Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2131 The Destroyed City

The azure planet rotates at a speed of more than 460 meters per second and revolves around the sun at a speed of 29.8 kilometers per second. A city surrounded by mountains and rivers covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. It is receiving the strongest rays of the sun.

Roads of different widths and widths crisscross and divide the city into pieces, with tall buildings standing on the ground. Countless vehicles and people shuttle back and forth, leading a busy and fulfilling life.

A helicopter of a TV station is flying in the blue sky, and the high-definition camera on it is overlooking the beauty of this city that represents human wisdom. The host wearing a headset is enthusiastically introducing the scenery of this coastal city history and culture.

At this moment, the pilot of the helicopter saw more than a dozen gaps suddenly appeared in the sky ahead, and then the sky went 'bang! ’ burst open, causing a huge gap in the sky. It was as conspicuous as if a drop of ink fell on the blue paper, and the pilot of the helicopter couldn't help being stunned. He looked at the gap in the air in disbelief, and wondered if he was hallucinating. .

He raised his hand and wiped his eyes vigorously, and then looked over, the gap in the sky still existed and was still expanding. Pieces of blue sky fragments fell from the gap, only falling more than a hundred meters before colliding with the sky below. The sky merged into one and disappeared.

"What is this?" The helicopter pilot's voice changed in astonishment. The voice was transmitted to the ears of the reporters and photographers in the helicopter through the headset, making them both startled, and subconsciously turned their heads to look at the cabin. Outside, the gap in the sky was immediately discovered.

The cameraman was just stunned for a moment, his professional ethics made him subconsciously point the camera lens at the gap, the host's face was full of panic, his voice changed, and he shouted loudly: "Audience friends, did you see that? There was a gap in the sky. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen inside. It was as daunting as leading to hell. What happened? Why did this gap appear in the sky? Is it really the end of the world? "

The host Hester roared, venting his uneasiness and the fear of facing the unknown. The captured images were converted into electrical signals by the camera and transmitted to TV sets in thousands of households, allowing many people to see this. The scene that only appeared in .

Many people in the city below the gap also saw this scene. Almost everyone stopped and looked up at the gap in the air, with a trace of uneasiness on their faces and fear in their eyes. Whether it's science fiction movies or doomsday novels, or their inner subjective thoughts. The black gap in the blue sky doesn't look like a good thing, but it looks like the end of the world.

The helicopter of the TV station in the sky is approaching this gap little by little, which fully demonstrates the spirit of journalists who want news and not die, and the pictures they take are constantly getting closer, but no matter how close they are , it is impossible to photograph the internal conditions of the dark gap.

In front of the TV and when people in the city were watching this huge and dark gap and discussing uncomfortably, a black shadow fell from the huge gap and fell towards the city below in a free fall and go.

The sharp-eyed host saw the black shadow and immediately shouted: "Something fell out of it. What is it? Wait a minute, the other party is falling towards the city. Falling from such a high height will cause damage to the city." Very destructive, this thing has not slowed down, could it be a stone..."

Before the host's words fell, there was a thunder-like impact, even the noise of the helicopter's propeller rotation could not cover up the impact, the host's voice stopped abruptly, and he stared blankly at the situation below , and did not speak for a long time.

And the lens of the camera also quickly moved to the bottom, taking in the scene below. Between the continuous high-rise buildings, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. Looking carefully, it was full of reinforced concrete fragments and dust. The violent shock wave spread towards the surroundings, and the pedestrians and vehicles on the street were hit by the air wave without any defense at all. Cars were blown up and rolled into the air like pieces of paper, crashing into the buildings on both sides, let alone pedestrians.

After the air wave mixed with gravel and dust passed, the road became very clean, not to mention vehicles and pedestrians, even the lampposts and green belts disappeared, leaving only the bare road and the exposed land.

The helicopter kept lowering the altitude, and the camera lens was always facing the dust-filled land, shooting the whole process of the dust rising and falling slowly. As the dust fell, the scene of the impact point was also revealed.

There used to be row after row of high-rise buildings there, but now the dust has fallen to 30 to 40 meters, but still no buildings can be seen, and it has been extended to a place more than a thousand meters away from the impact point. tall buildings. This soundness is only relatively speaking, the glass of the building has long since shattered with the sound of the impact, and the buildings with a slightly lower quality have even cracked gaps of different lengths and widths.

The camera moved slowly, and the people in front of the TV saw a shocking scene. There were piles of ruins all over the ground, and there was no intact building at all. The impact point appeared A large pit with a depth of fifty or sixty meters and a width of more than a hundred meters.

The shocking scene in front of them made the few people on the helicopter completely speechless. Just now they were still taking pictures of the city's bird's-eye view. The beautiful and clean city is still vivid in their minds, but now this beautiful scenery is It becomes extremely ugly like an ink painting that has been splashed with a basin of water.

Facing the ruins, the host trembled his lips but couldn't speak. He couldn't hold the microphone steadily in his hand. He stared straight at the continuous ruins below. The TV screen fell into silence for a moment. But this silent picture made people feel extremely shocked and sad.

The camera continued to move, and captured the sunken pit at the point of impact, and saw a black and red figure at the bottom of the pit, which was completely different from the surrounding soil and reinforced concrete fragments, slowly stood up, causing all the people watching this scene to stare. He looked at the huge figure with wide eyes.

"Sai Luo..." A beast-like roar came from the bottom of the pit and resounded throughout the city. The hatred contained in the voice made everyone who heard the voice tremble.

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