Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2234 Brand New Imperial Hunter

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Xingye's voice suddenly sounded from behind the cosmic man, causing the cosmic man to tremble violently, and the laser gun in his hand almost flew away. Rolling forward and then standing up quickly, while twisting his waist and turning around, the laser gun in his hand has already launched an attack in the direction of the sound in the air.

A series of three laser beams whizzed and hit the direction where the sound came from just now, smashing the fallen branches and leaves into powder, but the face of this cosmic man became even uglier, and his blow missed again. .

At this moment, a silver beam of light struck from his left side, precisely hitting the right wrist of the cosmic man holding the laser gun, and immediately pierced a hole in his right wrist, and the severe pain made the cosmic man The laser gun in the man's hand slipped out of his hand all of a sudden, his left hand was covering his wrist, and his face showed pain.

"Is that all you have? It seems that another one ran out from an unknown place." Holding the shock wave launcher in his right hand, Xingye stepped out of the darkness, looking at the cosmic man with a calm look in his eyes, That look made the cosmic man show anger on his face: "Damn it, don't look down on people. I am a Kemuer, the leader of the four steel demon kings under the command of Lord Slan, the star of Meferas and Sorcerer."

Xingye tilted his head, and looked at the cosmic man who claimed to be a Kemmel with some pity: "Your IQ can also become a subordinate of the Mephilasians? If the Mephistos knew what you just said, they must You will be pissed off. But in this case, you can be regarded as a fairly qualified cannon fodder, especially in terms of IQ."

"Hmph," the Kemmel man put down his left hand covering his right wrist, took out a capsule from his clothes, pressed the button on the top, and shouted: "Let you see how powerful I am, Come out, Imperial Mechanic Recionoid."

The capsule in his hand immediately glowed with a dark purple light, and then wrapped the Kemmel inside, turning into a dark purple beam of light that rose from the ground and went straight to a height of sixty to seventy meters, and then the light quickly disappeared Converging, a gigantic steel robot was revealed.

It is roughly the same as the mass-produced mobile weapon of the mechanical legion of the Belial Galactic Empire, except that the arms are nearly a quarter thicker than before, and the right arm is still a giant laser cannon for air combat, but the caliber is enlarged. There are many, and the left arm is a sharp drill bit with a length of 30 meters, which is obviously a combination of air combat type and land combat type.

The joints of the arms and legs are covered with thick ring-shaped metal rings, which completely cover the joints of this robot. Three laser cannons with a diameter of one meter are installed on both sides of the head and ears. The top is also thickened by five meters, and there are twenty missile launchers on the back, which are simply super powerful weapons armed to the teeth.

The Kemmel stood on the shoulders of the Imperial Chaser, looking down triumphantly at the incomparably small starry night. The tallest tree around him was only as tall as the Imperial Chaser's waist, even if it was him The standing mountain is as low as a small slope.

In a luxurious villa, Fushii Desuke was sitting on the leather sofa, looking at the large screen projected by the cane in front of him with a smile on his face, even in the dark night, he could clearly see the person who appeared in this relatively small town For a robot on a mountain with a height of no more than 200 meters.

"Sure enough, he's an idiot, and he became a leader in a few words. Doesn't the Mephistopheles claim to be the brains of the master? How can they collect so much money? It seems that this guy is nothing more than that, You even sent someone to Earth to monitor my actions, hmph, then I’ll use the waste and see what you can do?” Fushii Izuki said softly, but his eyes were fixed on the one standing at the foot of the Imperial Hunter. juvenile.

"It seems that this idiot was instigated by someone to test me, or use a standard robot, which should be covered with various sensors. If you want to know my strength, I am not as good as you." Xingye said with his right hand Having already raised it, he grabbed the other end of the evolution trustee with his left hand, and then used both hands suddenly to pull the evolution trustee away.

'Shua! '

The silver-white brilliance bloomed like water waves, which was extremely conspicuous in the dark night. The moment the light bloomed, the Imperial Chase had lowered his head, and the three miniature laser cannons on both sides of his head were aimed at the starry night on the ground. Fire was fired, and a series of six laser beams roared and bombarded the ground.

'boom! boom! boom! '

There were thunderous explosions, followed by turbulent pillars of flame rising from the ground, and the earth, rocks and trees on the ground were instantly smashed and scattered in all directions.

The flames soared into the sky and ignited all the trees within a hundred meters nearby, and the imperial hunter stood in the sea of ​​flames, his head kept turning, searching around, but before he finished searching, the energy sensor sent out alarm.

This made the Imperial Chaser raise his head involuntarily, and then he saw a mass of silver light floating in the sky, the light quickly converged, revealing Nexus' silver body, and then Nexus raised his hand, With a swipe across the energy core on his chest, bright water waves appeared all over his body, and then blue light appeared, covering Nexus' body.

Just after transforming into the youth blue form, Nexus immediately bent his right fist, gathering a large amount of energy on the fist, and when the energy reached the maximum, he raised his right fist violently, and the energy gathered on the fist turned into As a bright beam of light went straight to the sky, it exploded in mid-air like a firework, turning into countless golden light spots and falling towards the ground.

These golden light spots quickly spread out before they hit the ground, and merged with each other to form a hemispherical golden mask, covering Nexus and the imperial hunter inside, and then the golden light The hood disappeared immediately, and Nexus and the imperial hunters who were shrouded in it also disappeared.

This scene made Fushii Ideji stunned for a moment, and then quickly raised his hand to click on the virtual projection screen in front of him, trying to search for the signal of the imperial hunter who suddenly disappeared, but after searching for a long time, there was no gain. .

Fushii Ideki stopped his useless search, frowned, thinking about the reason why the Imperial Chase disappeared, and whispered: "Have you been dragged to a different space? It seems that this Ultraman is really not simple."

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