Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2089 Extorted Confession

The fleeing Hippolyte star stopped immediately, standing there motionless, a thin golden gap appeared in the middle of his body, splitting him in half from head to toe, and then exploded loudly, turning into a flower The flame mushroom cloud rising into the sky raised billows of dust and blown thousands of gravels.

A row of hills on the ground were cut in a row, along the gap you can clearly see Nexus who raised his right arm and aimed at this place, and saw the flames exploding from the Hippolyte star, Nexus Si slowly lowered his right arm. Just after he cut off the right arm of the imperial star with a flash, he immediately turned sixty to seventy degrees. At the same time, he raised his right arm so that the tip of the lightsaber aimed at the Hippolyte star who was fleeing. The Nexus bow and arrow arm immediately glowed with dazzling golden light, and two sharp light blades extended from the hilt , combined into the ultimate bow and arrow beam, and cut the Hippolyte star in half with one blow.

But the empire star with the broken arm roared at Nexus angrily, and the cloth-like metal pieces scattered on his back immediately stood up and combined into something like a cloak, allowing the empire star to fly high into the sky immediately, He slammed towards Nexus at an extremely fast speed, and the only remaining left arm opened, spraying flame bombs at Nexus continuously.

The flying speed of the Imperial Stars in close proximity to the ground instantly accelerated to Mach 3 and the speed continued to increase. The impact brought by the speed of breaking through the sound barrier rolled up a hurricane, and rolled up all the dust and gravel accumulated on the ground. Flying behind the imperial star like an earth dragon, it looks full of momentum.

Nexus turned around quickly, and there were several balls of flame bombs attacking Ah's face. Nexus quickly swung his right arm from left to right, and the Nexus weapon on his wrist The dim gemstone on it immediately glowed with dazzling golden light, and the golden light flow gathered to form a golden light blade, and then slashed forward to strike a crescent-shaped golden light blade towards the front of Nexus Flying, one after another, the incoming flame bombs touched the light blade and were cut without any hindrance, and then exploded into a ball of flames. Nexus, who stood in place for a moment, and the Empire, who was rushing forward close to the ground, Several clusters of flame bombs exploded among the stars, covering both sides' vision at once.

After the flame exploded, Nexus stomped the ground with his left foot slightly behind, and immediately galloped forward. The lightsaber on his right arm was raised high above his head, and his whole body glowed with a strong golden light, making Nexus At this moment, it turned into light, rushed forward at the speed of light, and then transformed into a solid state again. In just one hundred thousandth of a second, Nexus had crossed a distance of three to four kilometers. The child came to the front of the imperial star.

With the help of the inertia of the forward rush, Nexus quickly bent his knees and squatted down, while the lightsaber on his right arm was raised high, and at the same time, the energy in his body poured into the Nexus bow and arrow arm on his right wrist, Let the storm light sword shine even more dazzlingly.

The imperial star who was rushing forward and throwing flame bombs felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then saw a golden gap in front of him, which made him stunned. There was no time for him to see and understand this sudden appearance. What is the golden gap, the Imperial Stars bumped into it.

The Stormwind Sword cut precisely in the middle of the Imperial Starman's head. With the support of Nexus' own speed and the flying speed of the Imperial Starman, it easily broke through the defense of the Imperial Starman, and then split the Imperial Starman from the middle.

In the blink of an eye, Nexus, who was half kneeling on the ground and sliding forward, passed by the imperial star who was only more than 30 meters away from the ground. Nexus couldn't stop It slid forward for hundreds of meters before stopping, but the Imperial Stars separated from the left and right after passing by, turning into two halves, drawing two parabolas away from each other in the air, falling towards the ground, and hitting the ground below. On the hills, bouncing and rolling forward for three or four kilometers before stopping.

Two pillars of flame rose from the left and right sides behind Nexus, followed by 'Boom! boom! 'Two explosions sounded almost at the same time, and the flames soaring into the sky illuminated the Meta domain that had been dimmed due to the loss of too many glowing hills, and at the same time struck like a heavy hammer on the two remaining aliens. body.

Nexus stood up, turned his body slightly, and the lightsaber on his right arm also turned accordingly. With his bright eyes, he glanced at the Metronian who was standing aside tremblingly, but he thought in his heart, did he put the This guy also cut down, but thinking about it, it seems that too many people were cut down. Even the dismembering demon Ace didn't have as many people cut down as he did in a while.

Seen by Nexus' eyes full of murderous intent, Metron's legs trembled and sifted. In fact, he really wanted to run, but his legs didn't obey. The Latron army was wiped out in less than a minute. Such power made the Metronians completely unable to resist. Then the imperial star who tried to attack was cut in half with a sword, and the Hippolyte star who tried to escape was directly wiped out, making the Metron star stand there motionless like a puppet, for fear that if he moved a little, he would be killed. Invite a deadly attack.

'Shua! The Stormlight Sword on Nexus' arm scattered into light, converged into the Nexus bow and arrow arm on his right wrist, then turned around, and walked towards the Maitron star, the footsteps were not heavy , but it struck the heart of the Metronians like a heavy hammer, causing the hearts of the Metronians to sink as they got closer.

"How much do you know about Murunao? Tell me!" Nexus's flat voice came into the ears of the Metronians, causing the Metronians to tremble involuntarily. As Nexus got closer , the Metronians' sense of fear became stronger and stronger.

"It seems that I need to let you recognize the form," Nexus said in a very flat tone, and suddenly waved his hand, shooting a shuriken with condensed light from his palm, 'Phew! With a sound, it was nailed to the left shoulder of the Metronian, and the powerful impact directly tore half of the Metronian's shoulder, driving the Metronian to fly backwards, and hit the ground heavily on his back. On the hill more than 200 meters away, the hill that hit it immediately shattered.

"Uhh! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the Metronian screamed in pain, with his right hand tightly clutching his broken left shoulder, light green blood spewed out from between his fingers like an open faucet, flowing on the ground and the scorched earth , crushed stones were mixed together, and it was also dyed light green.

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