Ultraman Senki

Chapter 144 Towards Tomorrow

Dagu hurried away from Qijiela and Xingye fought side by side, posing a fighting posture towards Qijiela.

"Don't we have a child with courage?" Zong Fang gritted his teeth: "Burn Qi Jiela and let us enter a new era together!"

"Okay!" Xincheng gritted his teeth and drove Feiyan EX to Nexus' side.

"Understood!" Lina flew the Phoenix to Tiga's head.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come here now!" Hori was a little ashamed.

"No, I'm really happy that everyone has made up their minds to fight side by side." Dagu was very happy.

"Come on! The victory team attacks!" Zong Fang yelled, and the two Ultraman and two fighters moved at the same time and attacked Qi Jiela.

The gigantic Qijiela launched an intensive attack wielding countless vines.

"Taste my strength!" Xincheng roared and pressed the attack button. Three ultra-high-heat particle rays easily interrupted the three vines.

"Don't underestimate us humans!" Lina pressed the launch button, and several spike missiles roared into the group of vines, and a dozen broken vines fell to the ground with a violent explosion.

When the vines were about to hit them, Dagu and Xingye jumped up almost simultaneously to avoid the attack of the vines. When they reached the highest point, they bent one leg and kicked Qi Jiela, kicking their legs. Already covered by burning flames, the raging flames almost covered half of Ultraman's body.

"Bang!" Two Ultraman kicked Qi Jiela's body at the same time, and the huge force caused Qi Jiela's huge body to fall backwards suddenly, revealing the dense and countless vines underneath. The place where the kick hit was melted by the high temperature and a huge pothole was formed. The pained Qi Jiela screamed continuously, opened his mouth and spit out strands of pollen that sprayed around indiscriminately.

The pollen covering Qi Jiela's body was so rich that the particles could be seen with the naked eye, and the winning team flew away in a hurry to avoid inhaling the pollen. Both Xincheng and Horei forced themselves not to look at the pollen that was almost close at hand, gritted their teeth and drove the plane away.

"Damn it, there is no way to attack at close range like this." Xincheng waved his hand angrily, if there were no such people around, it would be a waste at best to miss it, but now it would be fatal.

"What should I do?" Zong Fang unconsciously clenched his fists and frowned, looking at the two Ultramans in the distance: "It's all up to you."

Dagu and Xingye didn't dare to get too close. They had just tasted the power of Qijiela's pollen. It would be fine if it was ordinary pollen, but this is the pollen sprayed by Qijiela's body, and even Ultraman couldn't be immune.

"What about Starry Night?" Dagu was a little anxious.

"Here we come!" Xingye was overjoyed, and looked towards the dark sky in the distance, where a small bright spot was moving, and it was getting bigger and bigger as time went by.

"That's..." Hori leaned his head over to look at the radar carefully: "Helios, how did you dispatch it?"

The highlights changed rapidly. A gigantic spaceship approached here. The huge guns were full of fierce muzzles shining with cold light, and the caliber of the two main guns was enough to make people feel suffocated.

Helios flew by Feiyan EX and Phoenix, and the two fighters were as small as ants.

Although the Helios is still far away from the ground, his huge body still brings an unparalleled sense of shock to the people on the ground. Even Ultraman seemed a little small in front of him, wantonly displaying the powerful technological capabilities of human beings.

"That TPC thing?" A man pointed at the huge battleship in the sky with trembling fingers.

"My God! We humans can make such a big thing!" People on the ground pointed at the Helios and commented, completely forgetting the others.

The Helios slowly adjusted its angle and aimed at Qijiela below.

"Full firepower!" A slightly mechanical female voice sounded, and then the Helios suddenly lit up, countless streamers of light shot out and hit Qi Jiela's body directly.

"Boom! Boom!" There was an earth-shattering explosion, and countless fire balls burst out, illuminating the surroundings into daylight, and even from a long distance, one could feel a rush of hot wind. Zigela's pollen was completely burned in the high-heat flames, leaving nothing behind.

"Great!" Lina's face was overjoyed, the absence of pollen meant that the winning team could participate in the battle and go to support Dagu and the others.



Dagu condensed energy on his palms, and the high-temperature particles completely covered his palms, and Xingye stretched out a sharp lightsaber from his right arm. The two of them strode forward and slashed indiscriminately.

The vines swung by Qi Jiela couldn't withstand the blows of the two Ultramans, and they were cut to pieces, and the broken vines fell to the ground.

Qi Jiela screamed, the ground rolled up and piles of vines came out from the ground, Xingye and Dagu turned back several times to avoid the attack of the vines. One of the main guns of the Helios lit up, and a beam of colorful light passed between the two Ultramans and shot straight at Qijiela.

"Ha!" Dagu clasped his hands together and fired a blue-white light bullet, attacking from another direction.

Xingye also gathered energy and fired dozens of crescent light blades to cut towards Qi Jiela, and the winning team also took the opportunity to launch an attack.

Qi Jiela's vines danced wildly, but they couldn't block one side but not the other side. The vines' defense net was full of loopholes and was quickly broken through. Several rays of light hit his body and exploded, a large scale was blown up. Fei, leaving several wounds on his body.

Qi Jiela roared in pain, but there was nothing he could do. He was rooted in the ground and unable to move, he was like a living target, and his attack could only rely on long vines.

Dagu and Xingye did a few backflips and came out of Qijiela's attack range. They looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Dagu bent his arms and then crossed them in front of him and slowly lifted them up to gather the energy in his body, while Xingye also stretched out his arms to gather the energy in his body. The two main guns of the Helios were all lit up, and the two planes of the victory team had also turned around to prepare for the strongest attack.

Tiga's arms are synthesized into an L-shape to fuse the thermal energy and destructive power of Dilla Hume's light flow into Zapelio's light and emit it. Starry Night gathers most of the energy in the body to emit a bright blue ultimate light.

Several beams of light bombarded Qi Jiela, and Qi Jiela waved a large number of vines unwillingly to block the attack. But the vines were vaporized by the beam of light as soon as they rushed up, and they didn't hinder them at all.

The attacks of Tiga, Nexus, Helios and the Victory Team all bombarded Qijiela's body, and Qijiela's groaning huge body burst into sparks everywhere, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion. was blown to pieces.

In the flames, several remaining taproots quickly retracted to the ground, and Dagu and Xingye rushed forward to grab a taproot. Through the big hole where Qijiela was originally located, it can be clearly seen that there is a huge cave below that is densely packed with various root systems, and there are many things like the egg just now connected with those densely packed root systems.

"This is the central location of Qijiela!" Xingye looked at the cave below in amazement: "If all these Qijiela hatched, it would be over."

Dagu gathered the little energy in his body, and the surface of his body glowed red. The high-temperature particles were transmitted to the ground along the taproot in his hand. Xingye gathered the energy in his body and transmitted it to the ground, covering the rock wall of the cave. Create a thin layer of light particles.

"Boom! Bang!" The high-temperature particles in Dijia's body were input into the ground, and countless sparks exploded in the cave, and a large number of roots burned, and the cave suddenly fell into a sea of ​​flames, while countless roots and vines started to move. He wanted to leave but bumped into the light particles on the rock wall.

"Boom!" Following violent explosions, the cave was filled with fire. The grass was completely scorched and withered by the underground flames, and the ground became scorchingly hot.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!" The two Ultramans stood up, and the colored timers on their chests had already sounded. Man's body.

"It's finally over!" Zong Fang let out a long breath: "Goodbye, Qi Jiela!"

Qijiela disappeared, many people were disappointed, but more people wondered why they were so obsessed with Qijiela at that time, like a drug addict, and this feeling disappeared after Qijiela disappeared by Ultraman It disappeared without a trace, and now I just feel that Qijiela is lost like a delicious food.

The light shone on the earth and dispelled the dense darkness. People who were intoxicated in dreams also returned to reality, and people began to perform their duties. The social order quickly recovered and revived again.

"It's amazing!" Luke looked at the earth that was gradually receding outside the spaceship: "This is the real life. Although the life span is short, but you try to live a short life and leave the results to future generations to inherit. Such repeated growth Human beings, I finally see you again." Turning her head to look at the curious little girl next to her, she had a gentle smile on her face.

The door of the command room opened and a group of people walked in talking and laughing. Director Sawai stood there and looked at them with a smile.



Several people stood up and looked at Sawai. Director Sawai walked up to Dagu and looked at Dagu, making Dagu a little at a loss.

Director Sawai patted Dagu on the shoulder: "Good job, really good Sean you guys!"

"No, Director," Dagu said seriously, "I'm just doing what I can do as a human being."

"Human beings..." Director Sawai smiled, and everyone's eyes turned to the big screen. There was only one picture on it from all over the world, and that was the withered garland.

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