Chapter 2090 Attack on Kai

Facing the pain of the Metronians, Nexus seemed to turn a blind eye to it. It felt as if he had returned to the time when he was in TPC. The Institute of Extraterrestrial Biology of the Scientific Research Department captured the hunters one by one in this way. Firmly tied to the operating table, and then cut open with an alloy knife or a laser cutter...And he often stood outside the room, watching indifferently through the huge glass curtain or monitor. the behavior of those researchers.

Nexus walked up to the Metronian, looked down at the Metronian, his tone was still so flat: "Have you thought about it? I have plenty of ways to deal with you, tell me what you know about Muruna Ao’s matter, just say it, my target is her, you are not worth my troubles. Or you want to try how long you can last, don’t worry, I will put every muscle and blood in you all separated until..."

As Nexus said, he raised his right hand, and the light in his palm gathered again to form a sharp shuriken, which made the fear in the eyes of the Metronians who fell on the ground even stronger, and he shouted in a broken tone: " I said, I said."

"That's right, I'll save you trouble and you don't have to be so painful, just say it." Nexus dismissed the shuriken, his tone was still so flat, and he didn't have the joy of getting the news he wanted or other things at all. Emotions.

The Meitron star told all the news about Murunao that he knew like bamboo shoots pouring beans, without the slightest reservation, but he was only Murunao's subordinate, and he really didn't know much.

He is also a member controlled by the dark circle. He wanders in the universe with the Galatron assigned to him by Murunao, looking for a suitable planet for making energy crystals. If he finds it, he will send a signal to Murunao. , let her spaceship come over and then crystallize the entire planet, and finally obtain the energy crystal at the core of the planet.

Every time they find a planet that can make energy crystals, Murunao will give rewards, increase the upper limit of Galatron they have according to the purity of energy crystals, and replenish the lost Galatron. On the contrary, if it takes a long time or if Galatron is completely lost but no planet suitable for making energy crystals can be found, then it will be recycled by Murunao with the dark circle and made into cards. What would happen, so her subordinates had to work hard to find a planet suitable for making energy crystals for Murunao.

And now Murunao is already on his way to the earth. In the last contact, a guy who looked like a robot was also full of hatred for Uub, and came with Murunao, Metron The stars don't know when Mu Luna'ao will come.

There is nothing to gain about Murunao's ability. The Metronians have only met Murunao five or six times. They just know that she has powerful magical abilities but they don't know how powerful they are. Then I saw her last time. When she took the dark circle, she controlled more cosmic beings to find planets suitable for making energy crystals, and she didn't know the rest.

"Well, it seems that there is only so much news." Nexus nodded silently, and the Metron star covered the wound on his left shoulder, with pain and pleading on his face, and said in an extremely humble tone: "I have already I have told you everything I know, Galatron was also destroyed by you, I was just forced to do this kind of thing by Murunao, I will leave the earth right now, stay away from Murunao, never again Do bad things to her..."

Before the Metronian's promise was finished, he saw the Nexus bow and arrow weapon on Nexus' right wrist flashed, and a crimson flame gushed out from it, enveloping Nexus' right fist completely. Inside, this situation made the Meitron star's pupils shrink, and said eagerly: "Wait a minute..."

'call! The flames on Nexus' right fist spewed forward immediately, instantly enveloping the Metatron star in the expanding flame of whirling. In this tens of millions of degrees of flame, the Metatron star was burned to ashes.

"If you have anything to say, go and talk to those planets that you have turned into crystal beings. Don't worry, Murunao will go down to accompany you soon." Nexus whispered, the right fist The flames immediately dissipated and converged into Nexus' bow and arrow arm. As Nexus stepped forward, golden light appeared everywhere in the burning flames of the Meta Field, and then quickly transformed into a golden barrier, and the golden light The density of the body is constantly decreasing, and the sobriety outside can already be vaguely seen.

And here, Hong Kai drove an off-road vehicle at high speed on the mountain road. In less than half a minute, the off-road vehicle quickly turned away from the dangerous place along the road, and he could no longer see the small road. town.

This made Matsudo Mori sigh in disappointment, let the camera in his hand stop recording, and then sat on the back seat and looked down at the picture just shot. The quality is not as good and the picture keeps shaking. It can be said that amateurs can no longer be amateurs.

But the content of the shooting is very shocking. Galatrons are scattered in rows among the continuous mountains. The number is daunting, but in the middle of countless Galatrons, there is a The giant who radiated light stood fearlessly on the top of the mountain, completely ignoring the Galatrons around him, and the aura alone made people feel admiration in their hearts.

"But..." Matsudo Mori didn't care about these things, but when he turned back after getting in the car, the starry night who was standing beside the road disappeared, and there was no place to hide around at that time. Then, the beam of light falling from the sky fell on the top of the mountain, condensing the figure of a giant of light that had never been seen before.

"No way, it's impossible?!" Matsudo Mori couldn't help but shook his head, and quickly rejected this 'scary' guess. It was so amazing that he couldn't believe it was true, Matsudo Mori He kept saying in his heart: "Yes, it's just a coincidence, it's just a coincidence." But no matter what he said, Matsudo Mori still couldn't suppress this guess in his heart, because it was too coincidental, the starry night that disappeared in the blink of an eye and then That is the appearance of the new Ultraman, plus...

"What's impossible?" Hong Kai who was driving the car couldn't help asking when he heard Matsudo Mori's words in the back seat. The off-road vehicle turned sideways, and stopped after only sliding forward for more than ten meters. Before the car stopped, a gap suddenly appeared in front of the road, which was five or six meters long and two meters wide. The four people in the car heard a thunderous explosion-like sound, mixed with gravel and asphalt, flying around indiscriminately, and some of them hit the shell of the off-road vehicle, making a crisp metal impact sound .

Although the car stopped, the SSP trio were almost thrown out. Even though they were wearing seat belts, they still swayed with the car, bumping into the back of the seat and the side of the car indiscriminately, making the three of them scream in pain.

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