Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2286

Regardless of the government's guarantees, the continuous appearance of monsters still makes citizens extremely panic and fearful. Therefore, this time the battle between Ultraman and the monsters, which was far away from the crowd and only faintly heard, was concealed. It was surrounded by fences, and the excuse was that a company was going to develop it and build a large playground and residential area.

But it’s not an excuse. After all, all the forests, ravines, and mountains here have been flattened by Ultraman and monsters. There is no need to move mountains and log trees, just level the ground a little bit. .

What's more, a large lake has been formed here, and it only needs to draw running water from nearby rivers, then it is no different from a naturally formed lake. And AIB has not only completed the blockade around here, but it will not attract any attention. After all, the government department must have blocked something to hide something, but if it is privately built, no one is interested, and breaking into private territory will violate the law. , and therefore this unprecedented battle was concealed like this.

And Xingye and the others have already returned to the Helios. Asakura Riku sat on the chair in the living room of the Helios' living area, carefully examining the Ultraman with a blue body in his hand. The body of the Otto capsule is mainly blue, and there are two rows of eight silver Otto medals on both sides of the color timer.

But then Zhao Canglu looked at the capsule holder hanging on the belt with some embarrassment. There are only four positions, and it has been filled with four Ultra Capsules. There is no place to put the new Ultra Capsule. .

"Where should I put this?" Chao Canglu scratched his head involuntarily. Now that he has the fifth Ultra Capsule, there will be a sixth or even more Ultra Capsules. Is it possible that he will get a big cloth bag for it? These Ultra Capsules, when fighting, turn the bag upside down to find the Ultra Capsules you want to use?

Thinking about the scene of looking for the Ultra Capsule in a hurry, Asakura Riku couldn't help shaking his head, it was too LOW, and it was time-consuming, maybe he was given by the monster before he found the Ultra Capsule he wanted to use. knocked down.

'brush! '

An augmented reality virtual projection screen was unfolded in front of Lu Chaokura, on which the information of the Ultra Capsule in Lu Chaokura's hand was shown. Altman is exactly the same.

"Ultraman Hikari is 50 meters tall and weighs 35,000 tons. He has a mysterious all-purpose props and knight aura. His unique moves are knight shooting and knight beam blade." Asakura Lu couldn't help talking about the relevant information displayed on the screen. Hikari's brief message, he nodded suddenly: "So this Ultraman's name is Hikari, I don't know what he looks like?"

Asakura Lu couldn't help but look forward to it. The newly ignited form has made him feel the incomparable power and the powerful defense of the fiery red armor. Hikari's Ultra Capsule can be combined with other Ultra Capsules to give His new power.

'Crack! '

At this moment, the door of the bathroom opened, and Toba Raiha, who had changed into clean clothes, came out, holding a large towel in his hand and carefully wiping his wet hair. In the previous battle, the heavy rain made by Nexus drenched her to the skin, but the coldness brought to her body by the rain was not as cold as the coldness in her heart.

Toba Raiha saw Asakura Riku holding a capsule in a daze, so he couldn't help but stop wiping his hair, and said, "Is this the source of your strength?"

"Yeah!" Asakura Lu nodded, staring at the capsule in his hand and said, "This is the Ultra Capsule. Using the sublimator that Beria gave me, I can restore my original appearance and use powerful power to Different Ultra Capsules will bring me different powers, this is the new capsule."

Toba Raiha nodded noncommittally, put the towel on the chair casually, and sat down. Even though Asakura Riku is not good at observing words and expressions, it can be seen that Toba Raiha is not interested in talking, even hearing Beria Not much response.

This surprised Asakura Riku, he put down the Ultra Capsule in his hand, turned his head to look at Toba Raiha who was sitting aside, and saw her face was full of confusion and frustration, even though he was not very good at guessing From other people's thoughts, it can also be seen that Toba and Leaf Manman are all on their minds.

Chao Canglu couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Toba Raiha shook her head lightly, didn't say anything, just sat there in a daze, all she could think about was the earth-shattering battle five minutes ago, she finally saw the enemy she had been chasing for years, and the other party also It turned into a gigantic monster just like it did six years ago, displaying a desperately powerful power.

Even before the opponent turned into a monster, she was not able to defeat him. She had tried her best and even performed above the level, but she was still weak in front of that man, and she didn't even touch the hem of the opponent's clothes.

Revenge...has become a joke, she is no match for the enemy, so what about revenge? Such thoughts filled Toba Raiha's heart, making her a little disheartened. She has persisted until now just for revenge, but now revenge is hopeless, and she feels that there is no meaning in the future of life.

"Great power, I really envy you, at least...you have the power to fight against that man." Toba came and Ye Xiruo's voice sounded like a mosquito, if Zhao Canglu hadn't listened carefully, I'm afraid I couldn't hear what Toba Raiha said.

Chao Canglu hesitated for a while and racked his brains, but he couldn't think of what to say, but there was no way to keep silent. Just when Chao Canglu was at a loss, the hatch of the living area opened again. Come, break the dreary silence.

Chao Canglu turned his head and looked in the direction of the cabin door, and saw Xingye walking in from the corridor, which made Chao Canglu heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He was most afraid of this kind of situation of being silent, and now it's all over , finally came the 'savior'. There is no need to continue this embarrassing situation of staring and staring, unable to find a single topic.

As soon as Xingye came in, he felt the dull atmosphere in the living room. He looked at Riku Asakura who was obviously relieved, and then looked at Raiha Toba who was sitting there bored. Understand what is going on.

But Xingye didn't say anything, just walked over, put a silver long sword in his hand on the table in front of Toba Raiha, and said: "Your sword is broken, I will give it to you with a super alloy You made a new one, twenty or thirty times stronger than your old one. I was going to get you a laser sword, but if you took it, you might get in trouble, so I made one Take the metal."

Toba Raiha just glanced at the gleaming silver sword, then looked away, and said in an emotionless tone: "Thank you, but it's useless, I'm not that man's at all. Opponents, I only hope that you can take revenge for me after eliminating Beria."

Chao Canglu was taken aback, and couldn't help but said, "Oh, aren't you going to take revenge yourself?"

"Revenge myself..." Toba Raiha couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly, and his joints let out a 'click! Click! ’ sound, her fingers turned white because of too much force, which shows the depth of hatred in her heart.

But the greater the hatred, the deeper the despair it brings. The first confrontation with the enemy ended in her complete defeat, and it was because the man didn't care about her at all, and he was attacking Xingye wholeheartedly. Whether it can survive a move is a question.

As if Xingye didn't see Toba Raiha's hatred, she said in a flat tone: "As I said, I won't stop you from taking revenge. Whether you can take revenge is your business. If you want to give up, you can do it to me." It doesn't matter, Sero and I only have Beria as our goal."

After finishing speaking, Xingye walked outside, stopped at the door, turned her head and said, "By the way, Xiao Lu, I bought a house, and you can move there soon. In this way, next time you meet your childhood sweetheart, you will have an address to report. Laiye, if you are not used to living in a spaceship, you can move there, anyway, the house is very big."

"Really?" Asakura Lu couldn't help but smile, no matter what he wanted to get in touch with this world, just like the last time he met Aisaki Moeya, he didn't know what to say when the other party asked for the address.

Zhao Canglu bowed deeply to Xingye, and said gratefully: "I really appreciate you."

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" Xingye waved at Asakura Lu and Toba Raiha, Chao Canglu immediately turned his head and shouted to a room: "Peijia, let's go, go and see the new house. "

Toba Raiha stood up and bowed slightly to Xingye, and then said: "It's time to say goodbye after disturbing me for so long, goodbye!"

Saying that, Toba Raiha got up and was about to leave, without even looking at the gleaming sharp sword on the table, as if everything had really been put down.

Just when Toba Laiye was about to go out, Xingye said softly: "Do you really not want to take revenge?"

Toba Raiha's eyes dimmed all of a sudden, and he clasped his hands tightly and said, "So what, I'm just a human being, and I'm no match for him at all...Maybe, I should have left this place with my parents six years ago." The world, then at least the six years of waiting and suffering will not be there."

"If you work hard, it may still be possible. If you give up, it will really be impossible. Do you know poisonous snakes? Unlimited waiting is for the fatal blow, with the fastest speed and the strongest venom, A single blow can poison an elephant countless times its size, even if this elephant can trample it to death with just one kick." Xingye folded his arms in front of him, stepped out of the living room and said, "Do you want to continue Stay here and wait for your chance, or just give up?"

"Is there really such a day?"

"Who knows," Xingye shrugged, and said very casually: "After all, no one can predict the future, and I can't guarantee whether there is such a chance of a fatal blow, let alone know, so it's up to you , Do you want to wait for this slim chance, or just give up."

Toba Raiha's eyes lit up with a ray of hope, but immediately the light dimmed again, and said sadly: "Even if there is a chance, so what, I am not his opponent at all."

"Don't underestimate yourself, you have power beyond human beings," Xingye pointed to Toba Raiha, and said: "Actually, you can feel it yourself, this power is constantly increasing, maybe one day you Will have power over your enemies."

After finishing speaking, Xingye walked outside, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go and see your new home."

"Here we come!" Asakura Lu and Peijia followed Xingye, wanting to see what the new home looked like. Toba Laiha stood there hesitating for a while, then turned to look at the toy on the table. A sharp sword with a cold light.

Then he turned around and walked over, hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword, inserted it into the piano case next to the table, pulled up the strap of the piano case and put it on his back, followed Xing Ye and Asakura Lu walked outside.

The current Xingshan City is completely incomparable with a month ago, because the monsters appeared in densely populated areas in the past few times, so the city has become less safe in people's hearts, and small towns far away from densely populated areas have become people's first choice.

The number of people in the major cities has almost decreased by nearly one-tenth, which has also made the city a bit depressed. No matter how much publicity and safety guarantees are made, it will not help. Especially in Xingshan City, where monsters have appeared many times, countless people have left, so it is easy to find a residential area that meets the starry night conditions.

Because the monsters ravaged several times, resulting in a large loss of population, the engineering team originally used to build the building was transferred to the city center to repair the damaged roads and related facilities, clean up the ruins, etc., so that almost all the projects in this area stopped. down.

Compared with when the monster didn't appear, the price of the building that Xingye bought was only half of what it was a month ago, and the price was still falling, which made Xingye buy this five-story building without much effort.

Zhao Canglu and Peijia stood in front of this small building, looking up at this luxuriously decorated building, they were dumbfounded, they had never seen such a beautiful building, after all, they had only lived in that small building all the time. It's just a small town, and I haven't even been to the nearest Xingshan City twice, let alone such a luxurious custom-made villa that is only available to the upper class.

Toba Raiha looked around and said with a soft snort, "Is the villa built here really luxurious? It's just that I don't know how many people have clean money in their hands, and how many can see the light. Everyone has to hide it."

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