Ultraman Senki

Chapter 143 We don't need Qijiela

Dagu clearly saw this situation, but unwaveringly emitted light and increased the output of energy, trying to break through the vines and bombard Qi Jiela's body directly.

"Whoosh!" At this time, the place under Tijia's feet surged, and just as Dagu lowered his head, he saw several vines rushing out, wrapping around Dagu's limbs and neck with lightning speed, and There are more vines coming out of the back. Before Dagu had time to react, he was surrounded by countless vines, like a vine cage, trapping Di Jia firmly in it.

Dagu tried hard to break free from the vines with both arms, but several vines completely bound Tijia, no matter how much strength Dagu used, he could not break free from this cage.

"Yes! Qijiela give me the pollen."

"Please, Qi Jiela, give me the pollen."


Seeing this, people shouted at Qi Jiela again, wanting to get the pollen they dreamed of. Some people could not wait to run to Qi Jiela, the lethargy on their faces had been swept away, and some only had the desire for pollen.

"Dagu!" Lina couldn't help exclaiming when she saw the cocoon-like thing standing in front of Qijiela.

"He would rather be an enemy of mankind all over the world than destroy Qijiela and save mankind." Zong Fang felt very uncomfortable.

"But when I think about destroying Qijiela, I can't do it anyway!" Horei was very entangled.

The two planes of the victory team hovered not far from the battlefield. Although they still dispatched, everyone was a little absent-minded, and it could even be said to be extremely lethargic. In such a state, it would be nice to be able to fly the plane back safely, and they couldn't devote themselves to the battle with the monsters, not to mention that they still couldn't overcome their desire to destroy Qijiela in their hearts.

"Tiga interfered with the giant of light chosen by mankind. You are the first and only one in 30 million years." Luke stood next to his light spaceship and sighed.

"I will never give up. The future of mankind is definitely not the darkness of destruction." Dagu clenched his teeth, his arms were tightly bound and he could not move at all, but he was still struggling hard: "I still have something to protect." something!"

There was a red light on Di Jia's body, and his body became extremely red hot, and high-heat particles suddenly rushed out of his body and rushed towards the vines wrapped around Di Jia's body. Just as the vines came into contact with these high-temperature particles, they burst into bursting sparks. For a moment, violent sparks burst out everywhere in the cage, dazzlingly illuminating the surroundings like a small sun.

"Ugh!" Dagu yelled loudly and pushed his arms hard. The cage wrapped in layers of vines exploded, and the soaring fire light hit the surroundings with a violent explosion sound, and the scorching flames directly attracted a large piece of grass. Burned.

"Great Gu!" Lina exclaimed, watching the area filled with flames and about to drive the plane over.

A figure stood up slowly from the flames, his body was illuminated by the raging flames around him, and the color of Di Jia's body had turned red, and the scarlet flames on his body had not faded.

The scorching high-temperature particles spread all over Tiga's body, distorting the surrounding air.

Qi Jiela roared angrily and waved the vines to hit Dijia. Dijia suddenly raised his head and rushed towards Qi Jiela without fear of dozens of vines rushing towards him.

Just when the vines were about to entangle him, Dagu waved his knife and slashed on the vines, and the high-temperature particles cut the vines as easily as cutting melons and vegetables. I saw Dijia swinging the knife in both palms changing from side to side, cutting all the vines into sections.

In the complex eyes of everyone, a fiery red figure rushed towards Qi Jiela and then hit Qi Jiela's chest forcefully.

The layer of high-temperature particles on Dijia's body has dissipated, and his fist directly hit the bud on Qi Jiela's chest, piercing Qi Jiela's chest, and the explosive force contained in it blasted a hole in Qi Jiela's chest. Huge hole.

"Did you win?" Xincheng looked at Di Jia with extremely complicated eyes: "But why don't I feel joy?"

"There will be no Qijiela in the future!" Hori sighed.

"Are you going to show your true face?" Xingye muttered to himself while watching Qi Jiela who had already exploded from a distance.

"Boom" Qi Jiela exploded and the violent flames almost buried Tijia, but Dagu stood there motionless, letting Qi Jiela's fragments hit him, but his eyes were looking at the people on the ground. A human with a look of despair after Qijiela was killed.

In the smoke, Dagu lowered his arms, and the ground was covered with pieces of Qijiela, and Dijia raised his hand and flew into the sky without stopping at all.

"Whoosh!" A vine suddenly sprang out from the soil and caught up with Di Jia and wrapped it around Di Jia's right leg. Di Jia was stunned. At this time, several vines sprang out of the soil and wrapped around Di Jia Tiga pulled Tiga down from the air.

The ground trembled. A huge bulge appeared where Qijiela was originally, as if something was about to rush out of it. I saw mud splashing and grass clippings flying. A gigantic egg-like hole with a width of 100 meters was seen. Things come out of the dirt.

And there are countless vines swaying around him, compared to Tiga, who is less than a quarter of his size.

"Something is coming out of it!" Several members of the victory team couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking in surprise at the surface of the huge monster covered with dense cracks.

The egg-like thing burst open, and a gigantic creature emerged from it. Its body was covered with bark-like scales. The huge head suddenly opened and roared, it was covered with densely packed sharp teeth, and the huge body was entwined with countless vines. , the body is firmly rooted in the ground, and it is impossible to estimate how much there is below.

Di Jia stood in front of him but only one-third of his size, Dagu Yilin did not step back at all and posed a fighting posture towards the huge Qijiela.

Qi Jiela lowered his head to look at the tiny Dijia, and his huge body shook with a roar. The ground cracked and several vines approached in an instant, and Dagu was entangled by the vines before he had time to dodge.

"Oh!" Dagu just wanted to struggle when he felt a strong force coming from his feet, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Qi Jiela pulled Di Jia to him, opened his mouth wide and sprayed out a stream of Qi Jiela pollen. Dijia hurriedly covered his mouth but it was already too late, the pollen filled Dijia's surroundings, Dagu suddenly felt his brain became muddy and heavy, and everything around him became a phantom.

"Dagu!" Dagu heard Lina's shout and looked back. Lina and Xiaoyi stood behind him and looked at him with smiles: "Dagu, what's the matter? Come here, this is ours." Home!"

A beautiful house is behind Lina and Xiao Yi, and a huge screen in the distant building is broadcasting news: "The monster has disappeared for three years, and now people are..."

"Father," the young Xiaoyi ran over and grabbed Dagu's arm: "Today we agreed to take me to climb the mountain."

A happy smile appeared on Dagu's face, but he stood there motionless despite Xiaoyi's tugging.

"What's the matter, Dad?" Xiaoyi tilted her head and looked at Dagu curiously: "Let's go home."

"It's really beautiful. This kind of life is really what I want. I really yearn for an ordinary and happy life." Dagu looked at Lina and Xiaoyi with a smile, and then shouted at the sky: "But I don't need Illusory dreams, no matter how difficult, no matter how dangerous, I will use my efforts to achieve such dreams instead of the false ones you give."

Dagu gritted his teeth tightly and tried desperately to wake himself up, but resisting Qijiela pollen made his brain extremely painful, and his eyes were so sore that he wanted to sleep and enter the world of dreams, but Dagu still Unwilling to give in, Dijia rolled over with his head in his hands on the ground desperately, and kept hitting the ground with his fists, incomparably painful and uncomfortable. Qi Jiela was still spraying pollen, and the thick pollen almost covered Tijia, making Dagu more painful, but he never fell into a dream.

"Dijia would rather suffer than suck Qijiela's pollen." Xincheng stared blankly at the extremely painful Dijia and was shocked.

"Father, let's burn the qijiela. Dijia is too pitiful!" A child saw this scene and took his father's hand holding the qijiela flower and begged.

"That's right, we don't need Qi Jiela, we have to realize our own dreams instead of the illusory dreams Qi Jiela gave us!" A child wearing a baseball cap shouted loudly, pulling Qi Jiela hard in his hand Still ruthlessly stomping on the ground a few times, crushing it to pieces.

Then he strode forward and put his hands together in front of his mouth and shouted at Di Jia: "Di Jia, I have always believed that Ultraman is the one who saved us. So Di Jia, come on, beat this guy!"

Dagu endured the pain and looked at a ten-year-old child who yelled at him and kept cheering him up. Under his leadership, some people lost Qi Jiela, who was regarded as a treasure in their hands, and began to cheer for Tijia.

"Ang!" Qi Jiela looked at the child ferociously and roared fiercely. A vine slammed at the child. The child screamed in fear, his legs trembling, but he still stood upright stubbornly, looking at him unyieldingly. Qi Jie pulls.

"Bang!" At this moment, a golden crescent-shaped light blade flew out from the side and cut off the vine. A heavy vine fell in front of the child and twisted a few times before it stopped moving.

"Ah! It's Ultraman Nexus!" The child cried out in surprise.

Xingye looked down and saw that this child was the one who rejected Faust last time, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "That's how you have to maintain a passionate heart, no matter how big setbacks and difficulties you encounter, don't give up hope, tell yourself that failure is the only thing you can do. It's just the beginning of the real battle."

"Yeah!" The child nodded vigorously.

Xingye turned over and jumped to Dagu's side, Xingye saw that his arms were flat in front of him, a miniature tornado appeared between the two arms, and a huge tornado whizzed out and pulled Qi Jiela inside, thick The thick pollen was blown away immediately.

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