Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2359 human abacus

The door of this two-storey wooden house slowly opened, but there was nothing behind the door, not even a shadow could be seen. Shadesina raised his legs and walked in without fear. In the living room, there are a few worn-out wooden chairs, and there is nothing else. The wooden doors leading to other rooms are crumbling, and it looks like they will fall down when touched.

The windows are closed tightly, making the room look extraordinarily dark. You can see the gaps between the wooden boards shining into the room, making the dust floating in the room invisible. In addition, the wooden floor is also covered with dust. It feels abandoned for a long time.

It's just that Xia Desena was keenly aware that he didn't see any flies, rats and ants in such a dirty room, and it was very quiet, only when they came in, they stepped on the wooden floor and said, "Crack!" creak! 'the sound of.

Shadesina said to the empty living room: "We negotiated with sincerity. Some things are better explained in person. What's the matter with you hiding like this?"

"Hiding? Why should I hide? You can't even find me with such a small technology, will I be afraid of you? I just want to make sure that those guys from the Kingdom of Light are not following you." Fushii Deshi's voice It sounded again, and then a crimson magic circle appeared on the wooden floor. The moment the magic circle took shape, Fushii Deji also appeared in the center of the magic circle.

"I found this place so quickly, faster than I expected." Fushii Ideki sat directly on the dilapidated wooden chair, not caring about the dust on it, and looked at the ten AIBs standing at the door with a smile. people.

Xia De Sena opened a wooden chair and sat opposite Fushii Desi, and said in a calm tone: "This is a human planet. Naturally, anyone's every move can't be hidden from us. You bought this farm with your own name." , it will be easy to find you."

"Can't you hide? Then do you know where the Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light are?" Fushii Izuki looked at Shad Senna with a contemptuous smile on his face, and the sarcasm in his tone was beyond words.

Before Xia Desena could answer, Fushii Deji laughed and said: "I can't find it. In fact, even if your satellites and other detection equipment scan the spaceship they are on, it is useless. Your network is simply a sieve." .As long as the technology is a little higher than yours, you can easily obtain the desired information from your network, and it is also very easy to modify data files."

Xia De Sena couldn't help but frowned slightly when he heard the words, and before he could figure out what to say, Fushii Idesi continued to speak: "You guys have some theories about artificial intelligence, right? Let me tell you, my spaceship is equipped with Artificial intelligence, so even if the spaceship has crashed, without my permission, even if I give you a hundred years, you don't even try to decipher the information inside."

"The reason why I say so much is to tell you that Ultraman's spaceship is also equipped with artificial intelligence, so...you can take off your glasses. It's over, you don't want Ultraman to find out that you have contact with me, right?" Fushii Idesi's words made Shad Senna hesitate, and then he raised his hand to take off the pair of glasses with the miniature camera and put them on the Turning aside, the AIB people behind him also took off the cameras on their bodies, leaving only the radio equipment running.

"Okay, now we can negotiate, as long as I don't say my name." Fushii Izuki raised his hand and made a gesture of "you come first" to Shad Senna.

Xia De Sena straightened his back, and said righteously: "I am expressing strong condemnation and protest to you on behalf of mankind. You entered the earth without permission and caused great damage to the city. and human casualties and economic losses, for which I...”

"If that's what you're talking about, then you can leave now," Fushii Deji said with a blank expression, "When elephants fight, they absolutely don't care what ants think. The war between you humans I have never considered other life on this planet. I don’t have time to go around here with you, what do you want and what can you give me?”

Xia De Sena pursed his lips, then threw those diplomatic words aside, and said, "I have a question to ask you, what is your purpose on Earth?"

Fushii Deji leaned back against the rotten chair back, and said in a flat tone: "It's very simple, revenge, I only have one person, and I can't beat the Kingdom of Light at all, so I can only pick these Alone Ultraman. When I passed by here, I found that Ultraman Zero was on this planet, so I started to transform my monster according to the gravity and climate conditions of this planet. As for destroying the city, I can only determine his approximate location, and I can only use this Such a large-scale attack forced Ultraman Zero out, if you want to blame it, you humans should blame yourself, why provide Ultraman Zero with shelter?"

"Humans provide shelter for Ultraman Zero?" Xia De Sena showed doubts on his face.

"That's right," Fushii Deji said with a sneer on his face: "Ultraman can board other highly intelligent life, so that he can hide himself, and can also understand and collect information about living planets, so those losses It is the reason of you human beings, and it is your own involvement."

"And what about Beria?"

"Belia is the most wanted criminal in the Kingdom of Light. He used to be a member of the Kingdom of Light, but he ruled the entire universe because he destroyed one race after another in the name of justice against the Kingdom of Light. However, his reasoning Fighting hard, in exchange for being exiled as a traitor. Not only him and me, but also many people gathered together to resist the kingdom of light. The forces of the Kingdom of Light wanted to develop and grow outside the sphere of influence of the Kingdom of Light to fight against the Kingdom of Light. However, they were attacked by the forces of the Kingdom of Light headed by Sai Luo and destroyed it. Only a few lucky people Beria was one of them who escaped from Ascension, he fled to this universe, in order to prevent the Kingdom of Light from spreading in this universe, he began to contact like-minded people to fight against the Kingdom of Light together, and I was one of them.”

Fushii Izuki stopped while talking, and showed a strange smile at Shad Senna, and then said: "The other partners in this universe have discovered that a team from the Kingdom of Light is heading towards the earth. Come closer, probably to conquer the earth, after all, Sai Luo has been on the earth for twenty-five years, and the information collection is almost done."

"Really?" Xia Desena nodded noncommittally, and did not express any expression or opinion on what Fushii Deji said. He has no right to express opinions. The content was sent back verbatim for those big bosses to discuss, and then he would convey the decisions of the big bosses.

"Do you want to join the alliance against the Kingdom of Light? If you join, the alliance can help you improve your technology, develop other resource stars in the solar system to build a human space fleet..." Fushii Deshi threw a big The very attractive conditions made Xia De Sena's heart flutter, and he unconsciously thought about how "delicious" this "big cake" drawn by Fushii Deshi was.

But Xia Desena just thought for a while before he came back to his senses. After all, this empty talk is unfounded. He just listened to someone's words and then followed him regardless. There are really not many such fools, and they are definitely at the endangered level.

Xia Desena waited until Fushii Deji finished speaking, and then said: "I can't decide what you said. After all, we can't be sure whether what you said is true. Let's talk about the content of the transaction."

"Heh, it's normal for you not to believe it. After all, Ultraman hasn't shown their domineering side yet, which is why they want to use the banner of justice, because it's really useful," Fushii Deji spread his hands, and then said : "Let me show my sincerity first. I can open the central computer on my spaceship and provide you with some high-tech materials. I need you to provide materials to help me repair my spaceship."

After hearing the conditions of Fushii Desi, Xia Desena didn't say anything, but listened carefully to the voice coming from the headset in his right ear, and after a while he raised his head and said: "We still need to discuss this matter. After all, that spaceship belongs to all human beings now, it is not up to our AIB family to decide, and didn’t Ultraman Nexus appear there last time? Maybe Ultraman has been monitoring it all the time for the purpose of To catch you, if you show up there and our soldiers withdraw, will it expose the transaction between us?"

"Hehe," Fushii Deshi looked at Xia Desena with a smirk, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Really? Are you going to eat the last one and eat the next one, and then seek to maximize the benefits? Such a smart person I have seen a lot of guys, and I always feel that I am amazing, and I am too ignorant to be able to control everything."

Fushii Deji stood up, looked down at Xia De Sena and said: "You can try to blackmail something from the Kingdom of Light, I will give you the exchanged technology first, and it will take time for you to create my The materials needed, after all, your factory is too low-level, and it needs to be upgraded to produce metal materials that meet my requirements. Let’s just leave it at that, my artificial intelligence is not as good as that of the Kingdom of Light, and I can only block conversations for a short time Signal transmission, this is for you, use this next time you want to negotiate."

As he said that, Fushii Izuki took out a capsule from his hand, put it on the table, and then turned around without delay, a crimson magic circle immediately appeared under his feet, and disappeared in an instant.

This made it impossible for Xia Desena to say what he hadn't said yet. Fushii Deshi ran away before the task this time was completed. The nine people he brought still had tasks to take advantage of the negotiation. Quietly put the tracker on Fushii Idesi's body to track Fushii Idesi's whereabouts, but I didn't expect the conversation to start for such a short time. Before these professional agents approached, the other party disappeared.

However, the conversation this time has made a lot of progress. For example, Fushii Deji promised to provide high technology in exchange for humans to make materials for repairing the spaceship, but this is not a big deal for AIB. They can get more things from this transaction. Didn't Fushii Deji say that the human factory is too low-level to produce the materials he needs? Then the other party needs to provide technology to upgrade the factory. Materials that can be used to repair spaceships can also be used to produce spaceships. This is simply an excellent opportunity for human material technology to advance by leaps and bounds. Make a big deal and get the high technology first.

And the capsule left by Fushii Deshi was sent to the headquarters of AIB as quickly as possible. Compared with other monster capsules collected on the battlefield, the shell material is exactly the same, but there is no monster or robot 'model' inside. That's all.

Yes, it is the model, the high-tech that human beings are proud of, is completely useless in front of these capsules, which are only two or three thumbs in size. It is a material like plastic, but humans can't make it yet.

But there is no progress in the other ones. Two of the collected monster capsules are fragmented, but they can't analyze what the fragments of the "monster model" are, and they are completely something that humans have never seen before. It can also be guessed that this is the most important part of the monster capsule.

The other four monster capsules seemed to be in good condition, but they could not be used all the time. After getting the fusion sublimator, they tried to stuff two monster capsules into it, but it didn't work at all. Hearing that Fushii Desi said that without his genes, he couldn't use the fusion sublimator at all, so he knew why there was no reaction.

This time the deal with Fushii Desi, the first thing many people think of is this monster capsule technology. After all, all the monsters that have appeared so far can fight against Ultraman. Although it failed, it was because there were too few of them. , if there are tens of thousands of them, they can kill Ultraman.

Therefore, when discussing what kind of technology to exchange with Fushii Desi, the technology of monster capsules was taken as an important proposal. Power, then there is no need to make any deal with Fukui Ideshi, just capture him directly, even the spaceship and technology are all human.

At that time, you can get everything in your pocket without paying any price at all, so why not do it?

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