ground Gedd's claw flew into Gedd's hand immediately, and then Gedd strode forward and ran forward, passing through the gray dust, and came to the front of the three monsters.

The claws of Geed in his hand glowed with a strong dark purple lightning, and he swung towards King Pangdun who was closest to Geed with lightning speed. There was still a ball of flame bombs in King Pangdun's mouth that was about to be released, and the dark purple lightning flashed in front of him. Dodge, and then felt a pain at the connection between the two long necks and the body.

Ged's claws precisely hit the root of Pangdun King's neck, 'Chila! ’ With a sound, King Pangdun’s two heads and neck were cut off abruptly, and he rolled and flew backwards in the air like a fairy stick, but the fairy stick threw steaming blood out. The blood spurted from the two broken neck cavities of King Pangdun was as high as a hundred meters, spilling on the beach like a fountain.

As soon as Zed got the blow, he twisted his waist and turned around. With the strength of his body rotation, his outstretched right arm stabbed towards King Gezilla next to him, as fast as a whirlwind. King Pundun's two heads fell on the beach when Ged's claws pierced King Glass's back until it reached the handle, and the severe pain made King Glass scream in pain.

The moment King Glass's first roar exited, Ged had already clenched his right hand, and quickly pressed the button of Ged's claw twice. A spiral shock wave shining with dark purple light emanated from Geed's claw, raging in King Glass's body.

Wherever it passed, no matter the bones or viscera were turned into powder, in just a second, King Glass exploded, countless pieces of flesh and blood scattered in all directions, and scattered all over Ged's body, covering his head and face. The originally black and red Gedd was dyed green, and the surrounding ground was also covered with flesh and blood fragments, just like a slaughterhouse.

But Ged turned a blind eye, turned his head suddenly, cast his eyes on the last King Airi, walked over step by step, and with the swing of his body, the flesh and blood fragments all over his body also slid down and fell on the ground.

Mud and blood were smeared on Ged's body indiscriminately, and the entire moving abstract painting could not even see the original color. The original Ged's face was intimidating, but now it has been directly upgraded to frightening and disgusting. It's just that Geed didn't realize it, and only King Airi was left in his eyes.

King Airi's short claws waved and turned half a circle on the spot, driving the 57-meter-long tail behind him to swing, and a large amount of current gathered along King Airi's body to the tail of King Airi On the ground, wherever it passed, the strong current caused the air to explode. At the same time, King Aire spewed out one after another crescent light bullets from his mouth, and high-heat carbon dioxide spewed out from the holes in his short hands, and attacked Gedd from the top, middle, and bottom.

However, Ged did not dodge or evade, and accelerated his pace to rush towards King Aire. The crescent light bullet hit Ged's body and exploded with strong sparks. The high-temperature carbon dioxide quickly dried and melted the silt on Ged's body. The water in the flesh and blood fragments evaporated quickly, and then turned into coke.

At the same time that the tail longer than King Airi hit Ged, Ged's right arm had already been straightened, following the 'Pu Chi! 'With a soft sound, Gedd's claws plunged straight into King Airi's chest, King Ai Lei's tail quickly wrapped around Gedd's body, and the spiral shock wave of Gedd's claws had been launched, directly It shot through King Ailei's body, and the swirling dark purple lightning beam came out from King Ailei's back and flew towards the distance.

"Ugh!" Ged yelled, and raised his right arm violently, Ged's claws followed and swiped upwards, breaking the bones and flesh where it passed, and forcibly picked out the small half of King Airi's chest A huge gap comes.

King Airi's screams were louder than Jedd's. The tail that was originally wrapped around Jedd's body lost its strength due to the severe pain, and it slid down weakly. , Geed's claws were firmly inserted into King Aire's neck.

All the strength of the whole body was pressed up, so that the sharp blade of Ged's claws came out from the other side of the neck, while Ged's left hand grabbed King Aire's head, and pushed hard towards the right side, firing in both directions at the same time. With force, King Aire's neck was torn from the middle.

King Airey's throat let out a low 'ho! Ho! ’ sound, as if a person could not breathe, the long tail lost its strength and fell to the ground, and the huge body also fell backwards, ‘bang! ’ hit the ground with a bang.

Adding up the front and back, in less than 20 seconds, Ged killed three monsters in a row, but he didn't suffer any damage. It's just that this scene didn't make people feel happy. Instead, there was a lingering feeling in his heart. chill.

"This... this..." Even Aizaki Moya was too scared to speak. She has seen many times when Geed or other Ultraman kills monsters, basically using The light exploded into pieces, like Zedd, like a beast fighting, tearing monsters into pieces, but I have never seen it.

On the beach, the blood of the monster flowed wantonly, mixed with the sea water, and countless pieces of monster flesh and blood covered the entire beach, which looked like a slaughterhouse, making people sick.

Mayumi turned around and sighed at Aizaki Moya and the others, and said, "You see, this is a runaway, completely irrational, and only knows to kill the opponent, no matter who it is."

"But why did Fushii Desuke send these relatively weak monsters? There are stronger and stronger Gomoralant and Baltanget beside him, but they didn't make any moves." Toba Raiha noticed that In this regard, Fukui Ideji's behavior doesn't seem like he wants to destroy Gedd, otherwise the two monsters can attack together. Why do we have to show these three weak chicken monsters and let Gedd kill them.

"Because the battle between Leonix will stimulate Leonix's fighting instinct, so that Leonix will continue to run wild." In the Leonix battles that happened in the universe, Leonix of different races held fighting instruments and fought with different monsters. The scene was more tragic than the arena.

At the same time, images of fighting instruments of different specifications appeared on the screen at the side, and Xiao Zuo continued to say: "In the battle between Leonix, the winner will get the opponent's fighting instrument and integrate it into his own fighting instrument, just like Just like game upgrades, if you accumulate a certain amount, the fighting instrument will be upgraded to a more advanced fighting instrument.”

Pejia looked at the different fighting instruments on the screen, and said with some doubts: "But Xiao Lu doesn't seem to have a fighting instrument!"

'Shua! '

Another screen unfolded, showing the current Geed and the data of Geed two minutes ago. Most of them have not changed at all, and only one energy fluctuation trough has increased by nearly one-tenth.

"The level of negative energy on Ged's body has increased by eleven percent. The three monsters have obviously been transformed, and a fragment of dark energy has been added to the gene of the Reyblad star, in order to simulate the battle of Leonix. Let Gedd continue to win, and the negative energy in Gedd's body will continue to increase, so that Gedd will fall into darkness." Xiaozao's words surprised everyone, and Aizaki Moya asked anxiously: "What will happen then? Woolen cloth?"

"It will become the second Beria." Toba Raiha said in a flat tone: "Liu, who already has the genes of Beria, and then falls into the darkness, isn't it the same as Beria? A giant?"

Mayumi hammered her left palm with her right fist, and said suddenly: "I understand, why Beria put Riku back last time, because he wanted Gedd to become the strongest Leonix, and then Occupying Ged's body is like when the Rayblad Stars started the Leonix battle, in order to determine the final winner and become the soul body of the Rayblad Stars."

"I have to help him!" Pejia was in a hurry, but he had no other skills except for hiding in the dark space and moving the belt in the space, so he couldn't help him at all, so he could only stare blankly here.

"It's good that Xingye is here, he can use Luna Light Wave to calm down Leonix who is running away." Mayumi sighed helplessly, her brows were almost wrinkled, but there was nothing she could do, all she had learned was He also has defensive skills to save lives and heal the wounded, but his combat skills are almost zero, which is also of no help.

Toba Raiha had been standing by the window of the ship, looking at Ged below, and three more monsters appeared on the beach, fighting with Ged, and the two extremely powerful Gomoralan Te and Baltangetten still stood by, letting Gedd slaughter these relatively weak monsters.

In the past, every time Ultraman defeated the monsters, she was overjoyed, but now she saw the monsters falling down one by one, but she was only anxious in her heart. Every time a monster was killed, it meant that Gedd fell into the dark abyss.

This made Toba Raiha tightly clenched his fists together, and said without looking back: "Is there no other way besides Luna Lightwave?"

"Light!" Aizaki Moya blurted out, and said to Mayumi with a hint of expectation: "Can light help Xiaolu? Now Xiaolu destroying monsters will increase dark energy, so if light is used, can it offset the influence of dark energy?" Woolen cloth?"

"It's too dangerous. Light and darkness are incompatible. No one knows what will happen when they get together. In most cases, the body explodes and dies. Up to now, only Uub has relied on Uub's circle. The powerful law of the ring, forcibly blends light and darkness. Even so, it can only last for three minutes, and the first time it is used, it will go berserk, even if it is used many times, it is just barely controlled." Mayumi shook her head. No, I don't agree with this suggestion.

Aizaki Moya's eyes were red, and she choked up and said: "But there is no other way now, I can't just watch Xiao Lu become the second Beria, right? Like that."

"But Shiro and Nexus are not here..." Pejia cast her eyes on Mayumi, and asked with hope: "That..."

"I'm not the real Ultraman, I'm just a life form of light. Unlike Ultraman and humans, Xiaolu has the genes of Ultraman and Rayblad in his body, but there is no life form of light. Gene, if the success rate of using Ultraman's light is a few percent, then using my light is basically zero." Mayumi shook her head and vetoed, and then turned her gaze to Toba standing by the ship window Ye, said: "But Laiye can, Xingye said before, the reason why Laiye possesses all kinds of extraordinary abilities is because he inadvertently attracted the light of a certain Ultraman to integrate into his body, but the synchronization is not high and cannot Just turn into an Ultraman."

"The light of Ultraman?" Toba Raiha muttered in a low voice, then turned around, nodded to Mayumi and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Once the light is drawn away from your body, the extraordinary strength, speed, jumping power, etc. will disappear, and you will become an ordinary person again."

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