Ultraman Senki

Chapter 215 Musashi under attack

"Actually, it's nothing. Except for some small parts in the engine, most of them are assembled with ready-made components, so the speed increase is not very obvious." Xing Ye said very calmly.

"It's not obvious yet!" Musashi's eyes almost popped out when he heard that.

"After a period of time after my newly designed components are manufactured, the top speed of Tektronix 1 will reach Mach 15, and the current speed will not be a big deal. But I don't know if anyone can drive it." Xingye smiled slightly, and everyone was speechless. Such a high-speed fighter is indeed not something that ordinary people can fly.

Suddenly an alarm sounded in the command room, and Morimoto Ayano hurriedly turned on the signal transmitted by the satellite detector and was shocked.

"Captain, the reaction to finding Chaos' head in front of Tektronix No. 1."

"What?" Captain Ripu was startled and hurriedly pulled up the headset: "The wind is blowing, and Chaos' head is right in front of you."

"I've seen it." Feng Chui quickly aimed at the colorful light group in front of him, and fired two missiles. Chaos dodged the blow with a quick flash of his head. Chaos' head and Tektronix No. 1 almost passed by.

"Musashi, it's heading towards you, be careful!" Kaoshi, who was looking away anxiously, hurriedly reminded Musashi behind his head, while enduring the huge overload force and began to turn and fly backwards. go.

Musashi had already seen the light cluster formed by Chaos's head, and immediately aimed and fired several lasers. Chaos' head avoided the lasers and flew towards Musashi with incomparable agility.

Musashi hurriedly pulled up the joystick, Tektronix No. 2 pulled up at a large angle and flew towards the air, and Chaos' head also flew up, and the speed was faster than Tektronix. No matter how Musashi rotated or turned around, he couldn't get rid of Chaos' head.

"He's coming for Musashi." Xingye was startled and immediately got up and was about to go out. At this moment, Chaos accelerated his head and caught up with Tektronix 2. He passed through the glass of the cockpit and got in without hindrance. .

Musashi took the opportunity to quickly push the joystick Tektronix No. 2 and rushed to the ground in a spiral, directly throwing Chaos' head behind. Chaos' head wanted to chase after several missiles drilled out of the clouds next to him. rushed over.

Tektronix No. 1 has rushed over, and Chaos' head quickly disappeared.

"It's gone!" Xingye stopped and frowned.

Because of the relationship between Chaos's head, the trial flight was terminated, and Musashi was quickly sent to the medical department for examination, but the result was very fortunate that Musashi was not infected by Chaos's head, and everyone in the Youth Elite Team breathed a sigh of relief .

Xingye walked to the entrance of Musashi's room and raised his hand to knock on the door. There was a sound of rummaging through the door. Xingye smiled and pushed the door open to find that Musashi was hiding something in panic.

"It's me, don't hide!" Xingye looked at the panicked Musashi with a funny face.

"It's you! You scared me to death!" Empress Musashi patted his chest in fear, and took out the sun and moon Tonghui that had just been hidden.

"How are you all right?" Xingye sat down and asked concerned.

"Fortunately, Ultraman Gauss protected me!" Musashi was very grateful: "I didn't expect that Chaos' head would come towards me."

"Kaosi's head already knows that the two of us are of one mind." Gauss's faint voice came: "For them, we and Nexus are stumbling blocks, and we must be the first to get rid of them."

"That's right, we are the only ones on this planet who can knock them down again and again. As long as our planet is wiped out, they will be allowed to wreak havoc, and they will return to life like other planets destroyed by him in the universe. desert." Xingye said with a solemn face.

"Musashi, Xingye, you must be careful!"

"I see, Gauss!"

"I didn't expect Chaos to attack Tektronix 2 with his head. What's their plan?" Captain Ripu couldn't help frowning.

"You want to prevent us from developing new models. After all, the Tektronix is ​​several times stronger than the previous Tek Thunder, and he wants to weaken our strength." Xingye said.

"En!" Everyone nodded in agreement, this possibility does exist.

"Captain, we should go to the Defense Army." Mizuki Shinobu looked at the time and reminded.


"Well, because we have a lot of data on Chaos's head here, and the Defense Force has set up a countermeasure team on Chaos's head, let us provide them with these data for their use." Captain Ripu said: "Go Come on, starry night!"

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded and picked up the suitcase and rushed there in the patrol car with Captain Hiura and Mizuki Shinobu, but this time it was a bit regretful that Captain Hiura refused to let Xingye drive, and insisted on letting Xingye drive by himself Lost an opportunity to fly close to the ground.

And on the screen in a conference room of the Defense Force, the disasters, losses and casualties caused by the appearance of Chaos's head since the first appearance of Chaos' head so far are being played.

"So far, Chaos's head is attached to the monster. At the beginning, he will make the docile monster cruel. Later, he can copy the monster by capturing the life energy of the monster, and even Ultraman can copy it. "Xing Ye introduced to the representatives present: "Now Chaos's head can capture the spirit of human beings and turn them into monsters, threatening the survival of human beings in various forms."

"What about the entity on Chaos' head?" Saijo military officer asked.

"The head of Chaos will analyze the characteristics and spirit of different lives and present different signs, and the entity of Chaos' head is the humanoid materialized form that it analyzes human beings." Xingye explained.

"Then how many do you suppose there are?"

"Unpredictable, please look at the big screen, this is the universe point P87 in the solar system. There is a suspected space channel here. It has been confirmed that there is a reaction from Chaos's head, but at present we cannot enter it to check the other end. How many Chaos heads exist." Xingye shook his head involuntarily.

Everyone at the meeting started discussing one after another, and everyone's face was incomparably dignified.

"And what's more serious is that Chaos' head will still evolve." Xingye's words made the faces of the participants even more ugly: "Ever since they attached to humans, they have shown high intelligence and started to set traps, Targeted attacks, and recently launched an attack on EYES's latest equipment, the Tektronix, in the trial flight, trying to prevent it from entering the field to reduce our strength."

"No way!" Everyone in the defense army was shocked.

"The worse news is this. Let's take a look!" Xingye opened the suitcase and sent out stacks of data. Everyone who saw it showed shock or even despair.

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