Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1407 Ji inaccurate

The abnormal phenomenon in the Kanto area is not as normal as the headquarters reported. The alien beast factor here is extremely active, even worse than that in Shinjuku four years ago. The headquarters believes that there are conditions for the emergence of a huge alien beast like THEONE here.

For this reason, the headquarters specially sent the cherished predictor Yoshizawa Ryoyu to the Fortress of Liberty, just to maintain contact with the visitors, so that they can be ready to activate the visitor's spaceship Wangchuan at any time, and re-seal the increasingly strong negative energy in the Kanto region. reaction.

"Zaki, let's see who is the final winner." Xingye whispered, closing his eyes and entering a person's consciousness. From God's perspective, a limping man with a confused expression on his face Walking in the dense forest with dense trees, he obviously didn't know any direction, but the route he walked was straight, and directly in front of him was a continuous group of ruins.

Xingye has found this man's information through TLT. Ji Yazhun is only 26 years old this year. He used to be a reporter. His most famous deed is to take a series of photos that reveal the cruelty of war. The slaughtered humans reveal the truth of war. cruelty. These photos have won international awards and been praised by countless people. It stands to reason that waiting for him to receive such an award would be promotion, salary increase, marriage to Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of life. On the contrary, Ji Yazhun quit his job at the newspaper and disappeared.

Xingye entered the government department's database through TLT and saw that Ji Shizhun's data showed that he was unemployed. He was a reporter with a bright future, but he resigned when his career started to move forward. This is not recognized by ordinary people at all. understand.

"Selah," said Ji Yazhun, who was below, limping forward while clutching his left leg. This was his sad place, and it was also the place he regretted too much. But just now he unexpectedly saw that girl again, the girl who brought him an indelible memory. During that time, he felt the most comfortable and the happiest.

"Where is this place?" Ji Yazhun looked at the continuous group of ruins in front of him in astonishment. In the middle was a trident-like stone building with a height of about 200 meters. The surface is full of traces left by the years, and countless lush vine-like plants cover the bottom of this huge building.

With this ruin as the center, there are small Mayan pyramids that are 30 to 40 meters high. Scenes of strange people battling terrifying monsters.

"Serra..." Ji Yazhun murmured in a low voice, limping towards the ruins, he felt something calling him in the ruins, and just now Serra also ran in, He was going to go in and see whatever it was, to find Serra, and this time he would never leave Serra behind.

Staring at the figure of Ji Yazhun limping and disappearing in the ruins, this is what Ji Yazhun's consciousness saw. This place is like a dream, and it is the most unforgettable memory hidden in the depths of his mind. talk.

Ji Yazhun limped in a long tunnel. The surrounding walls were as rough as if they had been cut with an ax chisel. The uneven ground was covered with gravel and loess. On both sides of the tunnel were burning torches. , bringing a dim light to this tunnel, and the tunnels criss-cross and don't know where they lead.

Ji Yazhun walked in the labyrinth-like tunnel accurately following the calls that kept ringing in his mind. There were rough line drawings engraved on the khaki-colored walls, but each painting was so blurry that he couldn't even see it. It's not clear what it's describing.

After walking along this passage to the deepest point, Ji Yazhun stopped. At the top of the tunnel, there was a thing that was exactly the same as this relic, except that this trident-like thing was placed upside down on a stone platform.

"What is this?" Ji Yazhun looked at the totem-like thing carved in stone with doubts on his face, and looked up and down for a long time. The voice that kept calling him came from this thing.

"Why did you call me? Why?" Ji Yazhun said in a low voice and slowly put his hand on the surface of the stone, 'Om! ’ Ji Yazhun was shocked all over, and saw an extremely dazzling silver light emanating from it. Like a little sun, the surrounding area became full of daylight. This dazzling light made Ji Yazhun hastily close his eyes, and at the same time raised his arms to block his eyes to block the dazzling light.

Ji Yazhun was sucked into the stone wings in this endless light package, with his eyes closed and his body relaxed, he had already lost consciousness. But there was a hint of pain on his face, obviously recalling some bad memories.

Xingye stepped forward and gently placed his right hand on Ji Yazhun's temple, closed his eyes and felt his most unforgettable memory with his heart.

"Quite..." A silver bell-like laughter came into Xingye's mind, and a little girl with a sunny smile said, "Hey! Heck! ’ with a hearty smile, and the sun shone brightly in front of this smile.

But then the screen changed, and it changed into the depths of the dark dense forest. The sound of gunshots, cannons, and explosions filled Ji Yazhun's ears. One by one, people who were terrified and trying to escape fell one after another in the dense rain of bullets. The desperate cries before dying, the terrified cries for help, the screams when being hit...

"Yes, yes..."

But in Ji Yazhun's ears, there were countless voices mixed together, but none of the little girl's shouts were loud. The little girl ran in the jungle regardless of the danger, calling Ji Yazhun's name loudly.

'boom! ' With the sound of an explosion, the little girl was immediately swallowed by the raging flames of the explosion, and this scene also made Ji Yazhuan's emotional fluctuations reach the maximum. Endless sadness and remorse filled Ji Yazhuan's mind, making all other memories All looked extremely pale.

"Is this your sadness?" Xingye let go of his hand and looked at Ji Yazhun in front of him. He took the photo here that won an international award and touched countless people. Many people who saw this photo condemned the war But that is his most painful memory. Whenever people praise his photos, they will reopen his wounds and let him recall that period of regretful and painful memories, as well as that The girl who died because of him.

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