Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1713 The Disappearing Alien Beast

The two identical alien beasts attacked Nexus again, and the two gleaming blades slashed towards Nexus in unison, cutting through the air as they passed and saying, "Huh! call! ’ scream.

Nexus stepped back in a hurry, tapped the ground with his right foot, his body was as light as a swift, leaped obliquely towards the rear, narrowly dodged the two blades and almost passed by Nexus' body .

Chester, the hypersonic strong attack in the sky, flew over, and was dumbfounded when he saw the two alien beasts. Shiori Hiraki, who was in charge of the attack, looked at the alien beast on the left and felt that this was real. Look Looking at the right side, it seems to be right, but I don't know what to do at all. But we made a decision right away, so let's attack together.

'Boom! Tom! Tom! 'Missiles flew out of the missile nest one by one, separated from the left and right, and flew towards the two alien beasts. The two alien beasts did not intend to dodge but continued to rush towards Nexus .

More than a dozen missiles hit the bodies of the two alien beasts one after another. Instead of exploding, they directly passed through the alien beasts, hit the ground in the distance, and exploded. The ground soared into the air, setting off violent dust.

"Both are fake?" Now the four members of the night raid team don't know what to do. The one that was attacked by Nexus after one alien beast turned into three is fake. The two turned out to be fake too, so where are the alien beasts?

Saijo Kaze immediately drove the hypersonic Strike Chester to the side, away from the two alien beasts. It is still unknown what happened, so it is better to stay away quickly.

Nexus also saw the result of the night attack team's attack, gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack, and continued to take a few steps back, cautiously watching the two alien beasts that were approaching at every step, and at the same time couldn't stop Turning his head, he cautiously looked around, searching for possible alien beasts.

But when the alien beast attacked him just now, he did clearly feel the strong wind brought by the moment when the blade of the alien beast's right arm slashed. It was definitely not a phantom, but why did the night attack team The attack penetrated through the body of the alien beast?

This situation reminded Nexus of the space alien beast Gruglem he had dealt with before. That guy could enter different mirror spaces to invalidate the attack, plus the combination type that had appeared before The alien beast Yizu Mairu, which made Nexus guess that this alien beast might have the same ability as the combined alien beast Yizu Mairu.

However... Nexus is a little puzzled because he has already opened up the meta-field, why can the alien beast enter other alien spaces? This is something Nexus couldn't figure out.

Before he could figure it out, the two alien beasts were already approaching Nexus. The sharp blade on his right arm kept shaking with the advance of the alien beasts. The shaking amplitude was exactly the same, and the distance traveled by each step was exactly Similarly, the movements of the two alien beasts are exactly the same, and there is no difference at all, which makes Nexus even more hesitant and doesn't know which one to attack?

Saijo flew a fighter jet past Nexus, and Eisuke Kazukura, who was sitting in the cockpit in the middle, shouted loudly at Nexus below: "Ultraman, let's attack together, let's attack!" The one on the left, you attack the one on the right."

Nexus was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded. Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately strode towards the alien beast on the right. The giant cannon on the top of Chester also lit up again. The moment Nexus' lightsaber touched the alien beast, two spiral beams simultaneously attacked the alien beast on the left.

'Shua! ’ Nexus’ lightsaber still cut through the waist of the alien beast without hindrance, and the body of the alien beast fluctuated like water waves, and then disappeared. At the same time, the hypersonic assault ray also penetrated the body of the alien beast, bombarded the ground in the distance, and raised an incomparably huge cloud of flaming mushrooms. And the body of the penetrated alien beast flickered a few times before dissipating into the air.

"What? How did this happen?"

At this time, both the alien beast and Nexus were stunned, looking at the empty land in front of them in disbelief, looking around but could not find any trace of the alien beast, after all, the size of the alien beast It is so huge, and the highest hills around it are no more than 30 meters high. It is impossible for the alien beast to hide even if it crouches down. What's more, Chester is in the air, unless it is drilled into the ground, there is no way to hide it. Impossible to hide.

Nexus kept moving his lightsaber in his hand, looking around vigilantly with his bright eyes, looking for traces of alien beasts. This is the Meta Realm, a subspace created with his light. It is impossible for the living beast to break out of the Meta field without a sound, but the current situation makes Nexus not understand why, the strange beast just disappeared so strangely.

Just when Nexus turned his head, the air behind Nexus suddenly rippled, and then the trace of a strange beast appeared, and the sharp blade on his right arm was fiercely aimed at Nexus chop off his back. Without giving Nexus and the night attack team any time to react, the sharp blade slashed on Nexus' left shoulder blade, followed by 'Chila! With a loud noise, fierce sparks exploded from Nexus' body, and the huge force directly sent Nexus flying more than a hundred distances away, lying heavily on the ground, and the heavy body made the ground tremble violently , The gravel on the ground jumped up to one meter high.

After the night raid team discovered the alien beast, they hurriedly turned around, but before the supersonic attack Chester arrived, the body of the alien beast became rippled again, and disappeared like a phantom. The following two lasers hit a void, bombarded the ground, and exploded two pillars of flame.

"Damn it, is it optical invisibility? Try using infrared rays." Eisuke Wakura immediately issued an order, and Mitsuhiko Ishihori immediately activated the infrared scanner on the Supersonic Assault Chester. Chester's cruise scanned the Meta field back and forth, but still found nothing for a long time.

The four members of the night raid team used supersonic speed to attack various detectors on Chester, but it was still useless. The alien beasts seemed to have really disappeared, no matter how noisy they were. Find a way to find that huge alien beast.

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