Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1406 Combat Staff

"The heart... the heart is the most important thing. The synchronization rate of light does not mean that you can become a suitable person." Xingye nodded. This will be the most important condition for selecting a person in the future.

"Is it you?" Feng's angry voice came from behind, aiming the large Diwait gun in his hand at the starry night standing in front of the raging fire: "Who are you?"

'call! ’ A gust of wind blew by, and the wind widened his eyes in astonishment. There was nothing in front of his eyes. The person he saw just now suddenly disappeared, as if he didn’t exist at all.

Feng looked around in panic and helplessness, the raging flames in front of her eyes tore her heart apart, and the large Diwaite gun in her hand hung down feebly. With the noise of footsteps coming from behind, Wakura Eisuke and Ishibori Mitsuhiko ran over panting, looking at the burning flames in front of them in surprise, and hurriedly asked Saijo Kaze: "What happened?" What's wrong? Where's Goromu?"

The sadness on Saijo's face slowly disappeared, he raised his head expressionlessly, pointed to the flames in front of him, then turned around and walked step by step to the place where Chromium Chester landed. Sadness can't solve the problem , can only hide the tears, transform the sadness and hatred in the heart into strength, and then destroy more alien beasts.

"Damn it!" He Cang Yingfu shouted angrily, and another team member left permanently, all because of the alien beast. He Cang Yingfu took a few deep breaths before barely suppressing his anger, turned around and walked towards the direction of the wind: "Go back."

Mitsuhiko Ishihori nodded, turned around following Captain Eisuke Wakura, and walked towards the direction where Chromium Chester landed. After taking three or two steps in the distance, he slowly turned his head and faced the man surrounded by raging flames. The wrapped factory showed a smug smile.

In the battle room of the Fort of Liberty, Captain Eisuke Kazukura sat silently on the sofa in the leisure area, sipping a cup of coffee. The sound of Mitsuhiko Ishihori's typing on the keyboard was constantly echoing in the room.

Since returning from the mission ten days ago, Saijo Kaze seldom stayed in the war room, and more often went to the training area, shooting at the target every day. The smiles that were rare in the first place can no longer be seen now. Her marksmanship is improving rapidly, and now she has surpassed Hekura Eisuke to become the best member of the night raid team, but such progress makes He Cang Cang Yingfu was worried.

Mitsuhiko Ishihori stopped what he was doing, turned his seat around, and slowly stood up and sat opposite Eisuke Wakura: "Captain, haven't the new team members arrived yet?"

He Cang Yingfu put down the coffee cup in his hand, said in silence for a while: "I haven't received any notification yet, I guess it will take a few more days, don't worry, it will come soon."

"I'm just worried," Ishihori Mitsuhiko said with worry on his face, "there are only three of us left in the night raid team, the state of the wind...um...not very good, once there is a mission..."

"Alas!" Wakura Yingfu also sighed sadly, but he has nothing to do about it, he can only do his best to complete each task.

'Crack! ’ The door of the war room opened, and Administrator Matsunaga, who always had a gentle smile on his face, walked in, followed by a girl in the blue combat uniform of the night raid team.

Eisuke Wakura and Mitsuhiko Ishihori hurriedly stood up and walked over. Manager Matsunaga said with a smile, "This is Shiori Hiraki, and he will join the night raid team from today."

Hiraki Shiori raised her hand and saluted: "I am Hiraki Shiori, this is the first time we meet, please give me your advice!"

"I'm Captain Wakura Eisuke," Wakura Eisuke raised his hand in return, and then introduced sideways: "This is the battlefield analyst Mitsuhiko Ishibori."

"By the way, the headquarters has dispatched a combat staff officer for us," Manager Matsunaga said with a smile, "From today onwards, he will provide combat guidance for the night raid team."

Captain He Cang Yingfu nodded, then raised his head and asked: "Then when will the combat staff come? After all, we will fight together in the future, let's get to know each other..."

The room in the war room suddenly lit up, and the light gathered a boy in white clothes. At the same time, the horn in the room sounded: "I am Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki, and I will provide you with combat guidance in the combat information center in the future."

"Huh!" Eisuke Wakura, Mitsuhiko Ishibori and Shiori Hiraki were all taken aback, looking at the boy in white clothes who suddenly appeared in shock, as if seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

"Don't be afraid, this is just a holographic projection, Yuta is in the combat information center," Manager Matsunaga explained, "This will be much more convenient."

"Really?" Eisuke Wakura breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded to Ryo Yoshizawa: "I'm Eisuke Wakura, the captain of the night raid team, and I'll leave it to you from now on."

"Yeah!" Yoshizawa nodded, and the holographic projection slowly dissipated and disappeared.

In a room full of computer screens, Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki slowly opened his eyes, and sat in front of the table with his chin propped on his arms. There were more than a dozen computer monitors around him, and the screens were full of lines of complicated lines. The data.

Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki or Xingye was looking at the computer screen in front of him with various information about this base called Fort Liberty, especially the information about the current four members of the night raid team. Starting today, Xingye will be the combat staff officer of the night raid team, responsible for guiding the night raid team in operations.

As the only successful son of Prometheus, Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki has a powerful telepathic ability. He has had more than ten conversations with visitors, but his super powers have not disappeared. All those who participated in the Prometheus project Everyone thinks they succeeded in creating a permanent superhuman.

The Prometheus project has fully achieved its intended purpose, creating superpowers to maintain communication with visitors. The other seventeen sons of Prometheus are nothing special except that they are smarter. There is even one Possesses a genetic defect.

Tens of billions of dollars have been invested successively in exchange for one psychic and seventeen smart teenagers. This is obviously not particularly cost-effective, especially when there is already a psychic, it is obviously not worthwhile to continue investing up.

For this reason, the Prometheus project has been stopped, and all materials are sealed up. If Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki also loses his superpowers one day, this plan will be started. The combat staff officer is only on the surface. Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki also has another task to monitor the hidden sea of ​​oblivion under the Fort of Liberty and maintain communication with visitors.

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