Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1451: The Game Begins

The alien beast that was thrown flew wildly waving its limbs, its huge body drew an arc in the air, and with a muffled 'boom' sound, it slammed hard on the opposite side, pressing the ground out of a deep depression . Nexus kicked his legs on the opposite side, turned over in the air, and landed firmly on the ground not far from the alien beast.

"Ultraman..." He and Cang Yingfu saw this scene when they ran over, and after meeting up with Koto Kakki and the others, they looked at the silver giant about a hundred meters away in surprise.

After the alien beast was hit on the ground, it immediately waved its claws and began to dig the ground. Nexus stared at the alien beast, clenched his fists: "This time... I will never let you run It's gone." Thinking of those people who were eaten by strange beasts, Ji Yazhun felt endless anger that could not be suppressed.

In the combat information center, Xingye looked at the silver giant on the screen and the data beside him, with a smile on his face: "Show your true strength, Ji Yazhun."

The silver giant didn't step forward to stop the alien beast from digging the ground. Unlike Xingye, he raised his left arm and swiped across the energy core on his chest. The crimson energy core on his chest immediately shone brightly. A bright stream of water wrapped Nexus inside, and then it burst into a dazzling red light.

"The body...has changed." The five members of the night raid team stared wide-eyed, looking at this Altman who exudes bright red light all over his body, which is completely different from the silver body, most of the body has been covered with red , and the shape has also changed. The shoulders and back are covered by armor, the energy core on the chest is dimmed, and there is a gem-like timer in the middle part that is very similar to the evolution trustee. Except for the red and silver parts There are also black stripes.

Nexus raised his left arm, and at the same time, his right arm and left arm were clasped together to form a cross, and the dark blue gem on the Nexus armament on both arms immediately shone with dazzling light. Endless rays of light condensed on Nexus' right fist, and then Nexus raised his right fist high, and the condensed light turned into a bright water-blue beam that shot straight into the sky. Fireworks usually explode.

At this time, Gen Lai Zang in the mountains was trekking hard on the small path, the road full of gravel made his feet almost lose consciousness, and his shirt was soaked with sweat, but Gen Lai Zang still did not stop to rest .

At this moment, he saw a beam of light suddenly rising from the ground in the distance, exploding in mid-air, extending into countless golden rays of light, spinning rapidly and spreading downward, and within three or four seconds, it condensed A mask with a diameter of three or four hundred meters shrouded the ground, and the moment the mask was formed, the mask also disappeared.

"What... is this?" Gen Laizhenzang's eyeballs almost popped out. He really wondered if he had hallucinations due to the fatigue of the kingdom. It only took four or five seconds from the appearance to the disappearance of the streamer just now. Gen Lai Jing Zang disappeared without even realizing it, let alone taking a photo.

"I found the big news." Gen Lai Zhenzang's tired face was full of surprises, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace a lot, and ran towards the direction where the beam of light just rose at the fastest speed.

Compared with Gen Lai Jin Zang, the five members of the night attack team were equally astonished. Ultraman and the alien beast disappeared in full view, making them want to know what the golden mask was.

"That uncle...is missing." Rina tried hard to find the disappeared Ultraman.

"Captain, let me send this little girl out." Koto Kazuki glanced at Rina, and then said to Kazukura Yingfu.

He Cang Yingfu did not answer, but raised his hand and pressed the communication button of the same helmet: "CIC, something unexpected happened, please ask for combat guidance."

"I've seen it," Xingye spread out on the chair in the most comfortable position, and said casually: "The vibration waves of Ultraman and the alien beast have disappeared, presumably they entered the subspace, and the combat mission has changed." , search for survivors in the factory...if there are any."

"Understood!" Wakura Yingfu nodded, and said to Gumen Kazuki: "Gumen, you take this little girl outside the factory first, and the other two search for survivors in pairs."

"Yes!" Koto Kazuki nodded, then put away the Diwait large gun, smiled at Rina with the most gentle smile and said, "Let's go, brother will take you home."

"Yeah!" Rina slowly clicked on the projector, and walked towards the outside of the factory with Koto Ikki.

"Is this puppy raised by you?" Gumen Yihui kept talking to the little girl about relaxing topics along the way, trying to eliminate the shadow of the little girl seeing the alien beast just now.

"No, Rina picked it up here. Mom didn't let Rina raise it, and let Rina throw it here again." Little Lolita was unhappy when she said this: "But... Rina likes it very much."

"is that so?"

Koto Kazuki tried his best to talk about some light topics, and soon he walked outside the factory, where a black car was already parked and waiting. A woman walked up to Kazuki Guto and showed her ID, which was code-named TLT—MP, and said to Kazuki Guto: "Leave this little girl to us, and we will send her home Yes, you continue to carry out the task."

"Oh!" Ikki Kodo didn't know, so he had no contact with the TLT department except the maintenance department, the night raid team, and the white-clothed sweepers. He had never heard of the department code-named MP, but the certificate was indeed Really, and he was a member of the night raid team and didn't deal with follow-up matters, so he had to hand over the little girl from Rina to them.

Komon Kakki stood at the gate of the factory, watching Rina get into the car with the puppy in his arms, until the black car drove away, Kodo Kakki looked away and prepared to enter the factory to search for survivors.

Guto Kazuki just walked into the factory, and the armed Bereg suddenly flashed twice, and then a few large characters appeared on the screen: The game has started.

"Ah?!" Koto Kakki couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then the words disappeared, and Armed Bereg displayed various data analysis again, as if the fonts just now had never appeared.

"What was that just now?" Gumen Kazuki pressed the button a few times, but couldn't find the record of the existence of those characters just now, as if those characters just now were his illusions, and fiddled with them a few times to no avail. Koto Kazuki had no choice but to keep his doubts in his heart and continue the task of searching for survivors.

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