Ultraman Senki

Chapter 216 Chaos Head Invasion

"How is it possible?" Zuo Yuan, the commander of the defense force, looked at the information in his hand in shock: "Is this true?"

Not just him everyone, whispering to each other in disbelief.

"That's right, the earth was also infected by Chaos' head." Xingye glanced at the ugly faces of everyone: "According to the comparison of the data collected so far and the past years, it can be found that the environment of the earth has been infected since Chaos' head It has been getting worse since it appeared, the precipitation is decreasing, the soil is deteriorating, the forest is dying... The earth has uttered a mournful cry."

The discussion in the conference room became louder, like a vegetable market buzzing non-stop.

Commander Sahara was silent for a while and raised his head to look at Xingye: "If it continues to deteriorate, how long will it be before the earth is no longer suitable for human habitation?"

"ten years!"

"Is it only ten years?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

"And this time is still based on the current speed, but the actual situation is that the speed of deterioration is still accelerating, so this time is actually shorter." Bad news one after another.

"Actually, Juran, the planet that passed by the Earth last time, was infected by Chaos' head, and the entire planet was completely turned into a desert and the civilizations living on it were destroyed." Captain Ripu said.

"Will we humans have such a day?" Saijo asked with some despair.

"Is there any more bad news?" Commander Sahara said with a sigh.

"There is good news." Xingye's words made them cheer up and look at Xingye: "Currently, the Chaos head antibody extracted from Aligar's body has begun to reproduce, although it cannot be used to inject other monsters, but But it can be used to restrain Chaos' head."

As Xingye said, he took out a tube of light blue liquid from the suitcase.

"Is this the antibody on Chaos' head?" Commander Sahara carefully held it in his hand, looking at the antibody on Chaos's head with great joy: "It's really beautiful!"

And in a corridor of the EYES base, a colorful light ball suddenly appeared, and after a slight pause, it quickly began to jump up along the corridor.

Ayano, who was in the command room, was doing boring work, and suddenly a harsh siren sounded. Ayano hurriedly checked and couldn't help but widen her eyes: "How is it possible? The head of Chaos appeared in the base."

"Buzz!" Screeching sirens sounded from all over the calm EYES base, followed by Ayano's urgent voice: "Attention all members of the base, there is a head reaction from Chaos inside the base, and all personnel are immediately evacuated from the G2 area to the A4 area .”

The communicator of Captain Hiura, who was in a meeting, rang in a hurry, and Captain Hiura hurriedly connected. If it was not an urgent matter, Ayano would not bother him.

"What's wrong?"

"Captain, it's not good. The EYES base found the reaction of Chaos' head." Ayano's words made everyone in the conference room change their expressions.

"What, Chaos' head has invaded the base." Captain Ripu's face was livid.

"That's right!"

Everyone in the defense army exchanged glances, and everyone's faces were not particularly good-looking. Chaos already knew that he had invaded EYES to solve the root cause of the youth elite team, so the second one to invade was their defense army.

Amidst the endless sirens of the base, the non-combatants inside the base quickly moved towards the escape exit to escape from the area on the route of Chaos' head.

Chaos' head moved extremely fast, and Musashi was desperately chasing after him, but he could only follow behind him. Panting, Musashi ran to a crossroads, looked left and right, and saw a colorful light ball had just turned a corner and flew into a corridor on the left.

He strode over, and just after turning the corner, Musashi immediately raised his gun to aim, but the corridor was quiet and there was no movement at all. Musashi walked slowly and cautiously, holding the Rand gun.

The lights on the wall were flashing red, and the sound of Musashi's footsteps was extremely loud in the silent corridor.

"Where did you go?" Musashi put down the Rand gun anxiously, turned on the communicator on his wrist and called the command room: "Ayano, where is Chaos's head?"

At this moment, a group of colorful light burst out from the ceiling, Musashi lowered his head and didn't see it at all, but Chaos rushed towards Musashi with his head, completely enveloping him inside.

"Ah!" Musashi cried out in pain. He felt that Chaos's head was crazily drilling into his body, and Gauss immediately used energy to protect Musashi.

"Boom" a silver wave of light suddenly rushed over from the end of the corridor, it exploded the moment it approached Musashi, and quickly covered Chaos' head and body. However, Chaos' head quickly spread out into countless colorful rays of light, penetrated into the wall and disappeared.

Musashi held his weak arms on the ground and breathed heavily. Surrounded by Chaos's head, he felt as if he was suffocated in pain. Although it was only a few seconds before and after, he felt as long as centuries.

Xingye ran to Musashi's side and knelt down, looked around vigilantly and asked with concern, "Musashi, are you alright?"

"Yeah!" Musashi's face was full of sweat, panting heavily: "Ultraman Gauss saved me again."

Xingye looked around and found no trace of Chaos' head, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, put away the shock wave launcher and helped Musashi up.

"I didn't expect Chaos' head to invade the base?" Musashi was still a little shocked.

"Yes, they have now evolved into the category of intelligent life forms."

This time, Chaos' head invasion of the base caused very little damage, and no one was even attacked except Musashi, but the impact was very large. Because this means that the base in the sea is not safe, and the defense system of the base did not play any role at all when Chaos' head invaded this time, and it was useless.

"I hit Chaos on the head, but the Rand gun didn't have any effect. But high-power weapons can't be used in the base, so there's no way to fight them!" Feng said very depressed, and he caught up After killing Chaos, he also attacked the head with the Rand gun he carried, but it didn't work.

"You can use this, Chaos' head antibody." Doi Heng took out a glass tube filled with liquefied light blue liquid: "You can put it into a Rand gun and fire it, although there is no way to destroy Chaos's head." But you can drive them away."

"But they are elusive, and they can escape through the wall to other places. Even if they catch up with them, it will be difficult to hit them." Feng Chui said very depressed, and it seemed that he was swayed by Chaos on the head.

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