Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2132 The Moment of Decisive Battle

The camera kept zooming in, allowing the black and red figure to reveal its specific figure. The slightly hunched body, slender and winding red eyes, and the black sharp claws combined with the black and red figure made the figure People are daunting.

Beria stood up straight, the dirt on his body rolled down with his movements, Beria roared towards the sky: "Siro..."

'call out! '

A stream of silver light flew out from the dark gap in the sky, and fell straight towards the ground. The light beam fell on the edge of the ruins, condensing the figure of Sai Luo in the ultimate armor. The silver-white body that had just landed The armor turned into several dim beams of light and flew towards Sai Luo's left wrist, converging on Sai Luo's left wrist to form a Palagi bracelet. The azure gemstone on it has now completely dimmed, and no trace of it can be seen. shine.

Amidst the dull sound of stomping on the ground, the ruins around Sai Luo suddenly shook, splashing billows of dust and gravel, heading straight to the sky at a height of 100 meters, almost covering Sai Luo who was half crouching on the ground inside.

When the gravel fell to the ground, Sai Luo, who was half-squatting on the ground, slowly stood up straight, and then stretched out his hands towards Beria in the distance, posing in a fighting posture, his chest fluctuated up and down, and his raised arms The arm also trembled slightly.

The terrifying power of the explosion of the energy group produced by fighting the light with Beria before in the space gap broke the void, dragging Belia who was closest there, and then Sero was also sucked in.

The two of them seemed to have fallen into the drum washing machine, spinning crazily, making Sai Luo dizzy and almost fainted. Fortunately, most of the impact force was blocked by the ultimate armor, so that Sai Luo He stayed awake until the spin disappeared when he was about to fall to the bottom, and then Sai Luo rushed out from there immediately.

'Boom! Boom! 'Heavy footsteps sounded, and Beria stepped out from the bottom of the pit step by step. His black and red soles stepped on the ruins. The solid reinforced concrete was like plaster under the weight of tens of thousands of tons. Beria immediately gave it to him. Stepping on it turned into powder, causing Beria's soles to sink deep into the ruins.

And when he lifted his feet, he took a large amount of bricks and rubble into the air, and then fell heavily on the ground, accompanied by cracking sounds, splashing pillars of dust.

Sai Luo looked at the large area of ​​ruins, with strong anger flashing in his eyes, and he said with gritted teeth: "Belia..."

"Let's decide the winner here." Beria said and ran forward with big strides, and Sai Luo moved his legs and ran to Beria quickly. The two giants were facing each other in the ruins. The opponent ran, and the distance between the two sides was also rapidly shortening.

In just two or three seconds, Sai Luo and Beria came into contact. Beria swung his right arm suddenly, and five black sharp claws grabbed Sai Luo fiercely. The claws cut through the air and made a sharp sound. whistling.

It’s just that Beria’s sharp claws just swiped halfway, and Sai Luo jumped up and jumped over Beria’s head, then twisted his waist centering on his left foot, turned his body, and raised his right foot at the same time With the power of rotation, he kicked Beria fiercely.

As soon as Beria hit the air, he heard the sound of breaking the air from behind. He raised his left arm without looking back, and then Sai Luo kicked Beria's left arm fiercely with his right foot. , issuing 'Boom! ’ There was a muffled sound. The powerful impact caused Beria's body to shake, and the whole person slid to one side for several meters, razing the uneven ruins to the ground.

When hit by Sai Luo's whip kick, Beria clenched his right hand into a fist and then slammed it hard at Sai Luo. The strength and speed were so strong that the air was compressed out of the naked eye. Visible ripples.

It's just that before Beria's heavy punch hit, Sai Luo's left foot suddenly stepped on the ground and his body leaped into the air. The twist of his waist made Sai Luo spin in the air for several weeks, narrowly dodging the attack. Beria's heavy punch, and at the same time, he also used the power of rotation to move away from Beria by nearly two hundred meters.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Sai Luo quickly raised his hand, and with his index and middle fingers together, he tapped lightly on the two ice axes above his head.

'clang! '

An emerald-like brilliance flashed on the silver-white ice axe, and then it soared into the sky. After spinning around Sai Luo for several times, it was caught by Sai Luo. gesture.

Beria stared at Sai Luo, grinned sneeringly, and immediately raised his arms and crossed them together in front of him. The ten black claws glowed with crimson light, and then the light covered the claws and condensed into crimson. The colored nails made Beria's claws stretch by more than a third.

The camera of the helicopter flying in the sky faithfully filmed the scene below. Beria and Sero fighting together made the people watching this scene exclaim in amazement. Fighting giants.

Many viewers hurriedly called their relatives and friends to tell them what they saw, so that more people tuned their TVs to this channel, and the ratings of this TV station skyrocketed, and many TV stations hurriedly dispatched The interview helicopter flew here, wanting to capture the scene of the aliens fighting. This kind of big news is definitely the dream of all journalists. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it.

The alarm bells of several nearby military airports were all sounded, and the doors of the hangars were slowly opened one by one, and then the trailers pulled the fighter jets out of the hangar, and the pilots followed the alarm bells. He ran towards his own fighter at the fastest speed, then drove the fighter into the blue sky, and flew towards the same place under the command of the command tower.

All the leaders of the countries put down their work, turned on the TV and began to watch this extremely shocking scene. Those who had the conditions could directly watch the images transmitted by the military satellite, and those who had no conditions could only watch the images shot by this TV station.

But for Sero and Beria, these can't stop them from fighting, not to mention that both Beria and Sero only have the other side in their eyes, and they only want to destroy each other.

Sero charged forward with two ice axes in hand, while Beria brandished the sharp Caesar Beria claws, and the two collided instantly. The ice ax glowing with emerald luster and the Caesarbelia claws exuding crimson light collided crazily, making crisp crashing sounds.

The aftermath of the collision spread, and the reinforced concrete in the affected area was immediately cut into smooth gaps, and the continuous sharp chopping aftermath shattered these reinforced concrete fragments.

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