Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2360 Asakura Lu's training is in progress

In a deserted valley, a cigar-shaped spaceship lay quietly on the ground, surrounded by withered vegetation, and occasionally a gust of wind blew up all the yellow fallen leaves and dry vegetation on the ground, and drifted away with the wind. .

In an open space next to the spaceship, Asakura Riku was sweating hard, and opposite him was Toba Raiha, but compared to Asakura Riku, Toba Raiha only had a little sweat on his forehead. The beads of sweat all over Cang Lu's body and head formed a stark contrast.

The two were fighting fiercely, but compared to Asakura Riku who didn't use all his strength with every punch and kick, Toba Raiha seemed to be more comfortable, and he could easily knock Asakura Riku with a single wave of his hand. The offensive with all its strength was resolved.

One attack is like a reckless samurai while the other is like an elegant dancer. Each attack of Asakura Riku consumes a lot more energy than Toba Raiha, but it is basically difficult to achieve what he wants To achieve the desired effect, the training only lasted more than ten minutes, and Asakura Lu was already sweating profusely.

Aizaki Moya, who was watching the training, said very distressed: "Xiao Lu, take a break."

"No, huh... huh... I'm fine, I can still do it" Zhao Canglu couldn't complete his words panting, but he still stubbornly put on the fighting moves that Sai Luo taught him, once again Running towards Toba Raiha, with every step down, the sports boots will make a clear shoe print on the dusty ground, and when lifted up, the dust on the ground will be lifted up and fly to In the air, a large amount of dust filled the rear of Asakura Riku's running.

"Drink!" Asakura Riku yelled, and swung his right fist vigorously, directly attacking Toba Raiha in front of him, but this time Toba Raiha, who had been on the defensive all along, unexpectedly Take the initiative to step forward and take a step to the left. The moment the left foot was stepped down, the right foot was lifted and the body rotated half a circle around the left leg, and then, with the help of the centripetal force of this rotation, the shoulder hit the back of Asakura Luzheng who was pushing forward.

The sudden impact made Asakura Riku stagger forward for several steps before stabilizing his body, while Toba Raiha took a step back, put away his offensive and stood, glanced at the man with a big head Chao Canglu, who was sweating, turned around without saying a word and walked towards Xingyunzhuang, which was only ten meters away.

Asakura Riku, who was about to say something later, had no choice but to swallow the words in his mouth, and Aizaki Moya, who was standing aside, had already run over with a white towel and water, handed the water to Asakura Riku, and hurriedly In a panic, Asakura Lu wiped the sweat off his face and head.

And Toba came to the cabin door of Xingyunzhuang without looking back, and went in directly, but the moment he entered the cabin door, he turned his head involuntarily and glanced at Chao Canglu in the distance... .

Then Toba Raiha immediately turned his head and walked into Xingyunzhuang. The steel plates on both sides of the not very wide corridor have been dismantled, revealing the various specifications of the lines inside, not the insulating material of human beings plus copper The line of the line, but the line made of a nearly superconducting material.

Under the circuit board, there are several pipelines that are made up of thousands of hair-thin lines and extend to both sides along these dismantled metal plates. Toba Raiha walks forward along these pipelines Go, and stop until you reach the main control room, the largest room of the spaceship.

The main control room, which was originally quite orderly, is now in a mess, and a large part of the various equipment that filled the main control room has been dismantled, and Xingye is still dismantling the rest of the equipment, so that Pejia was distressed at the side and couldn't help shouting: "Do you want to dismantle this too? Wait a minute, this is useful, don't you want to dismantle it too? Sigh, don't you want this too?"

Xingye pushed forward vigorously, pushed aside a piece of equipment that had been removed from the fixture, clapped her hands and said: "These things are too outdated, to be honest, Pejia, your parents are very foresighted, just rely on The spaceship made of this pile of junk can even support you alone across such a long space to come to the earth, which is already an extraordinary performance."

"Oh?" Pejia couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words, looking at the messy pile of dismantled equipment around her, she asked in confusion, "That...what do you mean?"

Xingye didn't answer, but said with emotion: "It seems that the attribute of cutting corners is not only unique to human beings, it should be a common problem of life."

"Ah!" Peijia opened her mouth wide in surprise, looked at the equipment that Xingye had dismantled more than half of it, and then said after a long pause: "No way, this... this is an escape spaceship, if you cut corners , aren't you afraid..."

"Because the escape ship or something will not be used for a long time, this is the best place to cut corners," Toba Laiha said in a very flat tone while standing at the door: "Human passenger ships, ten thousand times There won't be a shipwreck accident. The lifeboat is basically a decoration, let alone your spaceship. I'm afraid the chance of accidents is even lower. In this case, the lifesaving capsule won't be used, and it's really suitable for corruption. .”

Peggy didn't say anything immediately, and after thinking about it, it was indeed the case. For example, the food, drinking water, and even breathable gas in this lifesaving spaceship were pitifully small. But it is only supported near the earth. You must know that this design requirement can support 30 people to live for a year. As a result, Peggy has been flying alone for less than ten years, and crashed on the earth due to the exhaustion of energy and necessary materials.

"It seems that your parents are also in the know, otherwise they will definitely not rest assured that you travel through the void of the universe in such a small spaceship." Xingye said and dismantled another device, then stood up, stretched Lazy and said: "Okay, it's almost finished. These obsolete equipment can be integrated together, which can save a lot of space and energy. After working for so long, it's finally done. The rest is installation. It will be completed in about a week, and by then, you will be able to drive this ship to outer space." Xingye's last words were for Asakura Riku and Aizaki Moya who were walking in side by side.

PS: Some book friends in the Xingsha reading review area said that human beings are "two, stupid". The forest, and after he left, another person jumped out and said: Don't believe him, the road on the left is to the cannibals, and the road on the right is the right one.

So who do you trust? This is the problem faced by human beings in the book. They can’t look at things from the perspective of God like you. When they can’t verify whether the words of the two sides are true or false, they can only choose to disbelieve and follow their usual habits. .

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