Chapter 2228

Aizaki Moya, who was crying sadly, watched a giant of light suddenly rushing out of the flames all over the sky, and then hugged the Metron star, and then flew towards the sky at high speed. He crashed and flew two to three hundred meters above the ground, drawing a parabola obliquely in the void and flying towards the outside of the town.

"That's... Ultraman?!" Aizaki Moya looked at the red and silver giant and the huge alien that had turned into a black dot in her field of vision in amazement, and the two sides were flying towards the outside of the town. went.

And look at the place where the Metronians just attacked Chao Canglu. It was originally a flat road, but now it has become a deep pit, with splashed earth and rocks scattered everywhere, even asphalt and stones. Melted, let alone humans.

"Xiao Lu..." Aizaki Moya couldn't help but shed tears again, she took out her mobile phone and called AIB's rescue team with a crying voice, telling them that someone here needs help.

In the sky, Zedd held the Metronian tightly with his arms, and rushed upwards with a burst of momentum. After a while, Zedd felt that something was wrong. His feet didn't touch the ground, and he couldn't help but look up through the gap between the Metronians' arms.

He was stunned after just one glance, the houses below were shrinking continuously, the streets, pedestrians, cars and so on were all shrinking, which made him think: "He is flying, flying towards the sky on."

"I can fly?! Am I really flying?" This amazing fact made Jedd unable to believe it for a while. Everyone has the dream of flying, so human beings have invented various devices to realize this dream. And now he was really flying, which made Gedd feel an indescribable joy in his heart.

The Metronians struggled hard but couldn't break free from the grip of Geed's arms for a while. After struggling for a while, he raised his arms suddenly, and then fell down forcefully. The metal worn on his arms viciously Hit Gedd on the back and let out a 'Boom! ’ There was a muffled sound.

The severe pain caused by the heavy blow made Gedd groan, and before he could recover, the Metronian smashed down again, which made Gedd slide several meters down. Before Gedd could do anything, another heavy blow from the Metronian landed on Gedd's back. This time, Gedd was slammed down, and his arms were unstable, causing the Metronian to escape. His grip.

"Wow, wow," Zedd waved his limbs wildly in the air, 'Whoo! call! ’ The sound of the wind blew past his ears, and his body fell rapidly downward under the action of gravity. This strong sense of falling made Gedd feel a sense of fear in his heart.

"Fly, fly, how do you fly?" Jedd hurriedly thought about the feeling just now, and wanted to fly quickly, otherwise, if he fell like this, he would definitely fall into a meatloaf, falling two or three hundred in a row Mi, Gedd finally found the feeling just now, and flew up crookedly, making himself stop the tendency of falling.

At this moment, beams of light rushed down from high altitude and whizzed around Gedd's body, three or four of them hit Gedd's body, splashing violent sparks. Ged, who had a little bit of flying skills, suddenly lost his balance, rolled and fell towards the ground.

The distance of two to three hundred meters was only five or six seconds, and Ged landed on a small hill more than a thousand meters away from the town, 'Bang! ’ With a loud noise, the small hill was immediately smashed to pieces, and the sky was filled with gravel and dust, covering the sky like a sandstorm, covering up Jade.

The Meitron star fell slowly from the sky, and the light touch of the ground was like a superficial touch, and then he raised his arms full of gun barrels and walked step by step towards the dusty land in front of him.

Jed, who fell to the ground, felt as if the spine in his back was going to be broken, but the severe pain made Jed sure that he was still alive, instead of being thrown into a meatloaf on the spot. Before the pain was relieved, he felt the ground tremble slightly, and his bright eyes saw the half-man, half-fish alien walking towards him through the gradually falling dust curtain wall. And the more than twenty gun barrels on both arms pointed to him again.

"Oops!" Ged was anxious, he didn't care about the pain, he quickly got up from the ground with his hands on the ground, and before he could completely straighten up, the Meite star on the opposite side had already seen the light in the dust. He hesitated and launched an attack.

The twelve barrels on the inside of the wrists of both arms and the sixteen barrels on the outside fired in unison, and the laser beams rushed towards the three bright spots in the dust in front of them like pear blossom needles in a rainstorm.

Just as Ged got up, laser beams pierced through the dust curtain wall and hit him, followed by 'Boom! Boom! A series of dull cracking sounds sounded, and bright sparks splashed on Gedd's chest. The impact generated by the explosion made Gedd fly backwards, and the shock wave blew away the diffuse dust, revealing half of his body. Geed smashed into the ground.

"It hurts!" Jade clutched his chest in pain, and through his fingers he could see the capsule-shaped color timer flashing red on his chest. The exhaustion and weakness surged up again, which made Zed feel unstoppable. You don't have the strength to move your fingers, let alone stand up and fight this vicious alien.

The slightly trembling ground reminded Gedd that the cosmic man was still walking towards him step by step. The pain on his body made Gedd feel a sense of fear. He couldn't beat this cosmic man, he was not his opponent at all.

"By the way, there are the two of them, Sero. They will deal with the cosmic people. I... am just an ordinary person. Even if I can summon armor, I will not become the second Flashman." Ged Some are self-defeating and want to withdraw from the fusion and sublimation form, so as not to continue to suffer such pain.

But with his arms crossed in front of him, Gedd couldn't take the next step. He couldn't help but think of those town residents who were killed and injured by this cosmic man on the street just now. Who did those people provoke? They obviously lived so hard, but they suffered such bad luck for no reason.

"Why? Why did you come to the earth? Why did you hurt everyone?" Gedd growled, stood up with his arms on the ground, and then rushed towards the Metronians.

The Metronians had no intention of answering Gedd's question at all. The laser cannons on both arms continued to attack Gedd, and the laser beams hit Gedd mercilessly.

Facing the laser beams all over the sky, Ged didn't dodge. He imitated the fighting action of The Flash man he had seen on TV, and immediately bent over and rolled on the spot, avoiding these laser beams narrowly and narrowly. Bunched, then stood up quickly, and then punched the Metron star in the chest.

'Boom! ’ With a muffled sound, bright sparks splashed from the scales of the Metronians, and the force of the hammer made the Metronians involuntarily take two steps back, and then swung their heavy arms and smashed at Gedd.

The heavy arm covered with steel wrist guards hit him, making Gedd subconsciously raise his arms to block in front of him, and then he felt a heavy blow to his arm, and a sharp pain came over him, making Gedd groan in pain, stumbled He took a few steps back to stabilize his figure.

Before he raised his head, the Metronian had already walked to his side, swung his arm from the lower left to the upper right, and slammed into Zedd's chest, saying, "嗤啦!" ’ In the fierce sparks, Jade was immediately beaten and lay back on his back. He flew thirty or forty meters away and then fell heavily to the ground.

The Meitron star stepped forward immediately, raised his left foot and stepped directly on Gedd's chest, making Gedd unable to move, not to mention standing up, it became difficult to breathe, feeling as if he was being held by a mountain. It's like suppressing it.

Ged grabs the left ankle of the Metron star with both hands and wants to pull it up, but no matter how hard he tries, the sole of the opponent's foot covered with fine scales remains motionless, and it is impossible to move it away.

The Metronian lowered his head, looked at Ged who was trampled under his feet, and finally spoke: "This universe is like this—the weak eat the strong, only the strong have the right to speak, and the weak must submit or die."

"What?" Ged, who was lying on the ground, looked at the Metronians angrily, and heard the Metronians raised their heads, looked at the small town not far away, and said, "This planet is so beautiful. , I want to rebuild the Metron civilization on this beautiful planet. It seems that you are the guardian of this planet. I will kill you first to let humans know how powerful I am. To avoid killing too many slaves, I will Not enough."

"Guardian..." The scene in "The Flash of Explosive Wars" flashed in Ged's mind. The Flash was fighting alone with the demons who tried to rule the earth and guarded the peace of the city.

"Here we go!" Ged whispered, and then said firmly: "Yes, I am the guardian, I want to protect the peace of the town, and I will never let you act recklessly..."

Before Gedd’s words full of middle school breath were finished, the Metronians suddenly increased their strength, suppressing Gedd’s remaining words at once, and even the ground under Gedd’s body cracked. It opened, causing Zedd to sink half of his body into the mud.

"Hmph!" The Metatron star snorted disdainfully, then lowered his right arm, aiming fourteen alloy barrels at Ged's head: "Then...Guardian, go die."

Looking at the black barrels, Gedd felt an uncontrollable sense of fear in his heart. He struggled eagerly, clasped the left leg of the Metron star with both arms, and wanted to hurry up. Breaking free, but under the panic, he was already weak and seemed to have no strength, and under the panic, he couldn't concentrate his strength.

"Damn it, hate it, hate it!" Zedd slammed the left leg of the Maitron star with both fists indiscriminately. His fists splashed sparks on the scales of Meitron's legs, but they couldn't shake them at all. The left leg of the Metronian was just struggling in vain.

"Is this the end?" Ged's right hand hangs down weakly, the gun barrel of the Metronians has already glowed with bright energy, and is about to fire a beam of light, and he himself doesn't know if he can defend against this attack.

"Raise your right hand and hit the knee of his right leg with your greatest strength," a voice suddenly sounded in Gedd's mind, making Gedd stunned for a moment, unable to react for a while, and the voice continued: "He is now centered on his left leg, relying on his right leg to maintain his balance, quickly attack his knee..."

Although he didn't know where the voice came from and why it was directly talking to his brain, what the voice said seemed to make sense, and Gedd couldn't help but follow what the voice said. The right hand that was already hanging on the ground was clenched violently, holding several stones in the palm of his hand, and they were shattered into powder. Then, gathering all the strength in his body, he suddenly raised his right arm, 'Bang! ’ with a sound and hit the right knee of the Metron star.

The sudden attack caused the Metronian's right leg to slide forward involuntarily. In addition, the left leg that was stepping on Jedd had been exerting force so that the right leg was almost unaffected, and it was even more gripped. The Metron star lost his balance, and his body immediately fell backwards.

Affected by this, the right arm that was originally pointing at Gedd's head was also thrown forward, laser beams passed by Gedd's head, and deafening explosions almost rang in his ears, making him Jedd's ears were almost deafened, and dust and earth and rocks from the strong shock wave scattered all over his head and face.

However, Zedd felt extremely joyful. The Metronian was directly knocked down by his blow, and his heavy body fell on his lap. Zedd hurriedly raised his right leg, and a pair of scissors kicked firmly Locking the Metronian so that he couldn't get up, at the same time, he hugged the Metronian's legs tightly with both hands, making the two people entangled like twists and turns, rolling on the ground, blocking everything that was in the way. All the big trees and rocks on the road were crushed into sawdust and stone powder.

Not too far from the battlefield, on the roof of the park at the highest point of the town, Xingye stood there watching the battle between the new Ultraman and the Metron star in the distance, which made Xingye shake his head , laughed and said: "It's really like a child fighting. It seems that I really haven't received a little bit of combat training. The flying is messy, and it's directly at the stage of no moves."

Then Xingye raised his right index finger and middle finger and put them together on his forehead, and his thoughts came out through his body, connecting with this Ultraman with Beria's breath: "Your energy is running out, you can't consume Metron at all." Starman, if you go on like this, you will lose."

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