Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2235 Raiders of Cannon Fodder

The Kemmel stood on the shoulders of the Imperial Chase, looking at the golden mask that fell from the sky in astonishment. Before he could react, the golden mask disappeared and was replaced by a vast, uninhabited hill. area.

The Kemmel claims to have fought with the Mephistos, and has seen various climates and geological environments on many planets, but he has never seen an environment like this, with hills of different heights. The halfway up the mountain was glowing with a faint blue light, and after looking for a long time, I couldn't find out where the light came from. The sky was even more strange. There were strips of luminous bodies emitting faint light floating in the sky. No matter how you look at it, it looks extremely weird here.

However, although the Kemmel was observing the surrounding scene in astonishment, the imperial hunter under his feet did not stand still. The giant laser cannon with a caliber of seven meters on his right arm was aimed at Nexus not far away, and at the same time his chest The thick armor on the top also opened, revealing four rows of sixteen particle cannons inside.

'call out! '

A thick laser beam roared and hit Nexus directly. The brilliant beam was extremely conspicuous in this slightly dimmed field of beauty, and the particle cannon on the chest also launched an attack at the same time. Tom! Tom! ’, a group of fireball-like particle cannons and laser beams rushed towards Nexus in unison.

Nexus suddenly accelerated his pace, and his speed instantly accelerated from zero to nearly three times the speed of sound per second. The ultra-fast running speed caused a thunderous sonic boom behind Nexus, like a whirlwind blowing from the ground.

The Kemmel people saw a flash of blue light in front of them, and then Nexus disappeared in front of them. This made the Kemmel people startled, and hurriedly turned their heads to look around, only to find that Nexus Standing with their backs facing away, more than 2,000 meters behind the imperial hunters.

And now there is a golden lightsaber shining on the originally empty right arm, and then the Kemmel people heard 'Kang Dang! 'A crisp crashing sound sounded, which made the Kemmel people stunned. They hurriedly turned their heads to look at the place where the impact sounded, and saw that the giant laser cannon on the right arm of the Imperial Chase had only one left. It's half smaller, the fracture is as smooth as a mirror, and the upper half is lying on the ground.

"What?" The Kemmel could not help but be taken aback. This is the latest version of the Imperial Hunter. Why is the laser cannon made of superalloy as fragile as tofu, and it was cut off like this? The Kemmelians even felt that there was something wrong with their own eyes. Otherwise, how could the Imperial Hunters, who have always been invincible, have given up the strongest attack method just after they appeared on this backward planet.

"Damn it!" The Kemmelian showed an angry look on his face, and then he jumped off the Imperial Chase. His body grew in the wind, and before he landed, he swelled into a huge alien star with a height of fifty-six meters. The man is half a head taller than the imperial hunters beside him.

Nexus turned around with a lightsaber in his hand, and there was another huge alien beside the Imperial Chaser. Nexus chuckled and said, "What's the matter? It's not very fancy on the Imperial Chaser." Are you climbing high and looking far? Are you willing to jump off?"

"Boy, don't be arrogant, I'm here to deal with you personally, let you know..." Before the Kemuel man finished speaking, Nexus interrupted the Kemuel man's words: "Look Come on, you are really just a cannon fodder, even your master’s master dare not say that, but you are so brazen, you really are ignorant and fearless.”

The Kemmel waved his hand, and the antenna-like tentacles on the top of his head squirmed, and then fired a beam of electric wave-like light towards Nexus, which quickly hit Nexus, and the person beside the Kemmel The Imperial Chasers also launched an attack, and the missile launchers on the back were opened in unison, and then one after another missiles were fired by them, and they rushed to an altitude of 500 meters in an instant, and then changed their trajectory towards The ground falls. Before a full twenty missiles landed, the missiles opened, and thousands of ballpoint pen-shaped objects smaller than one meter flew out from inside. Twenty missiles flew out, and 20,000 such small things covered the area of ​​nearly a kilometer around Nexus as the center.

Nexus quickly took two steps towards the right, and easily dodged the unknown electric wave emitted by the Kemmel, and saw that the electric wave hit the ground, and immediately burst out The unknown fluctuations caused ripples in the void within a range of 30 to 40 meters near the hit point, as if a stone was thrown on a calm lake.

After that, all the hills that were covered by the ripples from the void disappeared without a sound, not even a single fragment remained, only a hemispherical deep pit was left on the ground.

This made Nexus look sideways. There is still something strange about this extremely ugly cosmic being. The pothole that was created in the Meta domain was not caused by the power of the attack launched by the Kemmel itself, but rather. It was because of the spatial fluctuations caused by the Kemmel attack.

Although the fluctuation caused by this fluctuation to the Meta domain is extremely weak, it is already enough to cause a great impact, and those hills that suddenly disappeared illustrate the problem.

Nexus' astonishment was nothing compared to the Kemmelites. The Kemmelians already felt that their eyes must be broken, and his unique move only caused such a small amount of damage. You must know that he can be included in the Four Heavenly Kings of the Steel Demon under the command of the Mephistopheles, relying on the tentacles on the top of his head that can emit mysterious radio waves that can teleport the enemy to a different space. But he saw clearly just now that the hills were not teleported away at all, but were annihilated under the pressure of space. This was the first time his trick had failed, so how could he not be surprised.

Nexus raised his head slightly and glanced at the dense explosives falling towards the ground like a torrential rain, and said softly: "It really is cannon fodder, even the robots given to you are mass-produced, it's not at all It is an attack method designed to cover a large area of ​​local forces. It is only useful when sieging cities and plundering land. It is not enough to tickle people when the strong are fighting. It is completely sent over by people just taking something , and ran over complacently, it was hopeless, but I also want to thank you, you made me sure that there is indeed someone monitoring Zhao Canglu all the time, otherwise someone would not come as soon as I touched him Test me."

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