Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2227 the courage to fight

It's just that the Metatron star whose body swelled up like a balloon, made Aizaki Moeya feel compared with such a tall guy who turned into a monster with a height of 40 to 50 meters in the blink of an eye. , Zhao Canglu bumping into a person seems to be nothing at all.

Aisaki Moeya would like to ask this enlarged monster: Have you ever considered the conservation of mass and energy in such an out-of-the-box enlargement? How do you make Einstein who proposed the law of conservation of mass and energy think, are you not afraid that his coffin board will fly?

"Moeya, run away!" Asakura Lu hurried over, grabbed Aizaki Moya and wanted to take her away from here, but he stopped just as soon as he took a step. There are still many people who were injured by the cannons of the Metronians. Originally, some onlookers wanted to call for an ambulance, but before they could press the second number, the Metronians began to grow in size, making the surroundings chaotic, and there were fleeing crowds everywhere. Gu Shang was too busy, let alone an irrelevant passerby.

"Are you going to leave them alone?" Aizaki Moya looked at these terrified faces begging for help with a full face, driven by the desire to survive, she clutched her wound and struggled to crawl on the ground bit by bit. with.

But in the end, she could only turn her head away, not to look at the wounded with despair on their faces. She also wanted to help them, but in the current situation, she was powerless, and it was even difficult for her to save her life. Hard to say.

Zhao Canglu took a look at the wounded, and couldn't help clenching his right fist. Their Hestia's cries for help, their blood-stained arms stretched out towards him, and their desperate eyes seemed like Asakura Lu's heart was pierced like a sharp arrow.

When he was in Xingyunzhuang, he made up his mind not to merge and sublimate. After all, no one gave him a bonus for dealing with monsters, and he would get injured. Because of Ya, the Kingdom of Light is hunting them down. No matter how you look at it, fusion and sublimation is not a good choice.

That's why Asakura Riku decided to forget fusion and sublimation, forget his father Beria, continue his ordinary human youth life that has lasted for 19 years, try to find a good job, and then fall in love and get married with the girl he likes and also likes him , have children...

As for the monsters, leave them to the two Ultramans from the Kingdom of Light. Anyway, according to what Lime said, the Ultramans from the Kingdom of Light like to destroy these small towns that destroy the city in the name of justice. monster.

A minute ago, his thought was like this, especially after seeing Mengya, this thought became more firm, but now seeing the desperate eyes of these injured people, and this tragic scene, the crowds running away in panic all over the street , and a huge alien that has swelled to nearly fifty meters.

This was originally a peaceful small town, everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment and lived a peaceful life, even petty theft incidents rarely happened, but now, the streets are full of people fleeing in panic, and there are more than a dozen people lying down on the side of the street. A small town resident who had just been wounded and killed by this alien, I am afraid that more people will be injured in a while.

The news papers of the past two days also let him understand the casualties caused by the monster attacks in the past few days. Most of the victims were buried one minute before the monsters appeared, and were buried with the collapsed building due to the sudden monster attacks. Among the ruins, the casualty rate also plummeted as time went by, because people knew that monsters had appeared, and most people were able to escape from the range of the monsters.

"Flashman..." Asakura Riku let go of Aizaki Moya's hand, murmured in a low voice, looked at the Metron star who had grown to nearly fifty meters, and then moved forward without hesitation Running at a fast pace, even the flying people of African chieftains would be ashamed.

"Little Lu?!" Asakura Lu suddenly ran away, making Aizaki Moeya stunned, she even forgot to run away, and just stood there in a daze, looking at Asakura Lu who strode far away, her mind was overwhelmed Blank, even forgetting that there are aliens beside him.

"Look here, here I am, come and chase me, come on." Chao Canglu turned his head after running 20 to 30 meters, raised his neck and shouted at the Metronians, attracting this The attention of the Metronians who are ready to start their activities.

The Metatron star lowered his head slightly, and immediately saw the 'ant' under his feet galloping towards the distance. The other party's words and his identity had just been seen through by this guy, which made him unable to If it didn't become like this, the Metronians couldn't help but show their anger.

Then the Metronians raised their huge arms like Optimus Prime without hesitation, and then a full twenty-eight huge laser cannons on both arms fired at Asakura.

All I could hear was 'Woo! call out! call out! There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the laser beams were like a goddess scattering flowers, covering the area with a radius of more than ten meters where Chao Canglu was located. In the blink of an eye, Chao Canglu was submerged in the endless laser beams in the bundle.

"Xiaolu..." Aizaki Moya shouted, the intense sadness made tears flow out of her eyes, and she could only see the billowing flames rising from the sky, and even the shattered glass falling from the sky Didn't try to escape, everything seemed unimportant.

In the billowing flames, the high temperature of thousands of degrees can even burn stones, but it can't even expose Asakura Lu's clothes. He holds a sublimator in his right hand, and both ends have been inserted into Beria and Ao. Terman's Ultra Capsules.

"I'm really bad. Even if I got the armor, I can't defeat the evil monster and demon Zaku like the Flash, but... I have the courage to fight him." Asakura Lu suddenly straightened his right arm, Shouted, "Jedd!"

'Shua! '

Dazzling light bloomed from the sublimator, and then wrapped Chao Canglu completely, causing Chao Canglu's body to swell rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he became a 51-meter-tall Gideot Man.

Gedd, who was glowing with black and red rays all over his body, rushed forward before the rays of light on his body could be restrained. He directly hugged the waist of the Metroon star who was close at hand with his hands, and then took him to fly high into the sky .

PS: I still want to emphasize that this book is a book, and TV is a TV. I have discarded TV plots that cannot withstand scrutiny. The main line is designed by Xingsha himself. After all, TV is for children, and it is really written step by step. Come out, Xingsha himself can't stand it. The changes are very big, very big, so don't say that it is different from the one in TV, because there are basically two stories in the first place, and the degree of change can be seen from the difference between the new generation series written by Xingsha and the original.

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