Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2419 reset the planet

Before the Gero sword that was torn into several pieces had time to heal, Galatron MK1 had already turned around, and the huge metal wings on its back poured out firepower, and energy beams exploded on the shattered Gro sword. After a while, the ultra-high temperature flames evaporated the fragments. In just two seconds, the fragments of the Gero sword completely disappeared, and the Gero sword disappeared from this world since then.

Next to Gero's sword is Disrei Nebula man Dislog. He is waving his huge right claw to slap Galatron MK1's left shoulder. His right hand, which is three or four times larger than his left hand, is covered The three sharp bone claws shone coldly, and they slapped heavily on Galatron MK1's shoulder.

Bright sparks burst out from the collision of sharp claws and steel, and there was an unpleasant friction sound. Three shallow scratches were left on the smooth metal surface, and there was nothing else.

Galatron MK1's right arm moved, and with the swing of the arm, three sharp claws slashed at the elbow of Disrogu's right arm with lightning speed. ’ With a crisp sound, the three sharp claws of Galatron MK1 directly cut Disrogu’s right arm into four pieces, and the shattered arm fell towards the ground under the action of gravity.

"Ugh!" The severe pain of the severed arm caused Disrogu to cry out in pain. Just after shouting, the energy core on the chest of Galatron MK1 emitted a dazzling beam of light, which immediately penetrated Disrogu's chest was close at hand, causing Disrogu's cries of pain to stop abruptly, and his huge body fell powerlessly towards the ground.

Accompanied by the body of Disrogu falling towards the ground, there are also the imperial star Villonias and the Hippolyte star Shatar, four of the five dark kings fell in the blink of an eye, and the only remaining Mephilas star Silan , I was planning to resist these four Galatron MK1s, but I just ran to the top floor and saw three familiar corpses falling from the sky, before they landed, they were chased by eight or nine energy beams and bombarded on the corpses , exploded into three flame balls in the air.

Silan's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the three turbulent flame balls in disbelief. They are the five kings of darkness, the five kings of darkness who can become the overlord wherever they go, and they were easily defeated by four robots. Four were killed. It is difficult for Slan to believe this cruel fact. When did the four of them become so weak, or when did the robot become so strong?

After hesitating for a moment, Silan immediately turned around and ran towards the interior of the building. Instead of taking the elevator honestly, he broke through the partition between the floors and went all the way down to the building located two to three kilometers underground. basement.

In a room with a length, width, and height of 1,500 meters, there is a huge sealed metal box of 800 meters square. Silan, who is 60 meters tall, is extremely small in front of this box.

"The energy of the World Tree must be taken away." Silan said, and quickly clicked on the controller of the box. After entering a series of passwords, the sealed box issued a "click!" Click! ’ sound, the huge metal door slowly opened, allowing the energy fluctuations inside to leak out.

The four Galatron MK1s that were crazily destroying the Galatron manufacturing plant outside abruptly stopped emitting energy beams, twisted their heads in unison to look at the position where Slan was, and then moved towards the still existing in the sky. The magic circle sent a message: "Discover the energy fluctuation of World Tree, start the recovery process!"

Four Galatron MK1s rushed towards the building at the same time, and in the middle, the huge metal wings on the back had already launched an attack. Lasers bombarded the ground one after another, blasting the ground into gaps one after another, like Like a boring machine, it digs a deep hole in the ground.

The big box in front of Silan only opened the gap of more than ten meters, and he felt the ground vibrate, and the dull explosion sound passed through the thick earth and rocks into Silan's ears, making Silan extremely anxious. Immediately turned sideways into the huge box.

The inside of the box is made of thick lead blocks and special coatings to isolate radiation and energy fluctuations. On the middle shelf, the five-layer iron frame is divided into thousands of positions, but more than half of them are empty. He couldn't help being taken aback, but immediately stepped forward and grabbed two small boxes with a square of five meters. Each small box was depicted with a series of fine magic patterns, which were interwoven into a net to wrap the small box. The shell holds the energy inside.

Before Silan reached out to get the third box, he heard the sound of earth and rocks hitting the ground from outside. Silan activated the magic circle without hesitation, jumped in and disappeared without any delay, Very decisive.

At the moment when Slan disappeared, an energy beam penetrated the metal box wall, hit the position where Slan was just now, and blasted a big hole. Even if Slan hesitated for a moment, he would be hit, and the shock wave generated by the explosion It spread, and the small boxes on the shelf were blown down and fell to the ground.

A sound of 'clang! clang! ’ There was a crisp impact sound, and gaps appeared one after another on the metal bulkhead, followed by a series of ‘stab la la! ’, the thick metal bulkhead was cut apart with lead plates.

A Galatron MK1 opened the cracks in the metal plate and walked in. The binocular electronic eyes scanned the small box that fell to the ground. The internal program quickly transmitted information with the main road signal, and the coordinates of the multiverse where it was located , time axis and other positions are all transmitted to the main channel signal.

The other three Galatron MK1s were still madly destroying the surrounding factories outside. Energy beams pierced through the void and hit the ground, blowing up factories into pieces. The sky rises from the ground, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, causing the sky and the earth to be filled with thick black smoke.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light appeared in the area shrouded in black smoke, dispelling the surrounding black smoke, and Nexus, whose whole body was glowing with golden light, appeared in the sky. There was a loud bang, and pillars of flame rose one after another from the ground below, countless steel fragments flew in all directions, and the ground fell into a sea of ​​flames.

Nexus quickly glanced at the surrounding situation, and immediately disappeared in place. In an instant, he appeared on the left side of a Galatron MK1, and kicked on the metal wings behind Galatron MK1. .

"Crack!" A crisp impact sounded, and the metal wings were kicked and bent immediately, hitting the shoulder of Galatron MK1, and even Galatron MK1 was kicked and rolled towards the ground. .

Nexus raised his arms, and when his left wrist was about to touch his left arm, he stopped suddenly, and suddenly turned his head to look at a pile of ruins below. He felt a familiar wave of energy, although very slight but...

At this moment, the energy fluctuation suddenly increased, which made Nexus think of this energy fluctuation: "World Tree?! There is the energy of the World Tree here? How is it possible?" Nexus did not have time to think about other things, without hesitation Throwing down the Galatron MK1, he leaped towards the pile of ruins below, and crashed straight into the pile of ruins.

'boom! ' With a loud noise, stone chips flew, bricks and rocks splashed, and a big hole was knocked out of the ruins immediately. Nexus rushed towards the ground rapidly, and all the earth and rocks that blocked him along the way were covered by the surface of his body. The energy is vaporized.

In just two or three breaths of effort, Nexus rushed to the empty basement below, and the first thing that caught his eyes was an extremely huge box. Through the big hole that was torn open, he could clearly see Garcia standing inside. Latron MK1, and a magic circle with a diameter of 100 meters.

When he got here, the fluctuation of the World Tree's energy became more and more intense, which made Nexus more sure that the box contained the energy of the World Tree, and then he saw the magic circle under the feet of Galatron MK1 quickly converge, and the The Galatron MK1 standing inside the magic circle disappeared together.

Nexus, who appeared in the box instantly, grabbed an empty right hand and tore up the remaining phantom. After scanning left and right, there were only a dozen or so small boxes left in the box, and everything else was Taken away by Galatron MK1.

Nexus opened his right hand, and fifteen small boxes accurately flew into the palm of Nexus, and a dazzling silver radiance appeared to wrap all these small boxes, and then everything disappeared. Nexus moved into the warp he created.

Immediately, Nexus disappeared into the basement in an instant and came to the ground. I saw the three Galatron MK1s flying towards the magic circle with a diameter of more than 500 honey in the air. Two of them were Galatron MK1. The Tron MK1 had already flown into the magic circle, and the upper half of the third Galatron MK1 also flew in.

"Don't try to run!" Nexus launched the space movement again, and appeared under Galatron MK1, his right hand grabbed Galatron MK1's right foot, and his left hand quickly radiated silver towards the outside. The white light covered the surface of this huge magic circle, quickly eroding the magic circle, trying to find the coordinates on the other side.

But his light has just begun to invade this huge magic circle, as if pouring a drop of water into boiling oil, it boils instantly, and the countless dense lines are immediately disordered, causing the space channel opened by the magic circle to collapse immediately .

The upper body of Galatron MK1 entered the magic circle and instantly disappeared. Only the remaining half was held by Nexus. The fracture was extremely smooth. At the microscopic atomic level, it can be seen that even the atoms should not be cut into a plane. .

"It's really fast. It seems that they are here to snatch the energy of these World Trees, but how can there be Energy of World Trees here?" Nexus casually threw the half of Galatron MK1 aside, and then A ball of light bombs was released from the left hand, blasting the half of Galatron MK1 into a ball of flames.

While thinking about it, the energy core on Nexus's chest bloomed with bright silver radiance, accompanied by the lighting up of colorful rainbow light, in an instant, the surface of the body turned into a muscle-like silver-white armor, and endless colorful lights gathered On the back, the upside-down Wings of Time and Space condensed. After the rainbow light disappeared, the silver light of the energy core on Noah's chest converged, and the red light reappeared.

There are a lot of remains of imperial hunters in the debris all over the ground. It is obvious that this is the place where Beria produces robots. Although the surrounding factories have been destroyed by Galatron MK1, this planet is very huge. Less than one-thousandth of the factories were destroyed. And there are factories everywhere, no matter how high the technology is, it will inevitably produce waste gas, waste water and other pollutants. The large amount of pollutants makes it impossible to see a single green plant on the surface of the planet, and the rivers and seas are all polluted. A little bit of vitality has lost its qualification as the birthplace of life.

"In this case, let's restart this planet." Noah thought that he had appeared outside the planet's atmosphere, more than 100,000 kilometers away from the planet, raised his hands with palms up, and the wings of time and space behind him immediately Dazzling rainbow lights bloomed, and the vicinity of this planet with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers was sealed off in the blink of an eye.

The falling earth and rocks on the surface of the planet hovered in the air, and the jumping flames also stopped moving... Everything on the entire planet seemed to press the pause button, but everything outside the blocked area was still normal Yes, the cosmic rays and flowing dust from all directions entered the blocked area and immediately appeared to the other end, as if the universe did not exist in this area.

"Sure enough!" Noah said in a low voice. He got the inspiration from the time reversal that Guanghui Sailuo had unconsciously launched. Since the overall time cannot be reversed, is it possible to reverse the time in an area?

What he is doing now is to seal off all the time and space near this planet, dig out this area with a 'spoon', and completely separate it from this universe, and then pinch a particle alone to lock its time axis , and then rotated in the opposite direction. In the blink of an eye, the particle was reversed countless times, and this particle was put into the countless particles on this planet.

It's like throwing a small stone into a calm lake, which will cause ripples on the vast water surface. Under the blessing of Noah's power of time and space, the influence of this particle spreads rapidly. With this particle as the center, In an instant, all the nearby particles changed back to the state of several years ago just like this particle.

In reality, it quickly retracted towards the smoke column rising in the sky, and all the masonry, rubble and dust falling towards the ground flew back along the falling trajectory, and the endless flames quickly disappeared. The steel factories turned from fragments back to their original state in the blink of an eye, and then gradually disappeared from the ceiling quickly, as if there were invisible big hands dismantling them...

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