Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2374 what is a guardian

Chao Canglu opened his mouth, and he didn't know what to say about Sai Wen's behavior at all. What Sai Wen did was beyond what he could imagine. A person, a person who is pure enough to get rid of vulgar interests and is also beneficial to the people.

The high-level human beings did not hesitate to kill Seven who had protected human beings many times. After he knew the fact that human beings are invaders, let alone stand by, it would not be too much to help the aborigines. After all, this is the law of the universe. But Seven actually went to help humans and defeated the aborigines. Even the Holy Mother would feel ashamed of this behavior.

"Don't you think it's incredible? I don't understand Seven's behavior." Xingye's words made Zhao Canglu nod in agreement, and asked himself, he has lived on the earth for nineteen years, and when he was a human People who are 30 to 40 times longer than Ultraman may not be able to achieve the level of Seven in such a situation, not to mention the time on the earth, for Seven's tens of thousands of years of life, It passed in a blink of an eye, but the blink of an eye made him willing to go against the laws of the Kingdom of Light and the rules of the Space Guard to help mankind.

"As I said before, human beings are extremely complex creatures, and a group of billions cannot be represented by a small number of people," Xingye said with emotion: "What Seven encounters not only promotes friendship There are people who love peace and strongly oppose the friendship plan; there are people who desperately erase the fact that human beings are invaders, and there are people who want to make the behavior of human ancestors public like the whole universe; There are people who don't know what gratitude is, and there are people who want to respond to Ultraman's desire to protect mankind."

"Sevin not only saw the dark side of human beings, but also saw all the beautiful qualities of human beings: friendliness, bravery, persistence... So, he still chose to stand on the side of human beings, even if it violated the laws of the universe , Even if you will be imprisoned in the dark nebula, you still do this."

Sai Luo followed Xingye's words and said very depressed: "His friend on earth told him that'humans were indeed invaders tens of thousands of years ago, but humans will evolve with the development of time, from barbaric The aggressor, become a member of civilization, and will never be that kind of aggressor again, 'Yeah, a word from someone made him give up everything and fight for mankind, while he silently endured darkness and coldness .”

"It's really great." Asakura Lu admired from the bottom of his heart. This is a true friend of mankind, who thinks of mankind wholeheartedly. This friendship has already transcended, and he loves mankind even more than humans.

"I have said so much, just to tell you that the human species is not judged by simple good and evil. The behavior of some people does not represent all human beings, and more importantly..." Xingye turned her head and stared at Canglu said very seriously: "You have to know that Ultraman is not the nanny of human beings. He has to solve all the troubles for human beings. travel in the universe."

"So, Senior Xingye, did you intentionally ignore the monster capsule?" Zhao Canglu understood what Xingye was trying to express. Xingye knew about the transaction between Fushii Desi and humans, but he deliberately ignored it. , in order to achieve the growth of human beings?

Xingye nodded and said: "Yes, as I said before, we are cosmic beings and not human beings, so we have no position to stop the decisions made by human beings. The same is true for this transaction. This is their own decision. If you choose to trade with Fushii Desi, even if you destroy it, so what? This time it is not successful, the second time, the third time, besides the transaction, there will be various other decisions, unless you stay on the earth forever , and always detects every move of human beings, helping human beings to make the right choice. It is true that Ultraman has a lot of experience and technology beyond human beings, and can prevent human beings from taking the wrong path. But in this case, is this human or Ultraman? What about Man?"

"A human being is now a toddler, you tell him that falling hurts, he has no concept of 'pain' at all, only when he actually falls, he knows 'oh, it really hurts to fall', No matter what is the repetition of falling down and standing up like this, stumbling forward and growing up smoothly, no matter the race or the individual, they are all just superficially powerful, and a little bit of wind and waves will They can knock them over. Instead of waiting for human beings to be overturned by wind and waves while sailing in the deep sea, it is better to experience these wind and waves when they are offshore, and have experience in how to deal with them, so that even when they travel to the deep sea, they will know what to do when encountering wind and waves How to deal with wind and waves. After all, even if you are overturned in shallow sea, you can swim back to the shore and start again, but if you are overturned by wind and waves in deep sea, there is no hope of survival.”

"Senior Xingye means that the monster capsule this time will make human beings lose their memory and have a long memory, right?"

"Yes, we are still here now, if there is any trouble, we can help to solve it, but we will leave sooner or later, and no matter what the problem is, we can only face it by ourselves. Now let the human eat some food Loss, a longer memory, but there will not be too much loss, but we leave, that is not necessarily the case." Xingye said with emotion, his experience is the best example, the scientific research department has always been All are bound by the starry night, and those powerful weapons that are beyond the bounds of human restraint have not been developed at all.

But what did TPC do during the eight years he was gone? Gathering all kinds of advanced technologies, Prometheus was created even in the universe, but as a result, the result of simple piling up of weapons was that Prometheus was easily controlled by the cosmic people. Mishus used the spaceship originally used to protect the earth to destroy the earth.

Xingye has been suppressing the scientific research department all the time, always teaching by example that 'a technology that cannot be restrained is an imperfect technology', so what? After only a few years away, he immediately changed, and completely forgot Xingye's words in his mind. But after the 'Prometheus' incident, after suffering a loss, I immediately knew the correctness of this sentence. Although I said later that it was not as strict as Starry Night, I was more cautious about this powerful weapon. When Xingye and Mayumi returned to TPC for the last time, TPC had been updated for several generations, but they were still cautious about powerful weapons, and they never said they were as radical as 'Prometheus'.

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