Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1714 The Disappearing Alien Beast

Nexus raised his head to look at Chromium Chester, and sent his voice into the minds of the four members of the night raid team: "Everyone, try your best to fly upward."

Although I don't know what Nexus is going to do, but since Nexus said so, he must want to do something. The supersonic attack Chester immediately changed from horizontal to vertical to the ground and flew upwards. And go, the afterburner is turned on, and under the strong driving force, the hypersonic striker Chester continuously accelerates and flies towards the high altitude. In the blink of an eye, he flew to the altitude of a thousand meters, and is still rising with.

Seeing this, Nexus nodded, his arms drooped down, his body immediately flew into the air, and flew towards the sky at high speed. He didn't stop until he was two thousand meters high, and glanced at the cruiser beside him. After hitting Chester at a supersonic speed, Nexus raised his right arm high, and endless energy surged out from Nexus' brilliant arm, gathered on Nexus' right fist, shining brightly. The golden light illuminates the surroundings like a small sun, and even if they are far away, they can clearly see the radiant light cluster in midair.

But there was still no movement on the ground, no waves at all, and there was no strange place at all, as if the strange beasts did not exist or the little sun in the sky could not be seen.

"Ha!" Nexus swung his right arm violently, and the light cluster gathered on his right hand flew downward immediately. After flying away from Nexus for more than 20 meters, the light cluster exploded like fireworks. Soon, countless golden needle-like light beams filled the entire sky, and there were countless dense ones. It was as beautiful as a meteor shower piercing the night sky.

But this beauty came with death and murderous intent, the distance of two thousand meters was spanned in the blink of an eye, countless beams of light descended from the sky, and exploded on the ground. Looking down from a height of 2,000 meters, I saw countless clouds of flame mushrooms rising from the ground, one after the other crowded together, densely packed like mushrooms springing up from the ground one after another.

The earth was plunged into an endless sea of ​​flames in an instant. The crazily tumbling flames melted countless large and small rocks, and just turned into magma, they were gasified by the high temperature and disappeared. Immediately, one after another appeared on the earth. Huge pothole. Some even joined together to form a larger pothole.

On the fiery ground there was a roiling heat wave, and rivers of magma spread all over the ground. Many potholes turned into lakes of lava, large and small. Huge amounts of fiery red magma continuously bubbled out one by one. In the blink of an eye, the Meita field turned into a doomsday scene, and even at an altitude of two kilometers, one could feel the heat rising from the ground.

"Why not?" Nexus was suspended in mid-air and looked at the magma rivers flowing wantonly on the ground, looking for traces of alien beasts, but until the flames dispersed and the dust fell, he still didn't find anything.

Now Nexus himself wonders if the alien beast has really escaped, otherwise, it would be impossible to say that the Meta field has been turned upside down like now, and there is no trace of the disappeared alien beast. , unless that guy can fly.

Can fly?

Thinking of this Nexus suddenly froze, he suddenly understood something, turned around immediately, and saw ripples in the air behind him, and then four identical alien beasts jumped out of the air, forming a The fan surrounded Nexus in the middle, and when it appeared, it opened its mouth wide and immediately spit out four identical hot beams.

Just as Nexus turned around, four scorching light beams spewed out by the four alien beasts sprayed onto Nexus' chest, 'Boom! ' With a loud noise, violent sparks exploded from Nexus' chest, and the violent explosion knocked Nexus down from the air, and the four hot beams continued to push Nexus, who was falling towards the ground below, with more Falling fast.

I saw four fiery red beams of light gathered at one point in the sky, changing direction with the falling Nexus, always maintaining the impact on Nexus.

It was too late to say it, but under the impetus of the fierce hot beam, Nexus fell from a height of 2,000 meters in just a few seconds, and fell directly into a huge magma lake, 'Boom! ’ With a sound, a column of magma two to three hundred meters high was splashed.

"Lonely door..."

Supersonic Strike Chester turned around, and immediately launched an attack on the alien beasts before he had time to store his energy. Missiles roared and attacked the four alien beasts, trying to prevent the alien beasts from attacking Nexus. In response to the attack, the four alien beasts were still suspended there, continuing to shoot hot beams towards Nexus who had fallen into the magma lake.

Missiles roared through the body of the alien beast, and the alien beast immediately stopped firing its hot beams, while more than a dozen missiles continued to fly forward, flying far away until the fuel was exhausted before exploding. The four alien beasts pierced by the missile disappeared again as before.

"Why?" Hiraki Shiori felt that she was going crazy. She could attack, but she couldn't hit the alien beast, and once attacked, the alien beast disappeared. She could attack people but couldn't be attacked. This ability is simply a bug.

"What should I do?" He and Cang Yingfu tightly clasped hands with soft gloves, his heart was like a mess, facing such a situation, he had no clue at all.

'Wow! ’ A violent splash rose from the huge magma lake below, countless fiery magma flew up into the sky, and then fell back into the magma lake.

Nexus rushed out of the magma all over the sky, saying 'Ding Dong! Ding dong! In the voice of Nexus, the energy core on Nexus's chest flickered, and just after flying out of the magma lake, Nexus fell crookedly towards the ground beside him, and the light emitted from his body became Dimmed a lot, 'Boom! ’ With a loud noise, Nexus landed heavily on the hot ground with both feet, and then fell to his knees powerlessly.

The surrounding meta field glowed with golden light, and the dim meta field suddenly turned back into a golden wall, and quickly melted away. In the blink of an eye, the meta field disappeared, revealing the outside world.

The sky was still bright with stars, and there were continuous mountains on the ground. Nexus half-kneeled in the forest in the valley, the energy core on his chest flickered unceasingly, and after shaking his body a few times, he fell straight forward. Before he fell to the ground, a golden light glowed on his body and disappeared.

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