Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1373 BCST

Fighter pilots are a good publicity stunt. Since Shinaki Shinichi Maki joined the company, the company's performance has skyrocketed, and both the president and the members are extremely satisfied.

Although he couldn't fly a plane to an altitude of more than 10,000 feet and fly above the clouds like before, he had a lot of time to spend with his family, and the warmth of the family made up for the regrets in Maki's heart.

"Senior, leave the rest to me." Another young man who is also an employee of the company ran over enthusiastically and said respectfully: "The president asked senior to come over."

"Ippei, don't call me senior anymore," Shunichi Shinaki said with some embarrassment, "I joined the company later than you, and you are the senior..."

"No, no, no," Yiping kept waving his hands, and said sincerely: "Senior, you are far ahead of me in terms of flying skills and flying time, so you are my senior, and I still have a lot of things I need. I am learning from you, and I hope that you will not hesitate to teach me, senior."

"Okay." Shinaki shook his head for a moment, seeing that Yiping insisted so much that he had no choice but to accept it. In the future, teach Yiping some flying skills and knowledge, and fulfill his duties as a senior.

After entering the president's office, the president warmly entertained Shunichi Sanaki. Shunichi Sanaki used to be a fighter pilot, and it was an honor to be able to work in his company. Of course, he must be treated well. The president also offered to offer that Shinichi Maki would allow his son to fly on the company's plane for free after taking a flight with the guests in the afternoon, as a birthday gift for Maki's son. This is a benefit that other employees have never had. After all, the aerospace fuel consumed by flying a circle in the sky is not cheap.

When Zhenmu came in the afternoon, he brought his wife and son with him. He has been a pilot for so many years, and he can only tell them about the sky and flying with barren words. His son Jimeng has never seen his father. how to fly. Today I finally had the opportunity to fly into the blue sky with my son to see the magnificence of the sky and the vastness of the earth.

Rongzi stood beside the runway with Jimeng, watching Zhenmu walk towards the plane parked on the runway, Jimeng waved his arms at Zhenmu with excitement on his face: "Dad, come back early."

"Jimeng, when Dad comes back, I'll take you to see the sky, it's very beautiful." With a smile on his face, Zhenmu waved to Jimeng, opened the door and got on the plane. The propeller of the sight-seeing plane turned slowly, driving the plane to slide on the runway. After reaching a certain speed, the nose of the plane was pulled up, allowing the plane to soar into the blue sky.

"Dad, come back quickly, I'm waiting for you." Carrying his small schoolbag on his back, Jimeng excitedly waved his arms towards the plane going away. He couldn't wait to board Dad's plane and fly with him up.

The plane driven by Shunichi Sanaki has already flown to a high altitude. Shunichi Sanaki returned to the control stick to stabilize the plane. Shunichi Sanaki turned his head slightly to look at the passengers sitting behind. In the past, the passengers were all carrying cameras and kept taking pictures. Photos, never waste a moment, until the film is shot.

But this passenger sat there without saying a word, wearing sunglasses and looking ahead, completely unaware of the beautiful scenery of the sky and the ground outside. He has been in Xingchuan Airlines for half a month and has received three There are 14 passengers, but I have never encountered such a passenger who spent such money to sit quietly.

"I heard that you are from a magazine to shoot the material," Shun Shinaki began to look for the topic: "I will arrive at the most beautiful place in a while, the weather is very good today, I will definitely be able to take good photos... .”

"That doesn't matter," the woman sitting in the back finally said, "For me, the most important thing is you, second-class air force captain Shunichi Maki."

"Oh?!" Maki Shunichi was stunned for a while, he hadn't heard this title for a long time, he immediately realized that this person was coming for him, Maki Shunyi hurriedly turned his head, and asked with some vigilance: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"BCST, Suwon Saro!" Suwon Sara took off his sunglasses, turned his head to look out the window, and murmured in a low voice, "Even THENEXT would fall to his death from such a high place."

"What did you say?"

"Heh!" Mizuhara Sharo just chuckled twice, and didn't mean to answer at all. Instead, he turned his gaze outside, as if admiring the beautiful scenery here.

'Om! hum! There was a sound of dull propeller turning outside, and Shinaki turned his head to look outside in a hurry, two armed helicopters flew over, only more than 20 meters away from the plane he was driving, one was on the left and the other appeared behind .

The pilot of the helicopter gunship turned his head and gestured to Shinaki through the glass to follow him.

"Why?" Shunichi Maki suddenly understood, turned his head with doubts, and saw Sharo Mizuhara took out a gun and pointed it at Shunichi Sanaki, and said in a cold tone: "Follow him, or I will Shots were fired."

"You..." Maki Shun was in a hurry, but looking at Mizuhara Sharo's appearance, he didn't mean to be joking at all, and the rocket nests under the wings of the two armed helicopters outside were also fully loaded.

Shunichi Shinaki turned around with a face full of resentment, but he had to follow the armed helicopter in front. The two armed helicopters took Shinichi Shinaki's plane away from the city as if escorting a prisoner, towards the sparsely populated area. Fly to the suburbs.

Shinki's plane flew a long way, and did not make an emergency landing until it reached a long road in the suburbs. More than a dozen military vehicles lined up at both ends of the road, and hundreds of heavily armed soldiers blocked the one-kilometer-long road, preventing any vehicles from approaching. .

As soon as Shunichi Maki stepped off the plane, he was pointed at by more than a dozen soldiers, and he was stuffed into an armored vehicle as if he was escorting a prisoner. One person, the other soldiers didn't come in at all. Even the shooting holes were welded to death by steel plates, so there was no light at all, and the outside scene could not be seen at all.

"Why? What happened?" Shinaki Shinichi felt as if he was in a dream. He was escorted here by an armed helicopter after working well. There was also that Mizuhara Sharo who called himself BCST. He had never heard of such a thing. department.

In the bumpy and narrow space, Shinki, who was sitting in the dark, his face sank for a moment, trying to think about why such a big battle was fought against him, and he dispatched armed helicopters and soldiers to block the road.

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