Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1430 The Covered Facts

"When fighting, you must not be influenced by emotions," Xingye stared at Saijo Kaze and said, "If you are controlled by emotions, you will lose your mind and cannot make correct judgments..."

"I will not be controlled by hatred."

Xingye ignored Saijo's rebuttal, but continued: "If a hunter encounters a fight between a lion and a tiger in the forest, a good hunter will definitely wait until they lose both of them or when one of them dies and the other is seriously injured. You Ever thought that if your attack enrages Ultraman to attack the Night Raiders, Xenomorphs are already hard to deal with, if you add Ultraman, then you five should be waiting to be reincarnated in hell now Instead of debating the issue of alien beasts with me here."

"I..." Saijo opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

"According to the power displayed by that Ultraman, it is indeed not something the current night raid team can deal with," Captain He Cang Yingfu said worriedly: "And the flying ability displayed by the alien beast is far beyond that of Ming Jinqie. Sturt's speed, if this goes on..."

Xingye glanced at Captain He Cang Yingfu, knowing that he was deliberately changing the topic, and didn't say anything: "This problem has already started to be solved, and the Mingjin Chester Gamma's replacement of the ultra-high-speed engine has already begun. Yes, this work will be completed in seven hours at the latest. At that time, the maximum speed will reach three times the current speed. The control method is the same as before, but because the speed increases, the control difficulty will also increase accordingly. Therefore, Cang Yingfu Captain, please arrange appropriate adaptation training as soon as possible."

"I will." He Cang Yingfu nodded, indicating that he knew.

Xingye then looked at Saijo Feng standing there: "Whether Ultraman is an enemy or a friend needs further investigation. At present, our combat power is not enough to deal with Ultraman, and he has not shown hostility but has been eliminated." Alien beast, then we should not list him as an enemy for the time being, but we can use his powerful power to eliminate the alien beast that is hostile to humans. I hope that there will be no illegal orders next time. Remember, fighting is not It's about you alone, but about the entire night raid team, I will reconsider whether you are suitable for the night raid team."

After finishing speaking, the holographic projection dissipated, causing Koto Kazuki's eyes to widen suddenly, unable to believe that a person just disappeared like this.

"Aren't you surprised?" Shiori Hiraki leaned over, his face full of ridicule: "I was also startled at first, but this is just a holographic projection, and the explainer is somewhere else."

"Explainer?" Koto Kazuki was still confused.

"He is our combat staff officer. Although he is very young, he is indeed our superior," Ishihori Mitsuhiko stopped his hands, looked away from the computer screen, and explained casually: "What is the name of the explainer?" Come, I don’t know, but there are rumors that he has the ability to predict the future. Since he came to the Castle of Liberty, every time before the alien beast appeared, he has accurately said that the alien beast is about to where it appeared."

Captain Eisuke Wakura stood up, clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and said solemnly: "Commissioner Ishihori, team member Hiraki, you two will be responsible for driving the Mingjin Chester Gamma in the future, as soon as possible." Mingjin Chester, who is familiar with the super-high-speed form, understand?"


"Okay, it's getting late, everyone go to rest."

Everyone stood up when they heard the words, and walked towards their respective lounges, while Saijo Kaze followed everyone silently and walked towards his own lounge.

Early the next morning, people from the headquarters came to ask questions about the silver giant. Everyone in the night raid team asked them one by one, but Koto Kazuki and Saijo Kaze had completely opposite views on Ultraman. . Koto Kazuki insists that Ultraman is a friend of mankind, while Saijo Feng thinks that it is also a strange beast and needs to be eliminated.

The inquiry went on for a long time, and in the end the group of people at the headquarters didn't come to any conclusions. They just recorded the process of the inquiry and left with them. The silver giant's problem.

'boom! boom! boom! The empty indoor shooting range echoed with almost continuous gunshots. Saijo Kazun stood in front of a target position, the gun in his hand kept pulling the trigger, and the bullets flew out like meteors, hitting the people in the distance. On the target, one big hole after another is pierced through the target paper.

Saitiaofeng didn't intend to practice marksmanship at all, but just to vent her anger. The sound of the gunshot was like a heavy hammer hitting her heart. The dark forest could not help appearing in Saitiao Feng's mind. The thin white mist lingered in the forest for a long time and did not dissipate. She said that she would hold a doll in a white dress and walk around in the dark forest. Can't get out of this hellish jungle....

"Vice-captain, why do you reject the fact that Ultraman is a friend of human beings?" Koto Kazuki walked over and said, looking at Saijo, who was practicing marksmanship alone here.

"I didn't reject it. Until the last moment, you can't be sure whether it's an enemy or a friend. Just relying on your intuition and eyes is not enough." Saijo put down the gun in his hand, squinted at Koto Kazuki and said, she Speaking of this, I couldn't help clenching my hands, thinking of the man who was smiling proudly at the surveillance video...

"Why do you say that? You also said yesterday that what you see with your eyes may not be true? What do you mean?"

"Do you want to know why? Then follow me." After Saijo Kaze turned around and walked outside, Gumen Kazuki was taken aback, but he still followed Saijo Kaze. What puzzled Komon Kazuki was that Saijo Kazun actually took him to the garage, and then drove a car away from the base, and drove towards the distance along the road, which made Gumen Kazuki very puzzled why To take him off base.

As the vehicle went farther and farther along the road, Koto Kakki gradually felt a sense of familiarity. It was not until the vehicle stopped completely that Kodo Kakki realized that this place turned out to be the place where he was involved in a strange place when he first went to the Fort of Liberty. The location of the beast attack.

"You haven't forgotten here, have you?" Saijo Feng opened the car and pointed to a group of people dressed in black beside the road not far away. All of them had sad faces, and some were crying bitterly...

"They are the families of the victims," ​​Saijo said indifferently, "but what these family members know is that their relatives died because of the accident of falling off the cliff."

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