Chapter 2287 new home

"Are you really jealous?" Xingye glanced at Toba Raiha in surprise, although what she said was basically the same, but she was going to live in soon, so I really okay?

Toba Raiha carried the piano case on his back, folded his arms in front of his body, and said very manly: "In the past six years, in order to find that man, I have traveled all over the world and met countless people of all kinds. Since six years The mysterious power that appeared earlier allowed me to hear the voices of many, many people. How many people who are bright on the surface are full of filth in their hearts, and how many people who flaunt their high morals are doing shady deeds in private. "

"Yeah, sometimes the more you know and the more you see, the more you will find that the world is far less glamorous than it appears on the surface. In fact, not only this world, but all places are like this. Nothing is as glamorous as it seems on the surface. Simple." Xingye sighed lightly, just like Beria, he was driven out of the Kingdom of Light and exiled to the Dark Realm, a large part of which was because the invasion of the Ampera Stars ended not long ago , the entire Kingdom of Light is extremely sensitive and disgusted with dark forces.

Belia, who touched the core of the plasma spark and was illuminated by the too strong light, made the entire kingdom of light shaken. Light life forms can also give birth to darkness, which caused many Ultramans to have Sense of fear.

Perhaps in another time period, Beria would not have been punished so severely. It is a pity that he did the wrong thing at the wrong time. Perhaps there were also factors of attacking political opponents. He once competed with the father of Otto for the cosmic security Beria, the captain of the team, was sentenced to the heaviest punishment and was exiled to the Dark Realm, which is purgatory for Ultraman.

Toba Raiha turned his head to look at Xingye who was deeply moved, and couldn't help saying: "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking, in fact, many, many glamorous people have a dark history that can't be looked back."

"Do you have it too?"

Hearing Toba Laiha's rhetorical question, Mayumi laughed out loud, stood on tiptoe, patted Xingye's shoulder, and joked: "His black history is much, much more than you imagined. It may not be finished."

"Ah?!" Zhao Canglu looked confused, as if he saw something incredible.

Xingye glanced sideways at Chao Canglu and said, "What's your expression? Do you know? Sai Luo made the same mistake as Beria back then. He also wanted to gain the power of the plasma spark core and broke into The forbidden land wants to touch the plasma spark core."

"Ah!" Asakura Lu's mouth opened even wider. He knew why Beria was kicked out of the Kingdom of Light, because it was called the plasma spark core, but he didn't expect that Sero would do it too. Had the same wrong thing, this simply overturned Asakura Lu's cognition.

Zhao Canglu was stunned for a while before he thought of a question, and asked hesitantly, "Then Sai Luo...was he kicked out too?"

"Hmm," Xingye pulled Mayumi into the house, and said as he walked, "Siro was disqualified from being an Ultra fighter, but he didn't touch the plasma spark core because he was killed by Seven. It was stopped in time. So he was taken away from the Kingdom of Light by Leo, and went to the extremely harsh planet K76 to receive training comparable to hell."

"It's really discriminatory treatment." Chao Canglu expressed his first feeling, obviously he made the same mistake, one was exiled and the other was taken away for training, what is it if this is not discriminatory treatment.

Xingye stretched out his hand and pushed the door open, revealing a magnificently decorated hall. The smooth marble floor was carved with beautiful patterns, and a crystal chandelier was hung on the top of the ceiling. There were sofas, tables, chairs and benches in the room. It is fully equipped, completely packed and checked in.

"Both of them made the same mistake, and the endings are very different. Is this just caused by simple differential treatment?" Xingye walked into the house while talking, Chao Canglu's lips moved slightly, In the end, I still couldn’t say anything to refute, obviously I made the same mistake, one is still a good person and the other has become a bad person, which makes Zhao Cang Lu faintly feel that there is a kind of "bad people are born bad people, what about good people?" The ground is a good person' meaning.

Zhao Canglu and Peijia followed Xingye into the room, and sat on the sofa in the living room somewhat restrainedly. This house looked very expensive at first glance, which made Chao Canglu, who had never had a five-figure deposit, very envious. If there were no accidents in the house, he might not be able to afford a toilet here for the rest of his life, and now there are only five of them in this house.

This is simply too extravagant for Chao Canglu and Peijia, who used to live in the attic on the second floor of the Galaxy Supermarket. Peijia is even more delighted than Chao Canglu. There will be others coming. In this way, he doesn't have to hide in the shadow all day long, and can walk freely in this small world.

Xingye looked at Chao Canglu who was deep in thought, stood up, and then threw the two things in his hand towards Chao Canglu, making Chao Canglu hurriedly reach out to catch the two black shadows flying over, and took a closer look at one of them It was a bunch of keys, while the other was a capsule holder that was almost indistinguishable from the one on his waist.

"This..." Asakura Lu raised his head in surprise, and looked at Xingye who was pulling Mayumi to go out with puzzled eyes. Xingye smiled at him and continued without stopping. Walking towards the outside: "I will leave it to you here. It seems that your capsule can't fit anymore. Use this to fill a new capsule. Wait until this is full before thinking of other ways. If you see If you talk about Kai, you must be very envious of him, he can stuff twenty or thirty cards in just one box."

"Huh? Who is Kai?" Zhao Canglu looked at a blank face. After thinking about it carefully, he really didn't know anyone with the name Kai. In this case, it seems that Xingye knew someone, but he didn't know why he was envious. What about Kai?

"A guy who likes to wander around may wander into your world one day. Well, this house belongs to you. I have notified Sai Luo that he will come here to train you when he has time. Don't be lazy at ordinary times. , learn how to fight with Ms. Toba, if you don’t transform, she will definitely beat you to the ground.”

"Uh..." Zhao Canglu was carrying the big bunch of keys, and scratched his face in embarrassment with his right hand holding the second capsule holder, but he didn't refute it, because it was the truth, the last time he But seeing this delicate and weak girl jumping from the tenth floor with my own eyes is nothing. What is really amazing is that she can jump up again unscathed. This is the real amazing thing.

Chao Canglu boasted that he didn't dare to do this. The living habits of the past nineteen years made him afraid of falling from a high place. Even with the power of Ultraman now, he would not dare to jump down from a tall building and then Transformed into Ultraman very chicly.

Toba Raiha stood aside without saying a word. After hearing Xingye say, "This place belongs to them", she carried her remodeled guitar case and went upstairs to find a room. She was not polite at all.

Zhao Canglu and Peijia looked at each other, happily followed up the stairs, and went to choose their own room. They also had a lot of places to live, and the attic of the Galaxy Supermarket was the first residence after independence. It was just a low attic with an area of ​​only 5 square meters and a height of 1.6 meters. It can be said that when you stand up a little, you can touch the ceiling. It can be said that Peijia and Chao Canglu basically occupy all the space when they lie down. Both can overwhelm each other.

Although Xingyun Village has a large area and free water and electricity, it is an underground base as deep as 300 meters, and there is no sunlight at all. After all, no one wants to hide underground all day, even Peggy, who is 'invisible', also dislikes it.

It's all right now, I have a beautiful big house, I can pick it up at will, Pei Jia and Zhao Canglu are like crazy children, they ran upstairs and downstairs, ran all the rooms, and then they are happy They found a room that could be illuminated by the sun. Although there was only a simple bed and a set of tables and chairs in the room, and nothing else, they were very satisfied with it.

Zhao Canglu was grinning happily, looking at the bare bed boards, tables and chairs in the room, his face could not help showing bitterness, looking helplessly at the empty room: "It seems that I have to buy a lot of things."

Stretching out his hand to pinch his flat wallet, Asakura Lu couldn't help sighing. Back then when Scargomora destroyed the Galaxy Supermarket, many of his things were buried in the ruins, and he managed to find some from the ruins. , all placed in Xingyunzhuang. And when he moved into Xingyunzhuang, he also bought a lot of things, and now all of them are left there, which makes Chao Canglu a little bit dumbfounded, he doesn't know whether he should laugh and move into a better new home, or cry and spend himself Almost all the things I bought with my savings were still in Xingyun Manor.

"Oh, forget it, forget it, let's buy a little bit, maybe we will move out sometime." Chao Canglu comforted himself, although Xingye said that this place belongs to them, but in Chao Canglu's heart, this place is still not His home is only staying here temporarily. He also wants to buy a house of his own, but he can only think about it. He has not even solved the problem of food and clothing, let alone settling down and starting a business.

Thinking of this, Zhao Canglu also felt that he was going to find a job. He was really embarrassed to bother about the Galaxy Supermarket. Now that he came to Xingshan City, there should be more jobs here, maybe he can find suitable jobs. His current job conditions: the working hours are generous and no one supervises, so that he can transform to fight at any time.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Canglu couldn't help but have a hard time. He really hasn't looked for a job in a serious way. He has always gone to work to do things such as distributing leaflets and counting traffic. Work can be said to be his first long-term job, although this "long-term" is only a short month.

So when it came to finding a job, Asakura Lu himself had a hard time. He hesitated for a while before he took out the mobile phone that Aizaki Moe Yasai gave him. Now he needs a "social person" to help him. Help him as a staff officer. Among the people he knew, Xingye, who bought a five-story luxury villa casually, was obviously not short of money, and he had never worked, and Toba Laiye carried a man without a piano all day long. Only the sword and the piano case of the black robe, more like a wandering singer than a swordsman. Iga Li was so busy that he couldn't see anyone, and he didn't have any contact information. After thinking about it for a while, only Aizaki Moya, a childhood sweetheart, could help him as a staff officer.

By the time Chao Canglu walked out of the room, he had already washed and dressed, his hair and clothes were neatly arranged, and he said to Peijia who had already started to clean the room and wipe the floor upstairs and downstairs: "Peijia, I'm going out to buy some necessities for life, you should clean up the room first."

"Okay, Lu!"

Asakura Riku went downstairs, walked out of the huge living room, and came to the yard, and saw that Toba Laiha had started practicing with the new sword that Xingye made for her, and every move brought a piercing piercing punch. In addition, Toba Raiha is only wearing a sports vest, and the beautiful woman practicing sword looks very beautiful.

Zhao Canglu glanced at it twice, then hurriedly looked away, aiming at other places indiscriminately, and said, "Well...I want to go out to buy something. After all, there is nothing here except furniture. Do you want anything?"

'Shua! ’ Toba stood with his sword back, glanced at Chao Canglu, shook his head lightly, and said, "Thank you, no need, I will buy it myself, and I won't trouble you."

"Oh!" Asakura Riku nodded, and then he didn't know what to say, so he nodded to Toba Raiha, and then hurried out of the courtyard, ready to take the bus to see Aizaki Moya, Then ask her to give advice on what kind of job she should find.

Toba Raiha turned her head and stared at Asakura Riku, she didn't look back until the other party walked out of the courtyard and disappeared, she stood in this vast courtyard with a sharp sword in her hand in a daze, she didn't know why she was still there Here, it is clear that the previous battles have confirmed that she is not that man's opponent.

Perhaps it was what the Ultraman who claimed to be from the Kingdom of Light said. If you give up, you will lose your chance. If you don't give up, you will still have a chance to take revenge.

"Revenge..." Toba Raiha looked at the sharp sword in his hand. The silver-white sword glistened under the sunlight, as if reflecting the unforgettable sad memory six years ago. The belief in revenge made Toba Lai Ye has come out of the shadow of failure, and she is training herself to prepare for the next revenge. She has strengthened her confidence. If she fails once, then the second or third time, unless she dies or takes revenge, otherwise She will not stop.

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