Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2382

Facing Chao Canglu, who was facing a formidable enemy, the opposite' Chao Canglu' did not have the slightest sign of fear, but a little bit of fun appeared in his eyes, with his arms folded in front of him, he said with a smile: "Oh , Do you want to become Geed? Didn’t you say that you don’t like this face that is very similar to Beria? Why do you still use his power? Well, why?”

Asakura Riku had already stuffed Ultraman's capsule into it, Beria's Ultra capsule was almost stuffed into the fusion sublimator, his left hand stopped all of a sudden, holding the hideous Bailey in his hand The sub-capsule felt very hot all of a sudden.

"You don't actually hate Beria. On the contrary, you still like this power from him, right," 'Akakura Riku' said in a tone full of sarcasm, pointing to the shell in Asakura Lu's hand. Leah's Ultra Capsule said: "If there was no Beria, would you appear in this world? No matter what, he is also your father, and your life and strength come from him. His relationship?"

Hearing this, Zhao Canglu suddenly raised his head, looked directly at the face opposite him who had exactly the same face as him, and shouted: "You are Beria, right? You took the opportunity of capturing me last time to hide Inside my body..."

Before Chao Canglu could finish speaking, "Chao Canglu" said, "Puchi! ' Laughed out loud, and said directly: "You have been in love with Mengya since you were eleven years old. When you were in the second grade of middle school, you secretly wrote a love letter, but it's a pity that you didn't find it in the end. Courage was stuffed into her shoe cabinet and has been kept. Unfortunately, when Scargomora attacked the town last time, it was destroyed along with the Galaxy Supermarket. And the books and periodicals under your bed were also destroyed Most of them were lost, and the rest were lost in Xingyun Manor, which made you sad for a long time."

"How do you know?" Zhao Canglu's shock has almost broken through the sky. Only he knows these things, especially the love letter that has not been sent out since it was written, but it has been placed in the history book of the second grade of junior high school. In , after being destroyed by Scargomora, he was more frustrated than those rare books. After all, that was the first love letter he wrote, and it was a memorable memory.

'Chao Canglu' pointed to himself and Chao Canglu, and emphasized again: "I said it, I am you, do you want me to read the content of the love letter you wrote?" Before Chao Canglu could speak , "Chao Canglu" has already opened his mouth, retelling the love letter of only two or three hundred characters from beginning to end, and also added Chao Canglu's inner activities when writing the love letter, such as writing When the most crucial confession was made, after struggling and deliberating for a long time, Hong Guoguo changed Hong Guoguo's words into suggestive sentences.

Feeling that these are not ordinary enough, 'Asakura Lu' started talking about other things: "You started to stay away from Mengya when you were in the second grade of high school, because you realized the gap between yourself and her, and felt that you were not good enough for her , I don’t want to hurt her. After making this decision, you went to the mountain near the old observatory in the town, looked at the sky and lamented, and felt that you lost your loved one, really..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Canglu couldn't help shouting, the secret in his heart was exposed, making Chao Canglu feel like a red fruit standing in the cold wind, which is particularly embarrassing, subconsciously thinking To stop the whole person from continuing to speak, he punched him.

'Chao Canglu' still stood there, letting Chao Canglu's fist hit him, 'Boom! ' With a muffled sound, Chao Canglu's fist slammed heavily on the chest of 'Chao Canglu', causing his body to shake twice, and he couldn't help but take two steps back.

This punch actually hit, making Zhao Canglu's eyes widen suddenly, and looked at 'Chao Canglu' in astonishment, obviously he couldn't touch this guy just now, how could he hit it?

"Are you wondering why you can hit me again?" There was that hateful smile on the face of 'Asakura Lu', and he said with a smile: "Because you didn't believe my existence just now, so You can’t touch me, but now, you believe that I exist, so you can touch me naturally. As I said, I am the other side of your heart, and your will determines whether I exist or not. "

"Does my will determine your existence?" Chao Canglu yanked hard, clenched the right fist that hit the guy just now, glared at him and shouted: "Then I want you to disappear now, let me get out from here. "

"Hahaha!" 'Chao Canglu' laughed loudly, pointed at Chao Canglu and shook his head, looking at Chao Canglu as if he was looking at a psychopath, and sarcastically said: " You don't think you can make me disappear with just a few words, you are so naive. Have you forgotten that I said that I am the other side of your heart, as long as there is darkness in your heart, I will Will always be there. Can you remove the darkness within you? Can you?"

"I can, I will definitely make you disappear, absolutely will!" Chao Canglu said decisively, but what he got in exchange was "Chao Canglu" laughed more brazenly, pointing at the Belial capsule in Chao Canglu's hand Said: "Do you think that Ultraman who thinks he is bright has no darkness? Do you think that what the Kingdom of Light does is selfless? If the giant of light is really flawless, how did Beria come from The giant of light turned into a giant of darkness?"

'Chao Canglu' took a step forward and was almost close to face to face with Chao Canglu. His eyes were full of anger, and he yelled loudly at Chao Canglu: "Do you think Sai Luo and the others will really kill you?" Be your own? Don't forget, you are Beria's son, Beria is Cyro's biggest enemy, do you think he will treat you as a friend? Can you do it yourself? He just uses you, uses you Get the power from Beria to destroy Beria..."

"It's not like this..." Chao Canglu just refuted, but was interrupted by 'Chao Canglu', pointing to Chao Canglu and said: "Haven't you thought about it? I am you, you Everything you think can't be hidden from me, you have suspected Sai Luo's purpose, so I will know this."

"I..." Asakura Lu suddenly became speechless. He really doubted this point. After all, he was facing Sai Luo and the others who had never met before, and his identity was still the son of Sai Luo's enemy Beria. How can I not have some ideas in my heart.

'Asakura Lu' looked at Chao Canglu with a grin and said: "I was thinking that it's normal to be suspicious because I'm not familiar with it before, right? But you still think like this now, the reason why you hate Beria's son This heavy identity is because you are worried that their hatred will affect the friendship between you. They say that they are peace messengers all day long, so you also try to do it in their way."

"But why? Why do you follow their methods?" 'Chao Canglu' took a step forward, and the face that was exactly the same as his was almost stuck on Chao Canglu's. The pressing momentum made Zhao Canglu take a step back, and the voice of "Chao Canglu" sounded in his ear again: "You are you, why do you want to imitate their behavior style? Desperate to protect human beings, In the end, you have to carefully consider their thoughts, and you can't even live a quiet life. Why? Why?"

Being questioned by exactly the same person, and what he said was still hidden in his heart, and he never dared to say or think about it, this made Zhao Canglu at a loss, opened his mouth, and said palely: " Because...because...I am Ultraman..."

"Ultraman? Heh, Ultraman! Should Ultraman fight to the death for human beings wholeheartedly? Not to mention a little bit of reward, but also being calculated by human beings, even to have quiet, peaceful Is this what you want? Is this what you want? Feel your conscience and ask yourself, is this what you want? You are just learning from The Flash."' Asakura Lu's pressing question made Asakura Lu speechless. For the first time, he really thought about whether he really wanted to be Ultraman, to become such a 'selfless' hero.

'Cao Canglu' saw that Chao Canglu didn't refute immediately, and didn't move forward, but stood in place, looked at Chao Canglu who was three or four steps away and said: "Look at Fushii Desi, release Killed so many monsters, destroyed so many cities, killed so many people, even your small town was wiped off the map by him. But in the end, he still became the guest of mankind , What about you, hiding in Tibet, even Moeya has been implicated by you, isn't it too unfair? You are fighting to protect human beings, but in the end, human beings cooperated with Fushii Deshi, hehe, this Isn't it ridiculous?"

"I...I..." Zhao Canglu was speechless again, not knowing what to say. This is what he cares most about. He fought desperately to protect human beings, but human beings He turned his head around and cooperated with Fushii Deji, it was like he saw a person bullying the weak and went to help the weak to stop the strong from committing violence, but the one who was beaten and the one who hit him suddenly joined forces and reconciled. Instead, it became redundant, and it was so embarrassing that it couldn't be more embarrassing.

"There is no such thing as justice and evil in this world. Only power is the eternal truth. Because of Fushii Izuji's powerful power, human beings cannot investigate what he did, but instead pretend to be nonchalant and talk to him." Cooperation. But if it is an ordinary human being, let alone killing so many people, even if he kills one person, the human being will kill him unceremoniously." 'Chao Canglu' suddenly raised his hand, pointing Looking at Chao Canglu, he said: "But what about you, look at your pitiful appearance, what can you give Mengya? Take her away from this planet, and wander in the universe with you for the rest of your life? Hehe, you really have Ability, to be able to come up with such a way.”

Chao Canglu lowered his head and gritted his teeth, growling, "Shut up!"

"What else can you say besides this? What I said is what you think in your heart, but you dare not say it. Let me help you say it."

"I'm not like that, no, no, no!"

"You are a coward. Even though you have such a strong power, you are afraid to do anything. You are actually a bully. You dare not fight against human beings to gain a piece of the sky for yourself, so cowardly. I want to take the girl I love out of here..."

Before the words of 'Chao Canglu' finished, Chao Canglu who was standing opposite couldn't bear it any longer. He threw his fist at him and shouted, "Shut up!"

He was only halfway through the punch, and he heard Aizaki Moya's voice in his ears: "Xiaori..." With the sound of this voice, the red road under his feet shrank rapidly, and the surrounding area The darkness also disappeared quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it even disappeared with 'Cao Canglu'.

'Boom! Zhao Canglu's right fist slammed heavily on the alloy-cast wall. At the same time as the pain came, the light was restored in front of his eyes. The darkness around him and that person who was exactly the same had completely disappeared, as if he had never appeared before. , has already returned to the bright corridor.

"Xiao Lu, what are you doing?" Aizaki Moya exclaimed, "Teng! Teng! ’ ran over, grabbed Chao Canglu’s right hand in his hand, and looked at the red knuckles of Chao Canglu’s right fist with great distress.

"It hurts, Xiao Lu," Aizaki Moya gently rubbed Asakura Lu's right hand, raised her head to look at Asakura Lu, and said angrily, "What are you doing? I just stood here for a long time without moving. After calling you, you suddenly hit the wall."

Asakura Lu forced a smile, keenly aware of what Aizaki Moya said, and couldn't help asking: "Moeya, I just... have been standing here all this time? Didn't I move?"

"No, you stood at the door after you went out," Aizaki Moya was confused when she heard Asakura Lu's question, she didn't understand why Asakura Lu asked this, obviously he knew better, didn't he? Thinking of this, Aizaki Moya also felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Xiao Lu, what happened?"

Zhao Canglu fell silent when he heard the words. After thinking for a while, he still didn't tell what happened to him just now. He just forced a smile: "It's nothing, just now... I was in a daze for a while."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Canglu hurriedly talked about other things to change the topic: "Mengya, you want to stay on the earth, right? In fact, I don't want to leave the earth either. If I leave here, where can I go?"

Aizaki Moeya didn't let go of Asakura Riku's hand, just held Asakura Lu's hand like this, looked at the blue outside through the glass next to the corridor, and said softly: "Xiao Lu, I believe you can definitely be here People who live on the earth, whether it is monsters or Ultraman, are the first contact with human beings. To be honest, when I saw Ultraman for the first time, I was shocked, and I also thought about Ultraman Will Man harm humans?"

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