Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2373 not ashamed heart

"What kind of friendship plan? To make friends?" Asakura Lu didn't understand, so he guessed. After all, this name seems to be a good plan, but is it necessary to list plans just to make friends?

"Project Friendship is a plan launched by the Earth Defense Force of another universe to protect the earth. Its content is to launch detectors towards the planets that can be observed. Once life is found, it will launch missiles to blow up the planet. Fall," Iga Liren walked forward slowly, and said what he knew: "In this way, there will be no conditions for the birth of other civilizations on Earth 4, and naturally there will be no cosmic humans invading the earth. , to achieve the goal of protecting the earth with a proactive posture, and solve the problem that the earth is constantly being invaded by alien civilizations."

"Ah!" Asakura Lu opened his mouth wide and blinked vigorously. It was hard to believe that what Sai Luo said was a weak human being who could blow up other planets, and there were more than one. But it’s wrong to do this, isn’t it to blow up all the living planets around you in order to protect yourself? Isn’t this imposing what happened to yourself on others?

Sai Luo raised his arms in front of him, and said in a calm tone; "And the human beings in that universe are not the natives of the earth, but the invaders who wiped out the natives of the earth a long time ago. It can be counted as killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred. As the invaders, human beings also suffered heavy losses, so that even the inheritance of their own civilization has been broken, and the aggression of their ancestors has been forgotten."

Asakura Lu was already stunned. Such a dizzying plot, making ten or eight films is not a small amount. Human beings can become invaders in other universes. This is simply a violation of human beings being just and weak One side, this law.

"The rule of the Kingdom of Light is that anyone's invasion of other planets is not allowed, but Dad knows the fact that human beings are invaders, but he still chooses to protect human beings, and he also created a war with the surviving aborigines. For this reason, he was sentenced to be imprisoned in the dark and icy Horsehead Nebula, which is second only to Beria's exile in the dark realm."

Sai Luo glanced at Asakura Riku, and then explained to him: "Ultraman is light and heat, darkness and cold are Ultraman's greatest enemies, and the Horsehead Nebula is a dead river system, where the stars are either The lifespan is exhausted and extinguished or is on the verge of extinguishing. The dark field is a place where there is no star, and there is no heat at all. It is basically equivalent to throwing humans into an icehouse, but the consciousness is still awake. I can clearly feel the biting cold."

Listening to Sai Luo's narration, Zhao Canglu hugged his arms with some sympathy, feeling that the autumn wind suddenly became cold, and he had to keep his consciousness awake in the ice cellar. That feeling is really...Think about it , I usually feel cold when it snows, and staying in such a cold environment all the time, and still maintaining a clear mind, this is simply a great torture.

This also made Chao Canglu feel sincere admiration for Sai Wen's behavior. He is obviously just an alien from the universe, but he does not hesitate to violate the laws and regulations for the sake of human beings. This made Asakura Lu couldn't help thinking in his heart, what kind of mood did Seven feel when he knew that human beings were invaders? What kind of complicated thoughts did you have when you went to deal with the original aborigines? In the cold dark nebula, what will you think?

Xingye said: "So, this is why the Kingdom of Light does not allow star observers to intervene in disputes within the planet, and it is also the reason why Ultraman leaves immediately after defeating a monster and does not communicate with humans. It is because of time reasons, and it is to avoid being influenced by subjective factors to cause a situation like Seven. Aggression is not allowed, and it is even more sinful to help the aggressor as a star observer."

Asakura Riku nodded subconsciously. It was like a person occupying someone else's house. The original owner wanted to take the house back. Instead of helping the original owner, the police who called him helped the robbers beat the original owner away. This is completely knowing the law and breaking the law, and the crime committed is even greater than that of the aggressors.

"That's how he loves human beings so deeply, he doesn't care about anything for human beings," Sai Luo said with a full face, "Because he was imprisoned in the dark nebula, he has never seen him from birth to five thousand years old. I don’t even know that he is my father. The first time I saw him, I was caught by him and then expelled from the Kingdom of Light. It was really a bad first meeting. If it wasn’t for Beria’s disturbance in the Kingdom of Light, I am afraid that by now They thought they were war orphans too."

"It turns out that you are also Sai Luo..." Chao Canglu looked at Sai Luo in surprise, but he did not expect that Sai Luo's experience was the same as his, which made his admiration for Sai Luo even higher. To be able to do this for the sake of human beings who have nothing to do with him, he can't even care about his own son.

"Do you think Saiwen is great, he can ignore himself for the sake of human beings who have nothing to do with him?" Xingye said to Chao Canglu, and Chao Canglu nodded vigorously. From a human point of view, such a Heroes are really good, let alone one, there are not too many to come to a dozen.

But from the perspective of fairness and justice, it is indeed wrong to do so. Not to mention helping the aggressors to defeat the aborigines, it is a heinous crime. No wonder they will be sentenced to imprisonment in the Dark Nebula , this is already the heaviest punishment in the Kingdom of Light next to expulsion of nationality and exile from the Dark Realm.

"Before Dad helped humans defeat the aborigine monsters, because he knew the Omega file, that is, the fact that humans are not natives of the earth but invaders, he was caught by the Earth Defense Force's staff officer He Zhi and sent to the atomic decomposition room to be killed." The purpose of killing him is to cover up this fact." Sai Luo's words made Asakura Lu stunned again, looking at Sai Luo in disbelief, he was so surprised that he couldn't speak a complete sentence, and the stammering sentence was full of words. It was all inconceivable: "Then...then...Severn, he also... violated the laws of the Kingdom of Light to help humans defeat the aborigines? No way?"

"Yeah, he still stood on the human side after knowing all the facts," Sai Luo said very depressed: "When he was tried by the Kingdom of Light court, he still said, 'My heart is still not ashamed at all. I feel that protecting the one I love should be the unchanging principle of the universe, I have absolutely no regrets!' If he knowingly committed a crime without repentance, he was finally sentenced to be imprisoned in the dark nebula."

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