Chapter 1450 Faith

Koto Kazuki was looking for the alien beasts in the factory, and he kept scanning the passing warehouses and factories, trying to find the survivors in the factory, but he found nothing. Thinking of so many people being killed by the alien beasts Killed, Gumen Kazuki felt a dull pain in his heart.

The two turned around following the guidance of Armed Bereg, and what appeared in front of them was not a strange beast, but Hime Yajun and a little girl holding a puppy that they had seen before.

Saijo was stunned for a moment, then immediately raised the Diwait large gun in his hand, and shouted sharply: "What do you want to do to this little girl? Alien beast!"

"Wait a minute, vice-captain," Gumen Kazuki glanced at the opposite side. The little girl holding the puppy had already hid behind Ji Yazhun in fear. Gumen Kazuki then said, "Ji...he is here Save the little girl."

Ji Yazhun didn't care about the gun pointed at him in Saitiaofeng's hand at all, but turned to the little girl and whispered: "Okay, follow them and you can leave here."

"Then... Brother, don't you want to go? There are terrible monsters here." Rina raised her head, and looked at Ji Yazhun with her big cute eyes full of doubts.

"I'm here to destroy that monster, well, hurry up and go home." Ji Yazhuan stood up and said to Gumen Kazuki: "Hurry up and send this little girl out, this place is not suitable for her. "

"En!" Gumen Kazuki ran over directly, and when he ran to Ji Yazhun's side, he took a quick look at Ji Yazhun, it was the first time he had such a close contact with this mysterious man. But Koto Kazuki immediately squatted down, and his voice was as gentle as possible: "Okay, let's go with brother, brother will take you home."

"Really?" Rina turned her head and glanced at Hime Yajun next to her, who nodded to her with a smile, then Rina followed Koto Ikki hesitantly and walked forward, turning her head from time to time to look at the man standing in the original place. Ji Yazhun from the land.

Saijo Kaze stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help but think of the little girl holding a toy full of horror in the dark dense forest full of fog, and the Diwaite large gun in her hand was hanging down little by little.

"Finally couldn't help it?" Ji Yajun, who had been watching Rina walking towards Saijo Kaze, turned around suddenly, and at the same time, his right hand had already penetrated into the clothes and held the evolution trustee in the palm of his hand.

'Boom! ’ The ground trembled violently, as if some giant beast was about to rush out from the ground. Kodo Kazuki hurriedly supported Rina who was almost shaken to the ground, and turned to look at the source of the shock.

Just 20 meters behind Ji Yazhun, a huge mound rose from the ground, overturning the gate and wall of the nearby factory building, so that the factory building was distorted in the middle.

A huge centipede's head protruded from the ground, its mud-stained mouth kept opening and closing, piles of black things spit out from inside and fell to the ground, it turned out to be Pieces of clothes were soaked in blood, with bits of meat still faintly visible on them.

Koto Kazuki hastily covered Rina's eyes, preventing her from seeing this terrifying scene. And Saijo Kaze immediately raised the armed Bereg on his left arm, and a frozen bomb was installed on the launch port. With a sound of 'Boom', the frozen bomb flew out, roaring and rushing towards the alien beast that was drilling out.

However, before the frozen bomb could hit the alien beast, it was sent flying by the tentacles waved by the alien beast. It rolled and flew hundreds of meters before exploding. The temperature in the vicinity dropped several degrees instantly, and the explosion point The warehouse below was immediately covered with a thick layer of frost, which spread for more than forty meters.

The alien beast also seemed to be frightened by the power of the freezing. Its body that was drilling out stopped suddenly, and then retreated towards the underground soil layer, obviously preparing to drill back again. Not far from here, the trio of captain He Cangyingfu also saw the frozen bomb exploding in the air, and immediately ran towards the direction where the frozen bomb came from without saying a word.

"It's too late, leave it to me." Ji Yazhun murmured in a low voice, looking at the piles of clothes on the ground, his eyes were full of anger. He pulled out the evolution trustee in his hand, and raised the evolution trustee high.

'Om! A crisp sound like water rang out in the ears of the four, and the evolutionary believer in Hime Yasun's hand suddenly burst into dazzling light, shining around like a small sun, so that Saijo Kaze and Kodo Kakki had to raise their arms to block their eyes .

The light shoots up into the sky like a beam of light, soaring into the sky, even if you are far away, you can see the beam of light shooting up into the sky. People outside the factory who are arguing with the police anxiously are all stunned when they look at this beam of light. Look at the beam of light in the factory there.

"What is this?" Even the police were stunned, didn't they say that the poison gas leaked? A beam of light will appear because the poisonous gas leaks, and under the gaze of everyone, the beam of light gradually converges, forming a silver giant.

"Ultraman..." Gumen Kazuki tried his best to look up at this huge giant that was almost as close as a mountain. Standing at his feet, Gumen Kazuki felt as small as an ant.

Nexus bent down, grabbed the neck of the alien beast with his ten fingers, and stopped the alien beast that was going underground.

"Hmm, ha!" Nexus suddenly pulled out the alien beast from the ground like pulling a carrot. The soil splashed and fell towards the ground indiscriminately. Hastily turned around and bent slightly to block the falling clods of dirt for the little girl.

"What's that?" Many people outside the factory who refused to leave were looking in horror at the huge silver giant standing in the factory and the even more terrifying monster in his hand. Many people were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground. Even the self-sufficient and well-informed policeman seemed to have weak legs. He tremblingly picked up the intercom inside and shouted loudly: "Please help, send... ...unidentified gigantic creatures were found."

But they yelled for a long time but there was no answer. There were bursts of 'sand! sand! ’ sound, some people were terrified and ran away from the factory.

Nexus held the struggling alien beast aloft, then bent his arms slightly, then straightened suddenly, and threw the alien beast to the open space far away. Under everyone's gaze, The huge body of the alien beast flew over the abandoned factory buildings and rusted steel tanks from the air.

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