Chapter 1887 Eat it alive

"Ang! Aang!" King Haipa Aire roared in a low voice, his mouth opened and closed to reveal his full fangs, shining coldly under the sunlight, making the surrounding air drop several degrees.

King Black kept retreating, but the pace of retreat was far behind the pace of King Haipa-Ailei's advance. Finally, as if he couldn't help himself, he yelled at King Haipa-Ailey, and strode forward as if summoning up his courage. To King Haipa Aire, the sharp claws of both hands raised high and slapped King Haipa Aire fiercely on the abdomen.

The sharp claws slapped the scales on Haipa Aire King's abdomen, and said, "Chila! ’ There was a sound of rubbing, and there were fierce sparks, but this blow let alone broke through the scale armor defense of King Haipa Ailei, and there was no white mark left.

This made King Black stunned for a moment, and blinked his eyes. It was hard to believe the result. Even if his paws slapped the stones, they could smash the stones into pieces, but now they didn't even have the slightest effect.

King Hypa Aire lowered his head and looked at King Black, who was less than a third of his height. His right hand hung down, and five sharp claws grabbed King Black's head, and then squeezed it hard. I just heard 'Kachacha! ’ sounded, King Black’s head was directly crushed, and blood and brain matter mixed together and flowed out from King Hypa Aire’s fingers.

'Woo! This bloody scene made the female correspondent Chiaki Matsudo who was watching this scene almost vomit, and she couldn't help turning her head away from watching this scene, but immediately she was glad that she did so, because King Haipa Aire on the screen He had already grabbed King Black, stuffed it into his mouth and started chewing, but in three or five mouthfuls, he swallowed King Black alive.

"What kind of monster is this?" Captain Shenmu was extremely shocked in his heart, and even more frightened. Such a ferocious monster has never appeared before, and he actually feeds on monsters. Even if monsters are the scourge of mankind, he can't Accept such a cruel and even disgusting scene.

The magnetic monster Andora turned around quickly, and the thin wings on the back vibrated quickly, driving the magnetic monster Andora to fly into the sky. King Hypa Aire raised his head, and King Black's red blood flowed down The corners of the mouth flowed down.

King Haipa Aire waved his hands nonchalantly, and raised his head. The wings on his back flapped violently, and the silvery white wings immediately glowed with lightning, which converged into two bolts of lightning that struck Andora's wings in an instant. , All of a sudden, the thin wings were turned into coke.

Antonla, who had lost his wings, waved his limbs weakly and fell towards the ground, but before he landed on the ground, King Hypa Aire had already flapped his wings and flew into the sky, and his right hand was still flowing with King Black's blood. The claws swung forward fiercely.

‘Pfft! With a sound, King Hypa Aire's right claw came out directly from An Dongla's back, and the five blood-soaked sharp claws shone brightly under the sunlight. Drops of red and green blood mixed together, flowing dripping from the tip of the claw.

Then King Haipa Aire lowered his head, opened his mouth wide and gnawed at Antonla in his hand, 'Crack! Click! ’ The voices are endless, and the sound of flesh and blood being chewed makes people feel creepy. And the gaps on the wings of Haipa Aire King's back are also slowly healing, and have shrunk by more than a third compared to when they first appeared.

In the distant sky, two fighter jets were flying towards here at an extremely fast speed, and they saw this terrifying scene from a long distance away. A huge silver-gray monster was actually holding up a monster and gnawing on it. It's like eating corn.

"What kind of monster is this?" Hayato Guidao felt uncomfortable all over, seeing this scene made him feel so disgusted that he really wanted to vomit.

"Attack!" Saiduri Tachibana on the side shouted immediately, facing this scene without changing his expression, which made Hayato Guidao very admired.

'call out! call out! '

Two thick light beams of different colors are emitted from two fighter planes, and they hit King Haipa-Ailei in the distance. This light beam, which is different from the blue sky, is particularly eye-catching, and can be clearly seen even if they are far apart. Two beams of light pierced the sky, hitting the huge silver-gray monster directly.

King Hypa Aire, who was eating, didn't seem to feel the attack. He lowered his head and continued to chew. Two beams of light hit his back, splashing violent sparks, which were clearly visible even in daytime.

The flames dissipated quickly, and the place where King Haipa Ailei was hit was unscathed, and there was not even a trace of scratches on the silver-gray scales. This attack, which was enough to penetrate a mountain, was ignored by him.

"How is it possible?" Sayuri Tachibana looked at the unscathed monster in astonishment, and couldn't believe what she saw. This is the latest Vatican electromagnetic induction cannon. Dr. Geer swore that it was enough to deal with monsters Well, why doesn't it work at all.

King Haipa Aire stuffed a leg of Antonla in his hand into his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls and swallowed it, then turned back to look at the direction of the attack, a gleam of light flashed in his slender eyes , and then fired two tiny laser beams from the eyes, directly hitting the Earth Muscadi and the Azure Muskadi.

The two fighters turned sideways quickly, and while avoiding the two incoming attacks, they fired two beams of light to hit King Haipa Aire directly. King Haipa Aire opened his mouth and directed at the two fighters He roared, and then the thunder and lightning wings behind him flapped vigorously, and his body flew forward suddenly, like a silver meteor piercing the sky, and in an instant, it covered a distance of more than ten kilometers, and came to the Earth Maskadi and Bikongma In front of the Skadi, the claws spread out left and right. At this time, the Dadi Muskadi and the Azure Muskadi are turning sideways, and their belly is relatively dodging the incoming attack.

The huge palm of Haipa Aire King slapped the bodies of the Dadi Muskadi and the Bikong Muskadi forcefully, only to hear "嗤啦!" There was an unpleasant metal twisting sound, and the Dadi Muskadi and the Bikong Muskadi The place where the Bikong Muscadi was photographed sank immediately, and then rolled and fell towards the ground.

Haipa Aire King stopped, and the thunder and lightning wings flapped suddenly, then raised his head slightly, opened his mouth and roared, and the thunder and lightning wings behind him also emitted a strong electric light and spread towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed Then, wherever the electric light passed, the spark dolls trembled, and many spark dolls burst out of their shells and turned into gigantic monsters. In just an instant, dozens of spark dolls around the world turned into monsters. A terrifying monster.

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