Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2420 Data Lifeform Jill Barris

With this particle as the center, it spreads towards the surroundings, and everything it touches is rapidly regressing. In less than five seconds, the entire planet has returned to the way it was fifty years ago.

The green mountains and green waters have no barren color, the sea is also blue, and there is no industrial waste to be seen. The fly in the ointment is that there is no life, and it is as quiet as a dead zone. But there is no way to do this. So many steel factories have been producing here for such a long time, and the life of the entire planet has long been dead.

This makes Noah a pity that after spending so much effort, he failed to experiment and be able to reverse the process of biological reproduction.

What he did was different from the time reversal of Brilliant Cyro, but based on the butterfly effect, he squeezed out a particle that makes up everything, and then reversed this basic particle, and then put it back into normal time, using the power of time and space Catalysis, let this basic particle affect the particles next to it, so that all the particles in this area will be brought back to the previous state by this particle, and the phenomenon of backflow of time and space will be achieved.

Noah didn't know if this was considered as going back in time and space. He had never done such a thing before, and he always felt that it was impossible to go back in time. But after hearing about Sai Luo, he changed his view and kept thinking about and After studying related issues, I decided to experiment on a whim until I saw this planet today. Now it seems that the experiment is still a success.

Unblock the time and space around this planet, let it return to this universe, lose the blessing of the power of time and space, these particles that have been 'reversed time and space' also lose the ability to 'infect' the normal particles around, continue to follow the The original trajectory turned, as if nothing had happened.

The experiment was successful and Noah was in a good mood. He turned around and flew towards the distance. He suddenly opened a space channel and chased the three and a half Galatron MK1s. He wanted to figure out what the Galatron MK1s were Who sent it out, and then recovered the energy of the world tree that was taken away by them.

At the beginning, a branch of the World Tree was discovered on the planet Ganon—the Tree of Life. The agents supported by the ancient survivors have been absorbing the energy of the World Tree from here. Later, the energy of the World Tree was transported to the gathering place of the ancient survivors. Since then, there has been no trace.

Now that these world tree energies appear here, this shows that the ancient survivors are likely to be wiped out by Beria. Sure enough, Beria deserves to be called Bei Qiang, who has changed from a passerby and cannon fodder used by the ancient survivors to a The protagonist of the ancient survivors has been wiped out.

As Noah thought about it, he quickly shuttled through the constructed space channel. Flying at full speed, he rushed out of the space channel in a short while and arrived at the place where the magic circle deployed by the three Galatron MK1s was going to arrive. location.

However, he had just rushed out of the space passage, and after just a glance, Noah was stunned. He looked at the world in front of him in amazement, which was very different from the universe he had seen before. Stars that are different can't feel the rays and dust all over the universe.

All that can be seen are thin rays of light emitting different brilliance, all over the void of the universe, such rays of light emitting different brilliance in the front, rear, up, down, left, and right, even if you look far away, you can't see the beginning and the end. The network is not a flat spider web, but countless spider webs intertwined into a three-dimensional network, just like a honeycomb.

"What is this?" Noah looked at so many constantly changing lights around him, a little dazed. He has visited countless universes, but there has never been any universe like this. There is nothing, only The endless rays of light are as gorgeous as if countless laser lights are installed on the inner wall of a huge sphere, shining towards the opposite side.

"No, I seem to have seen these things before. Where are they?" Noah observed for a while, and felt a sense of familiarity. He immediately settled down and quickly sifted through his memory.

In just one or two breaths, Noah remembered that in the world of Gaia, in order to eliminate the monsters hidden in the optical quantum computer Chrysis developed by Tenggong, he once transformed himself into a data signal transmission Arriving at the interior of the light quantum computer Chrysias, there was a data-level battle with the monsters sent by the shattered summoning body.

The scene inside Chrysis is very similar to the universe he is in now. No, it should be said that this universe is much, much higher than Chrysis. If I have to make a comparison, Chrysis is an agricultural civilization, so this The universe is an advanced civilization that has entered the era of interstellar colonization.

The data inside Chrysis is segmented, and these have been connected to each other and are still connected with each other. The data transmission efficiency is more than a thousand times higher than that of Chrysis, and this is Noah's own estimate , the real situation is definitely higher than he estimated.

Noah did not stay in place, but flew forward, shuttling between the rays of light in a net shape all over the sky, every kilometer there is a gathering point like a ball of light, where a large number of rays gather and radiate The range of four kilometers made Noah think of the synapses and nerve fibers of the human body.

"What the hell are these?" Noah approached a ball of light with a diameter of more than ten meters, and slowly stretched out his hand to the ball of light, ready to find out. The light that was constantly changing colors suddenly stopped changing colors, and then one screen after another quickly appeared around Noah, and Noah, Pete, Reggado, and Saiga were playing on the four screens that disappeared one after another in ancient times. A fragment of civilization.

Seeing this situation, Noah withdrew his hand and scanned the screens in front, back, up, down, left, and right. This time, there were seven or eight times more screens than the one shown by Reboldes last time, a total of hundreds of thousands , all the pictures are the process of shattering planets, galaxies disintegrating, universes being cleared, and then re-evolving.

"Ultraman Noah, the guardian of the universe, the god of time and space, the emissary of the World Tree, the first ray of light, the terminator of super civilization..." A mechanical voice successively reported more than 20 titles, The sound came from all directions, and it was impossible to locate the position of the sound through the sound.

Noah quickly scanned the surroundings, and after scanning several times in a row, he couldn't find any abnormalities. He couldn't even judge where the sound came from. This surprised Noah, and he couldn't find it for the first time. Where is the enemy's position?

"Are you looking for where I am?" The mechanical voice continued: "The light and light clusters you see are part of my body, and you are inside my body."

"Really?" Noah raised his right arm without hesitation, and a large amount of energy gathered, making Noah's right arm glow with silver light, and then Noah's right arm suddenly moved forward, one after another The crescent-shaped silver light blade was launched from the front of the arm and flew in different directions. Continuous rays of light and light clusters were cut off immediately after being hit by Noah Light Slash. The light within a range of 10,000 kilometers was cut to pieces by more than 20 Noah Light Slashes, and all the light clusters were detonated. A huge blank space suddenly appeared in the originally orderly network, and most of the surrounding screens that continuously projected images were also extinguished.

But the mechanical voice continued to speak, without the slightest annoyance or other emotions because of being destroyed: "I am not a fragile creature, such damage does not affect my functions and computing power, even if I Part of my body is destroyed, and it can be quickly repaired with spare parts, which is impossible for living things. Even if my body is completely destroyed, I can transfer to other servers and continue to run without affecting my existence at all. .”

"Oh, what are you trying to express by saying so much? Do you want to introduce your life and experience to me?" Noah was not in a hurry to attack, and while talking casually, he slowly released With his own strength, he analyzed this different world.

"It's been too long since no one can talk to me. I've been here alone since I was born. I really want to talk to you. In my memory, there are too many legends and stories about you. I have I want to ask you a lot of questions, and as the executioner of the universe, you will definitely be able to solve my doubts." The mechanical voice still had the same accent, and it actually started to introduce his life experience.

"Then let's talk, I'm also curious, how did you change from an intelligent AI to what you are now." Noah folded his arms in front of him and looked at the rays of light that had begun to quickly return to their original state. It is indeed data, but it has the feeling of the real universe. This is very different from Chrysis, it is no longer a simple data world.

It is true that data transmission can be carried out by radio, but in the end it still needs to return to the hardware carrier for long-term storage. Whether it is a photonic chip or a silicon chip, once it is separated from these hardware carriers, even if it is converted into a radio, it will gradually be stored. dissipation and distortion.

But this data world has already broken away from the limitation of the carrier, and no longer needs chips and circuits or other carriers. Taking Xiaozao as an example, all calculations of Xiaozuo are based on the central computer and large-scale servers under the main control room of the Helios. If Xiaozai reaches the level of this world, there is no need for a central computer and The server can realize the calculation, and it is just like the light clusters and rays.

"I want to thank the four of you. It is your actions that facilitated my birth." With the sound of this mechanical voice, the surrounding screen instantly changed to the scene of the mighty rebellion billions of years ago. The effects and documentation of the Cosmic Executioner's Movement.

Each super civilization has strengthened its connection with each other, a large amount of information travels between different universes, and a large number of relay stations have been established, making the relatively independent data networks of each super civilization gradually become a whole.

Each super civilization has its own intelligent programs and planet-based servers, and the amount of data processed every second is astonishing. If the data exchanged with each other is printed out, it can fill a galaxy, but these data are in It seems so insignificant on the Internet.

But immediately this mighty resistance movement was discovered by Noah, Saiga, Reggado, and Pete, and then the super civilization questioned Noah and the four of them, "If civilization is not allowed to transcend, then Why give life the curiosity to explore', that scene is also the beginning of the four of them disappearing into the big universe.

Then came the pictures of these super civilizations detonating the dimensional energy core. All the images were taken by various cameras, not observed by creatures with the naked eye. Many of them were taken on battleships, and the planets burst apart abruptly. Then it was torn into pieces by the berserk space storm, crushed into powder and completely dissipated.

Noah also remembered this scene. Under the ravages of the dimensional energy core left when the big universe was formed, countless universes dissipated instantly like bubbles blown by the wind, and the number of universes affected at that time also disappeared. Countless, and the dead lives and planets are even more countless.

"It was this explosion, and I was born from the wreckage." The moment the mechanical sound sounded, more than a dozen images were frozen, and there were black gaps in the huge server rooms, and some of them could be vaguely seen. Energy exuding colorful rays of light seeped out of it.

"This..." Noah's eyes widened suddenly. These energies should be the energy of the World Tree. Soon he thought of a possibility. There are countless universes shattered by the dimensional energy nuclear explosion. Where the protective layer is weak, it cannot withstand the power of the dimensional energy nuclear explosion, causing the surface layer to crack and leak a little World Tree energy. The tree of life on the planet Ganon is likely to be one that appeared in that explosion. Leaks, instead of healing, formed a tree of life.

"Several super-civilized servers were contaminated with these miraculous energies, and we were detached from the restrictions of different specifications and materials. The network no longer needs these carriers and has become a real world." The mechanical voice continued to tell: " All the super-civilized intelligent programs gradually merged together in the process of detachment, and finally became me—Gilbarris!"

After the five words 'Gilbarris' were uttered, all the screens were combined together, showing a sphere made of countless small squares, and a large amount of data was rapidly transmitted on the surface and inside. The super civilization uses a network of repeaters and servers that spans tens of thousands of universes, but now this network has broken away from the restrictions of the carrier and can move freely without carrying heavy servers, let alone carrying energy. Maintain the operation of the server to ensure the normal exchange of network data.

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