Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1429 Response

The sudden thunderous explosion in the sky was very close to the town, and many people heard the unknown explosion from the sky, as well as the flashing flames. This strange incident made many people unable to sleep at night. , I'm afraid that something will happen to the explosion.

After eliminating the alien beast, Nexus lowered his arms, his whole body exuded a dazzling light, his huge body immediately blurred, and quickly disappeared.

"The vibration wave of the alien beast has been reduced to zero, the target has been eliminated, the mission is over, and the night raid team should return to the base as soon as possible." After Xingye gave the command to the headset, he disconnected the communication and stared at Nai on the screen. Xers' last combat stat: 7120.

"Did he destroy the alien beast? Who is this giant? What's the purpose of fighting the alien beast?" Captain He Cang Yingfu looked at the empty night sky and said in a low voice. After seeing the intense flames that erupted in the sky, and then receiving the notice that the alien beast was destroyed, it was clear who did it.

"Understood!" Captain Eisuke Wakura pushed the joystick and let Ming Jinchester fly towards the base, but he felt very uncomfortable. TLT, especially the night raid team, has always protected human beings and fought peacefully, even though The honor of this battle is not well known, but they have always thought so in their hearts, but the mission tonight let them know how big the gap is between the night raid team and the alien beast and even the silver giant. A flight speed will throw them a few streets.

Just now their three Mingjin Chesters have boosted their engines to the limit, but they still can't even see the taillights of the Xenobiotic Beast and Ultraman. This caused tons of damage to the Night Attack Team. Can't catch up, let alone fight with others.

The three Mingjinchesters quickly disappeared into the night, drifting away from the brightly lit town behind, and at the edge of the small town, Ji Yazhun knelt on the ground, supporting the ground with his left hand while clenching his right hand. Evolving Trusters.

Sweat dripped from his forehead and face, and his whole body was soaked in sweat. Ji Yazhun's chest heaved violently as he breathed heavily, and his heart still couldn't calm down.

"No, I still haven't suppressed my heart." Ji Yazhun shook his head unwillingly, panted for a long time, and finally recovered some exhausted physical strength, stood up and stumbled towards the town , there is no one else on the silent road except him. The lonely figure gradually drifted away under the dim light of the street lights until it completely merged into the night.

The unknown silver giant appeared and started a battle with the alien beast, and finally wiped out the alien beast. This news was quickly submitted to the headquarters, and TLT-J's management officer Matsunaga called the heads of the security force and the memory police, and held this emergency meeting overnight to discuss how to deal with this mysterious silver giant.

There were only four or five people sitting there in the huge conference room. Manager Matsunaga slowly paced around the conference room and said: "I think everyone is aware of the recent events. The alien beast disaster has become more and more prominent. Not only The size of the alien beasts and the scale of the damage caused by them are constantly increasing, and there are also silver giants who have just appeared to fight against the alien beasts."

"The existence of the silver giant has been classified as a top secret, and we are unable to judge whether he is an enemy or a friend," said the manager Matsunaga seriously: "What I am concerned about is the impact of his appearance on the work of the security forces and the memory police. How much impact does it have?"

The captain of the memory police, Suto Saya, said in a flat tone: "Don't worry, we will deal with it as cleanly as before."

"The security force needs greater authority," Tetsuji Kashiwamura, the captain of the security force, pondered for a moment and said, "Once the silver giant appears, we need to mobilize more personnel to block the scene to prevent anyone from leaking the news. After all That is a giant tens of meters high, and the area that needs to be sealed off is probably... very large."

Manager Matsunaga nodded: "I will communicate with the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department on this point. No matter what, we must not let the news of the alien beast leak out. This is our duty."

Xingye in the combat information center closed his eyes and listened to the words of Administrator Matsunaga from the headset. After a long time, he shook his head and raised his hand to turn off the headset. There is nothing more to understand, after all, Manager Matsunaga is just deploying how to continue to conceal the existence of Ultraman and giant alien beasts.

This is different from the past. In the past, the alien beast was only a few meters long, but now? It reached 40 to 50 meters in no time. Once it appeared on the plains, unless it was a blind person, it would be impossible to hide such a big thing standing on the ground. As the person in charge of TLT-J, Manager Matsunaga naturally had to consider this matter.

"But... there are still a lot of things to deal with," Xingye stared at the screen of the night raid team's combat room on the screen. Koto Kazuki was lobbying others to accept Ultraman as a friendly partner, but it was a pity that he did not People agree with him.

Captain He Cang Yingfu patted Gumen on the shoulder and motioned him to sit down: "Gumen, silver... Ultraman is an unknown life form to us, and whether it is an enemy or a friend requires further observation and judgment. You can’t draw conclusions like that.”

"But Captain, everyone has seen that Ultraman saved those five people from the hands of the alien beast." Gumen Kazuki said eagerly: "And he also saved me, doesn't that explain it. ... "

"What can this explain?" Saijo Feng said coldly: "That guy is also a strange beast, and the five people who were snatched here were just fighting for food, so everything can be explained clearly."

Koto Kazuki said to Saijo Kaze very excitedly: "How is it possible? How could Ultraman be a strange beast?"

"What's impossible? What you see with your eyes may not be the truth," Saijo said indifferently: "Think about it with your simple brain, and don't be swayed by your personal emotions."

"When you said this, did you think of you? Vice Captain Saijo," Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki's voice suddenly sounded in the combat room, and then the holographic projection condensed the figure of Xingye, who stood there staring at Saijo Kaze and said : "Why didn't you follow the instructions when you were fighting?"

"Since the other alien beast has hostages and cannot attack, why can't it attack the other alien beast without hostages? It is because I attacked him that the alien beast took hostages and wanted to threaten us." Saijo Feng stood up and said plausibly.

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