Chapter 1886 Come, King Haipa Aire

It was also that disaster that made countries around the world cooperate to form the Earth Defense Organization UNVER to deal with this sudden change. The spark dolls that materialized at the beginning were only a small part, and more spark dolls were scattered all over the world.

What is even more frustrating is that these spark dolls are no different from ordinary dolls. They will only be activated under certain circumstances and then materialized. Although such situations are very low, they also happen from time to time.

But now, the arrival of this cosmic life body suspected of being a hunter may cause a large number of spark dolls to materialize. This is simply killing people, no, it is really killing people.

When Da Da ran into the war room panting, the atmosphere in the war room was already extremely tense. The holographic projection screen on the wall showed a global map with red dots on it. At a glance, there were seventeen or eight.

Da Di ran in panting, and hurriedly asked without even panting, "Captain, what happened?"

Standing in the middle of the room, before the serious middle-aged man could speak, the baby-faced female team member standing aside said to Dadi: "I just received the news from the headquarters that energy fluctuations of spark dolls have appeared all over the world, and The energy level is rising rapidly."

"Sure enough..." The earth murmured, the worst situation appeared, the spark dolls scattered all over the world showed signs of materialization due to the energy fluctuations of the predators, and the worse situation It was the predator who made such a big commotion before it arrived. When this monster arrives on the earth, I don't know how bad it will be.

At this moment, the two XIO special search team members Yamagishi Ken and Matsudo Chiaki who were sitting in the back showed shock on their faces. Yamagishi raised his head and shouted loudly: "Captain, the monster King Black appeared at K87."

Before the voice fell, Chiaki Matsudo's voice sounded: "Not only King Black, but also the magnetic monster Antonla."

Following their voices, the picture on the big screen also flickered, and changed to the picture of K87 point. I saw the soil flying on the vast land, and two huge monsters came out from the ground, and shouted at the sky. Roaring, the sound echoed deafeningly in the sky.

The two monsters had just yelled a few times, when there was a sharp howling sound in the sky, and they quickly approached here, causing the two monsters to raise their heads and look at the sky, only to see a black spot in the sky It is rapidly expanding, but within three to five seconds, the black spot has expanded dozens of times, and its specific outline can already be seen.

A huge silver-gray monster is rushing towards these two monsters. Its long tail is swinging in the wind, and its wings that are 200 meters wide are full of sharp bone spurs. of hideousness and horror.

In the XIO base, everyone was stunned when they saw this huge monster falling from the sky. The height of this monster was almost 200 meters, which was far larger than any monster that had appeared on the earth before.

The female team member Yamase Asuna looked at the huge monster on the screen in astonishment: "What kind of monster is this?"

"Impossible," correspondent Takeshi Yamagishi said incredulously, "Captain, the radar is not responding."

"What?" Captain Shenmu didn't react for a while, and the correspondent at the side, Matsudo Chiaki, explained: "The radar didn't respond to the third monster, and that monster couldn't be searched by radar at all."

"What? How is it possible?" Saiduri Tachibana, the female vice-captain at the side, couldn't believe this. You must know that all the equipment used by XIO is the most advanced in the world. After the help, the earth's technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. Compared with twelve years ago, the earth has been turned upside down. Now such a big monster has been photographed by satellites, but it cannot be detected by radar. This is simply a joke.

"It's this monster, Da Da, it's this monster that makes the spark puppet fluctuate, it's really here." Da Da could hear X's voice trembling a little, making Da Da feel a trace of fear in it, he I've never seen Alex like this before.

Captain Shenmu turned around and shouted loudly: "Xio, get out!"


The gate of the XIO base opened, and then a car and a truck came out of the base through the open hatch. Kazama Toru and Kishima Hayato took Xio Apos, and Tachibana Saiduri took Xio Bortes , driving a special vehicle fast on the solid concrete road.

And at the X-shaped main base behind them, the intersection point at the top opened up, and then an eight-meter-long fighter jet rose up, and then slowly descended, sliding quickly on the flat steel plate, and then soared into the sky And then, almost after this plane took off, another slightly larger plane also rose up from inside the base, and then took off from another takeoff runway.

After taking off, the two fighter planes lowered their altitude and fell towards the two cars below. The chassis of Xio Bolts and Xio Aposia spewed out the turbulent gas, causing the two cars to fly into the sky immediately, flying straight up to ten It was several meters high, and then the two planes just flew under the car, the car accelerated suddenly and a groove on the plane was tightly stuck together along the seam.

The fully dressed Azur Mascadi and Dadi Mascadi began to accelerate immediately, and flew towards the place where the monster appeared at the fastest speed, and under the two planes, Xio Aramis painted in sea blue Speeding on the road, XIO team members Ozora Daiji and Yamase Asuna were riding inside. Both of them looked very serious, and they didn't look like they were talking and laughing like they usually do when patrolling.

In the XIO base, Captain Shenmu stared at the image on the big screen with an ugly expression. After the huge monster appeared, King Black and the magnetic monster Antonla no longer had the same arrogance as before, and their roars became He whimpered and kept backing away.

Trembling all over his body, he looked extremely terrified, which made Captain Shenmu's heart even heavier. The performance of these two monsters further showed the power of this monster flying from outer space.

'Boom! Boom! ’ The huge silver-gray soles of King Haipa Ailei stepped on the ground, causing the solid ground to sink in, and huge footprints appeared one after another on the ground he walked on. The tall body approached King Black and the magnetic monster Antonla step by step, and the silver-gray scales covering the whole body glistened under the sunlight, looking particularly oppressive.

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