Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2428 Runaway

Baltangetten walked towards Gedd step by step, and two red rays of destruction shot out from the large pliers, hitting Gedd lying on the ground, and bright sparks erupted.

It only took a second or two to destroy the light, and Baltangetton turned around, raised his arms, and a circle of energy barriers of hexagonal prisms appeared around his body, easily catching Helios from all directions. The energy beams fired by the secondary guns of the No. 1 and Xingyunzhuang were blocked.

And Ged took this opportunity to get up quickly, and the strong Gomoralant had already rushed in front of him, and slapped down vigorously with his raised left claw. Five sharp red claws came from Ged's chest. With a swipe, bright sparks come out.

The force brought by it caused Gedd to fly backwards involuntarily. The severe pain in his chest made Gedd feel heartbroken. The claws didn't even have the strength to clenched tightly, and flew out directly, stabbing obliquely on the beach.

The dark red lightning beam from Ged's body hit the air and sent out a 'thorn! Stab it! ’ The discharge sound was originally just a few small bundles of lightning, but now it has spread all over Ged’s body, and it looks like red wool is wrapped around his body, fluttering in the wind.

"Damn it!" Ged yelled, propped his palms on the ground, and a scale fish jumped straight up from the ground, facing the strong brother Moralant who was rushing towards him, stretched out his arms, and leaned forward slightly At more than ten degrees, he grabbed the forearm of the strong Gomoralant.

The impact of the strong Gomoralant's weight of more than 60,000 tons multiplied by the forward speed was transmitted to Ged's arms unreservedly, causing Ged's originally straight arms to bend immediately, and his feet on the ground It couldn't stop sliding backwards, plowing two deep ravines on the ground.

From the beginning, half of the soles of the feet fell into the mud, and after sliding backwards for three or four hundred meters, they had not reached the calf, but Ged successfully resisted the force of the strong Gomoralant.

"Ugh!" Jedd couldn't help growling, and the ten fingers holding the arms of the strong Gomoralant became more and more forceful, and the scales on the arms of the strong Gomoralant were slightly dented inward. Ten shallow fingerprints came.

Strong Gomoralant took a step forward, stepped on the ground, and at the same time moved his body forward, pushing Gedd back with brute force, no matter how hard Gedd tried, he couldn't make Strong Gomoralant Stopping forward is like wrestling with a car, no matter how hard you try, you are doing useless work.

Xingyunzhuang and Helios shuttled back and forth at an altitude of one thousand meters, avoiding the destructive light bombs fired by Baltangerton at a rate of eight per second, and did not dare to stop for a moment, but after seeing Ged Grabbed by the strong Gomoralante, he stepped back abruptly, Xiaozao still made a supportive attack.

The secondary guns on the Helios suddenly fired at full speed, regardless of the loss of energy, and wiped out all the incoming destructive light bullets. In this short window, Xingyun Zhuang faced the In terms of strength, the strong Gomoralant, who completely suppressed Gedd, launched an attack.

A series of energy beams pierced through the void, hit the strong Gomoralant's body, and burst into bright sparks, but the effect was nothing more than that, such a little energy impact and destructive power could not break the strong body at all. The scale armor on Gomoralant's body couldn't even break through the defense, and it was said that it caused some damage to the strong Gomoralant. The only effect was to cause a lot of sparks.

On the other hand, the strong Gomoralant just spread the wide wings behind him, blocking all incoming energy beams like a huge shield, and grasped Ged's arm with ten scarlet claws in both hands, sharp The claw tip pierced Gedd's arm, and some dark purple liquid-like energy mixed with golden light particles seeped out from the punctured position and flowed along Gedd's arm.

The severe pain made Gedd cry out in pain, and a large amount of dark energy gushing out from the ten fingertips of the strong Gomoralant was transmitted into Gedd's body, colliding with the light particles in Gedd's body crazily, making Gedd's body The dark red lightning beams also became disordered.

The energy in the body was overwhelming, making it impossible for Gedd to exert strength, even control it, let alone mobilize it, allowing the strong brother Moralant, who already had a great advantage in strength, to immediately win an overwhelming victory. His arms suddenly exerted strength, lifting Gedd from the ground like pulling a carrot.

Then he threw it forward vigorously, throwing Gedd out like a discus throw, while the strong Gomoralant himself jumped high, and the wide wings on the back flapped vigorously, letting the strong Gomoralant Leaping hundreds of meters high, his huge body drew a parabola. When Gedd landed, the strong Gomoralant also flew to the highest point, and fell towards the ground in front of him under the action of gravity.

Under the unbearable and distressed gaze of everyone on the Helios, the strong Gomoralant stepped heavily on Gedd's body, and the weight of tens of thousands of tons was like a hammer hitting a wedge, directly crushing Gedd's entire body. It was smashed into the soil, even the half of the strong Gomoralant's calf didn't get into the soil, and Gedd didn't even have a shadow, and was completely buried in it.

"Little Lu..." Mengya and the others were extremely anxious, but they couldn't do anything except watch helplessly. Mayumi also sighed helplessly. , It was exhausted in such a minute, and even the tickling secondary gun had no energy to fire, so I really could only watch helplessly.

And Jedd had just been thrown to the ground, and before he got up, he felt a heavy blow to his chest, which made Jedd's eyes go black, and he lost consciousness for a moment, but the intense pain like a broken body made him wake up again.

The dark energy that Gomoralant poured into Gedd's body has been attacking the light particles, and fused with the dark particles in Gedd's body, making the dark energy more and more dominant, coupled with the severe pain and the darkness in front of him, has been Forcibly suppressing his anger, Gedd couldn't bear it any longer. He just wanted to tear up this strong Gomoralant and kill Fushii Deji.

Gedde, who was trampled under the feet of the strong Gomora Jedd and whose body was completely buried in the soil, roared like a wild beast, and a large number of dark red lightning bolts shot out from all over his body, hitting the surrounding soil frantically. The strong energy impact immediately annihilated all the soil within five meters around, and then it converged into Gedd's body and covered Gedd's body, making the red and silver colors on Gedd's body that were originally dark toned even more. Black is shifted by three shades.

"Ugh!" Zedd yelled again, swung his arms buried in the soil upwards, broke free directly from the soil, raised a large amount of soil and flew high into the sky, and grabbed the strong Gomoralan with both hands. With a special ankle joint, the strength of the ten fingers actually pressed ten fingerprints on the strong biological scales on the strong Gomoralant's ankle.

Before the Strong Gomoralant could react, Ged slammed his arms overhead, and threw the Strong Gomoralant, which weighed 65,000 tons, flying overhead, losing The balance hit the ground heavily, and continued to slide forward under the inertia. The huge body was like a plow digging out a deep ravine in the soft ground, and it hit Baltangetton who was attacking the two spaceships. legs.

The strong impact caused Baltangetton to lose his balance, and his body fell forward and hit the back of the strong Gomoralant. The two monsters were stacked on top of each other like an arhat, and they didn't stand up for a while. .

But Gedd, who was buried in the soil, has already stood up. His red and black body is covered with dirt and gravel. It looks dirty, but it can't cover the dark red lightning bolts that burst out from time to time. , the original blue-blue eyes have turned into a scarlet red, and the whole body is more black and red, which makes it look even more intimidating.

It's just that Zedd didn't attack his opponent as crazy as last night. Instead, he just stood there with his head down, his arms hanging by his sides, as if frozen, making people puzzled and completely unaware of what happened. something happened.

Fushii Ideki, who was suspended in the sky, looked at Zed who was standing there, sneered and shook his head and said, "You are still struggling, then let me push you and enjoy my caress." Fushii Deshi said Sigao raised the ultimate fighting instrument in his hand, and the pentagonal prism at the top immediately emitted a strong lightning beam. As the ultimate fighting instrument swung forward, an electric light cable was thrown towards Ged.

Wrapped around Gedd several times, tightly binding Gedd's upper body, a large amount of dark energy was transmitted from the ultimate fighting instrument to Gedd's body along this electric light cable, and strong lightning burst out A series of intense sparks enveloped Gedd's upper body in bright sparks.

"You bastard!" Zedd's low growl sounded, and his arms suddenly exerted force, easily breaking the lightning rope wrapped five or six times around his body, and then folded his arms in front of him. The dark red energy gathered, and in an instant, it condensed into a crescent-shaped energy blade, which quickly hit Fushii Deshi suspended in the sky in the distance.

But the Destroying Light Cut was just halfway through the flight, when the figure of Baltangetton suddenly appeared in front of Fushii Deshi, raising his arms to condense the energy barrier of the hexagonal prism, and the Destroying Light Cut hit it with a "Ping!" ’ with a crisp sound, and it was smashed to pieces immediately, as if smashing an egg into a stone.

And the strong Gomoralant also rushed towards Ged in great strides, every step made the surrounding ground tremble slightly, and even the sea water around the island also rippled. Ged swung his arms left and right, opening the empty door in front of his chest, bent his fingers like animal claws, and strode back towards the strong Gomoralant, just as he was about to collide with the strong Gomoralant , Geed kicked the ground with both feet suddenly, jumped up, bent over and hugged his legs, rolled twice in the air, and jumped directly over the head of the strong Gomoralant.

But before Gedd landed, the long tail behind the strong Gomoralant swung like a whip, and the ends of the tail seemed to cut towards Gedd, who was still in midair, with two long crimson blades.

Ged's five fingers on his right hand stretched out, and Ged's claw stuck on the ground flew instantly, and fell into Ged's open palm in an instant, was held in Ged's hand, and then swung forward, precisely and the strong Gomoralant's tail collided.

The moment the two sides touched, the moment Gedd landed, he pressed the button on Gedd's claw without hesitation, gathered a lot of energy on Gedd's claw, and quickly condensed a group of claw-shaped light bullets , Hit the back of the strong Gomoralant with lightning speed, causing strong sparks and raging flames to explode.

After launching the claw cutting, Ged rushed forward without hesitation. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the strong Gomoralant was a little unstable when he was beaten by the claw cutting, the whole person used the momentum of running to directly It hit the back of the strong Gomoralant, and at the same time raised the Gedd's claw in his hand and frantically scratched the back of the strong Gomoralant, like a madman.

His appearance confused Peggy, Toba Kuriha, and Aizaki Moya who had been watching Gedd on the Helios. The appearance was the same as last night, but there was nothing like last night. He looked violent, but stood opposite the strong brother Moralant with distinct moves. Is this a runaway? Or has it entered the awakened form?

Toba Laiha was about to express the doubts in his heart. Mayumi pursed her lips and stared at the vivid Gedd on the screen who was fighting against the strong Gomoralant, and said, "Leonix will indeed lose when he goes berserk." Reason, but losing your mind does not mean lowering your IQ. If you focus on fighting without distracting thoughts, you will become stronger. Yesterday, you attacked like a wild beast just because you were fighting with your instincts. Now this is the real rampage. How can a rampage be equal to a beast?"

"A runaway like this?" Pejia looked at Jedd, who had clear moves on the screen, tilted her head and said, "Except for the dark body color, there seems to be nothing wrong with it, and the strength has also become stronger."

Mayumi glanced at Peggy and said, "That's because this is an island, not a city with dense buildings, and there are no friendly troops. At this time, no matter who appears in front of Geed, he is his enemy. Indiscriminate attack."

While speaking, Ged had beaten the strong Gomoralant and staggered forward four or five steps. The scales and wings on the back were full of traces drawn by Be Ged's claws. Before he could stand still, Ged had already bullied him again, bowed to avoid the attack of the strong Gomoralant's tail hammer, and grasped the end of the strong Gomoralant's tail with both hands, and squeezed his waist hard. Twisting, the body turned immediately, and the tail that was hugged also turned accordingly, and the strong Gomoralant was thrown down abruptly.

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