Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2383 The Second Contact

"Oh, Moeya, have you thought about it too?" Asakura Riku looked at Aizaki Moea in surprise, he had never heard Aizaki Moeya say this before.

Aizaki Moya nodded, raised her left hand and hugged Asakura Riku's arm, looked at the earth outside, and said softly: "Facing things that have never been encountered before, you will always feel fear, just like When we were young, we saw things that we had never seen for the first time, and we were both surprised and afraid, not daring to step forward and only dared to watch from afar.”

Aizaki Moya's words reminded Asakura Lu of his childhood, and said with nostalgia: "Yeah, the first time I went to the playground and saw the roller coaster, I was terrified. If you run on a high place, won’t you fall? I stood there and watched for a long time, but I didn’t dare to sit on it. When I saw the pirate ship, I was still wondering why the ship was suspended in the air instead of being placed in the water?”

"Yeah, but I realized that these things are not scary, but fun." Aizaki Moeya said with a sweet smile, leaning her head on Asakura Lu's shoulder little by little, Said softly: "I was also afraid of Ultraman at the time, just like I was afraid of monsters. They are too tall, and these huge things always make people feel frightened, don't they? But during this time, with Senior Xingye and the others have lived together for so long, I really feel their kindness, they are really thinking about human beings, the earth has nothing to do with them, but they are fighting for the earth. Obviously they have such a strong power, but they don’t As arrogant and unreasonable as Fushii Desi, and not as tyrannical as other cosmic beings."

Asakura Riku stood there motionless listening to Aizaki Moeya's views on Ultraman, but the more important reason was that Aizaki Moeya was leaning on him, and the softness made Asakura Riku's entire body Everyone froze. It was the first time they faced such a situation. They didn't know what to do, so they could only stand here stiffly.

"Didn't it say 'the time sees people's hearts'? As long as we get along for a long time, we can definitely understand each other." Aizaki Moeya said firmly: "Isn't that what I am? After a long time, other people will be able to let go of their feelings. Ultraman's fear will definitely be able to recognize the true face of Fukui Desi."

"Really? Will there really be such a day?" Zhao Canglu murmured in a low voice, his heart is very chaotic now, all kinds of thoughts are mixed together like a mess, a mess The brain is overloaded, and I can't figure out a clue at all.

Aizaki Moya saw that Asakura Lu was not very interested, and the whole person seemed to be quite depressed, so she didn't say anything, sighed insignificantly, and turned her head to look at the beautiful scenery outside the window, but the two of them didn't go to anything Mind to appreciate.

Driven by inertia and gravity, Xingyunzhuang revolves around the earth along an elliptical orbit. The entire ship is already huge in the eyes of humans, but it is extremely small in front of this huge planet. , not even as huge as the strands of white clouds floating on the surface of the earth, they are as small as a sesame seed floating above the Three Gorges Reservoir, without any sense of existence at all.

Such a huge planet, all man-made objects appear extremely small in front of it, people have to feel the magic and power of the universe, which is far beyond the reach of manpower, which makes Zhao Canglu's mind can't help but emerge. A thought came to me: "It is only after seeing the vastness of the universe that one realizes the insignificance of oneself. Perhaps this is the reason why human beings desperately pursue stronger power, because they want to go to farther places and see distant lands. What does the planet look like."

At this time, human beings are working hard to enhance their own strength. After clarifying the policy of using the confrontation between Ultraman and Fushii Desi for profit, human beings quickly acted, and all countries united to gather together on the platform of AIB. A large number of brick experts and professors came to formulate special plans, and they were revised in real time according to the situation.

Just like this time, it is confirmed that Fushii Desi's information will be provided to Ultraman. Firstly, he can express his position in good faith to Ultraman, and secondly, he may be able to get a translated document from Ultraman. , which can be compared with the translation provided by Fushii Desi to confirm the correctness of the data. However, after discussion, a third purpose was added, to have a dialogue with Ultraman again, and maybe some advanced technologies could be exchanged from Ultraman. After all, isn’t that what the great human country does to the ‘little brother’? The obedient little brother can always get more things.

However, the third purpose is only incidental and uncertain. It is just an addition. After all, I have only contacted Ultraman once. Only after many contacts and more information can we be targeted. Make a plan to achieve the purpose of obtaining technology from Ultraman.

It's a pity that in the first step of the implementation of the plan, there was a 'click! ’, because there was no trace of Ultraman at all, and even if I could find Fushii Deji, I followed Fushii Deji to leave some clues on purpose to find him.

The house where Ultraman was found last time is still a pile of ruins that have not been cleaned up. Could it be possible to squat on the ruins? For this reason, various countries have held several rounds of meetings to discuss this matter, and have stepped up search efforts, but so far there is still no gain, as if those Ultramans disappeared from the earth.

AIB also thought about finding those Ultramen from Aizaki Moya who had contact with Asakura Riku, but Aizaki Moya has been unable to contact for a long time. AIB also organized a A special team is sent to find Aizaki Moeya.

And the person in charge of this team is Xia De Sena, who specializes in negotiating with extraterrestrial life. Since he talked with Fushii Desi and Altman, the status of the team he leads has also risen.

At the beginning, human beings were still afraid of the cosmic beings, but now, after many contacts and even arrests with the cosmic beings, the mysterious veil of the cosmic beings has been lifted, and they have nothing to do with human beings. The two have the same seven emotions and six desires, but the technology is a little bit higher.

Therefore, it is not impossible to have a dialogue or trade with the aliens. The group led by Shad Senna is naturally taken seriously and tries to contact the aliens. There are more cosmic beings hiding on the earth, so there will probably be more contacts with cosmic beings in the future, so from now on, let’s prepare for the future when human beings enter the universe and contact people from other civilizations.

Therefore, the team led by Xia De Sena has become Xiangmomo, and all kinds of resources are tilted towards him. In a short period of time, the team has expanded by five or six times. .

After a long period of investigation, Xia De Sena finally found some things. Through the monitoring of corridors and streets, it was found that before Aisaki Moya disappeared, Asakura Riku had looked for her and left two hours later. , but within a week, Aizaki Moya also disappeared, and has never appeared since then.

Then the investigation reached a stalemate again. Since Aizaki Moya disappeared, they have never appeared again. They spent a lot of manpower and material resources to search all the surveillance videos of Xingshan City that they could find in the past three months, but But I couldn't find any trace of Aizaki Moya, as if the world had evaporated.

This made everyone in Xia De Sena's entire team feel sad. So many resources were wasted and so much time wasted, but the result was such a result, not to mention reporting to the superiors. He himself was not satisfied with such a result.

However, all the methods I can think of have been used over and over again. In the past half month, the scope of the search has been expanded towards Xingshan City, which doubles the workload and difficulty. Didn't Fushii Desi go to North America like last time?

Is it difficult to find it all over the world? This is simply impossible, thinking that he will return without success, Xia De Sena's heart is full of despair, this is the first task of his team after the expansion, but it just ended anticlimactically. This is simply a failure on his resume, and other people, especially his opponents, will definitely attack him based on this point and question his ability, thus making him the leader of the extraterrestrial creature negotiation team whose importance has increased. Pull down the position.

Sitting in the car, Xia De Sena was full of worries, and finally climbed to this position, and suddenly became one of the most important departments of AIB, which was earned by his hard work. He took a great risk to personally meet those extraterrestrial creatures of unknown origin and purpose. He was still surrounded by AIB heavy troops and the two sides might turn their faces to war at any time, and he went to find Ultraman. Mortal belief. After all, if he is not careful, those rockets and missiles will definitely hit his head immediately, and it is absolutely impossible to wait for them to escape because they are inside.

"What should I do?" Xia De Sena hammered his forehead heavily with his right fist, closed his eyes, and racked his brains to think of a solution, even the extremely absurd idea of ​​asking Fushii Deshi for help. I have gone through my mind several times, and if this goes on, Xia De Sena himself cannot guarantee whether he will really go to Fushii Desi. After all, when people are desperate, they can do anything in order to survive.

Just when Xia De Sena was struggling, the communicator in his left hand rang suddenly, which was especially loud in this quiet car, Xia De Sena raised his arms listlessly, with a deep tiredness on his face , but the words he said were full of energy and with a strong majesty: "What's the matter?"

An ecstatic voice came from the other side of the intercom: "Captain, we found Moeya Aizaki..."

Xia De Sena straightened up in an instant, and shouted into the communicator in great surprise: "Where is she?"

"The biggest shopping mall in Xingshan City..." Just as the location was reported on the opposite side, the driver of the car that Xia De Sena was riding in immediately accelerated and drove towards the shopping mall. Xia De Sena shouted impatiently into the communicator: "Follow her, don't disturb her before we arrive."

After giving the instructions, Xia Desena immediately turned on the whole channel and conveyed his order to all his subordinates: "Order, everyone put down their work immediately and gather at K68M878 in Xingshan City as quickly as possible. "

After the order was issued, Xia Desena began to report to the headquarters about his discovery of the No. 6 target person. All the words were code words, and none of them mentioned the real name. All the words were all code words, and none of the words mentioned the real name. For this reason, AIB also named different code names for Fushii Desi in monster or human form and Starry Night in human or giant form.

The four black commercial vehicles can be described as speeding all the way, regardless of the red light. On the road with an average speed of 80 yards on the road with a speed limit of 50 yards, they only traveled a third of the distance, because they were dodging the traffic lights. The rampant convoy caused dozens of traffic accidents, but these were handled by their own people, and Xia De Sena had to care about the target person.

"Captain, another girl appeared next to the hummingbird. She looks two or three years younger than the hummingbird. The previous investigation of the hummingbird's social relationship did not find the existence of this girl. We have sent the photo back to the headquarters and are in the process of identification. ..." Another voice came from the communicator in Xia De Sena's hand. Although the surrounding voices were very noisy, he could still hear the other party's words clearly.

"What did you say?" Xia De Sena's eyes widened suddenly, and immediately picked up a tablet next to him, and opened the photo secretly taken by the stalker. It was when Moeya Aizaki was going down the escalator, from the escalator going up In the photo taken, a red circle was drawn on another mysterious woman in order to distinguish it from the crowd on the escalator.

"Is this... a cosmic being?" Xia Desena looked at this woman with soft waist-length hair, and couldn't help frowning. They turned over all the people Aizaki Moeya knew since she was a child. I looked up to the sky, and I watched it dozens of times, and I knew it by heart. This girl has never been seen before, that is to say, I met after Aizaki Moya disappeared, so it is very likely that she is a cosmic person.

Thinking of this, Xia Desena immediately ordered: "Don't disturb them, this girl is probably also a cosmic person, expand the scope of surveillance a little more, absolutely... definitely not to disturb them."


Hanging up the communication, Xia De Sena kept praying in his heart, don't let him miss this time, otherwise he really can only go to Fushii Izuki, otherwise, he will definitely be pulled from this position go down.

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