Chapter 1372 THE NEXT

The helicopter placed at the tail of the warship quickly took off, passed the warship and flew towards the passenger ship in the distance. This passenger ship was already big enough, but it was still very small compared to the endless sea. The helicopter approached the passenger ship little by little. , kept lowering the altitude, but the passenger ship never responded, as if there was no one on it.

The pilot of the helicopter constantly fed back the situation on the scene to the rear warship: "It has reached the sky over the target, no signs of human activities have been found, and the radio call still has not been answered."

The captain's majestic voice came from the flying helmet: "Send someone in to see what happened? There are hundreds of people on this ship, how could there be no one?"


The doors on both sides of the helicopter were opened, and two ropes were thrown down. One by one, soldiers armed to the teeth slid down the ropes one after another, forming a forward formation and walking towards the cabin. The cameras worn on their bodies transmitted clear images to the warship behind, and everyone in the captain's room was engrossed in watching the images on the screen.

After several soldiers entered the cabin door in batches, they heard their voices: "There is a smell of blood."

After going up the stairs to the second floor, the soldiers and the soldiers in the rear captain's room were stunned by everything in front of them. The corridors that were supposed to be clean and tidy are now full of blood, some even splashed on the ceiling and sides On the wall, the strong smell of blood makes people sick, it is completely a murder scene.

There were many broken bones and pieces of meat scattered on the blood-soaked carpet, making it impossible to imagine what these things were. There were such things everywhere in the more than 20-meter-long corridor, and there was no trace of them where to step.

What is even more frightening is that many deep scratches were found on the walls and floors. The half-meter-long claw marks seemed to be scratched by the sharp claws of giant beasts. You must know that the walls and floors are made of steel. Forged, how much strength is needed to leave such deep marks on it.

'vomit! ’ Facing the hell-like scene, many people vomited out on the spot, and the rest of the people had extremely ugly faces, and they didn’t even dare to look at the pictures on the screen.

The captain's face trembled twice, and he said with trembling lips: "Report immediately, something serious has happened."

In just half an hour, this sea area was blocked by the three cruisers and the patrol ship of the Coast Guard who came later. More than 20 helicopters shuttled back and forth on the ocean, and hundreds of people in chemical protective suits Soldiers boarded the ship and began a thorough search.

Unknowingly, night fell, but many people could not sleep. The passenger ship with hundreds of passengers mysteriously lost contact, and the passengers disappeared collectively. There were only bloodstains, broken bones and flesh on the ship, and claw marks all over the murder scene.

However, this case did not allow the Public Security Bureau to intervene at all, and the upper management issued a blockade order, not allowing anyone to disclose this case, and even allowing the never-before-heard BCST chemical defense force to board the passenger ship. Others, whether it is the Coast Guard or the Maritime Self-Defense Force, are only responsible for blocking the sea area, and they are not even allowed to approach the ship within 500 meters.

Saro Mizuhara, who was in charge of monitoring Shunichi Shinaki, sat in the room of the base, staring at the report on the passenger ship accident in his hand with a gloomy face, and then turned his attention to the other reports, muttering in a low voice: "THENEXT lost consciousness When the ship lost contact, what is the relationship between him and THEONE?"

Mizuhara Sharo stood up with a 'shua', walked through the long corridor with the report in his hand, and came to a huge conference room. Not so good, the passenger ship in trouble was shown on the big screen in front of the room.

"All 412 passengers were killed. The camera on the ship captured a scene. Compared with when they escaped a month ago, THEONE's body has increased by a quarter, and its strength has increased by 52%..." According to the claw marks left on the ship The data obtained by analyzing the pictures captured by the camera were reported one by one, and every number made them feel heavy.

Suhara Sharo stood up immediately after the report and said: "We must arrest THENEXT immediately. He has already shown similar symptoms to THEONE. Although he has not started to mutate, it will be too late when he mutates."

Everyone in the meeting room looked at me, I looked at you, and finally an old man sitting at the top spoke up: "News has come from North America that the superpowers of Haiben people have disappeared due to age and excessive use. I can't talk to visitors, and I can't confirm whether THEONE is the alien beast they said."

"After all, only telepathic communication is possible. The visitor's civilization is completely different from that of human beings. Many things need to be re-translated and analyzed." Another person sighed deeply, even in different languages ​​on the earth. Just like it is impossible for ancient Chinese poetry to be translated into other languages ​​in its original flavor, let alone two completely different civilizations.

"But no matter what? It is an indisputable fact that THEONE started to kill wantonly. You must know that THENEXT is in a downtown area. Once it mutates there, the consequences will be disastrous." Mizuhara Sharo said very seriously, and her words made several people feel deeply. Nodding emotionally.

"Well, the control of THENEXT is approved, and there must be a way to eliminate THEONE, and it must not be allowed to act recklessly."

"Understood!" Sara Mizuhara stood up and saluted, then turned and walked out of the meeting room to start arranging relevant matters.

A small plane continuously lowered its altitude, and the speed of the propellers on the nose also decreased synchronously. It precisely landed on a runway that was no more than 100 meters long, and did not stop until the end of the runway.

The cabin door opened, and two people with high-definition cameras got off the plane contentedly. Shinaki Shinichi, who was sitting in the driver's seat, turned off the engine of the plane before getting off the plane.

After he left the army, he found a job as a pilot, but the plane he drove was a small sightseeing plane, and he took tourists to fly according to the scheduled flight route. A fighter pilot like him is very popular no matter where he goes, but this company is relatively close to home, so he chose this place. His arrival surprised everyone in this small company.

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