Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1034 Out of Control

"No," Xingye shook his head and said immediately, "This is the double-headed monster Ponton King!" And it still appeared in the world that the dark shadow mage had been to. They all appeared here.

Gomora roared and strode towards King Ponton. His heavy footsteps stepped on the ground, making the ground tremble, and the gravel on the beach jumped.

King Pangdun opened his mouth with two heads at the same time, spit out balls of flame bombs and hit Gomora who was walking over, and exploded and splashed violent sparks. Even though Gomora's body has thick scales and biological cuticles, it is still difficult to withstand the high temperature when the flame bomb explodes.

Gomora roared angrily, but the pain aroused his ferocity, and he lowered his head against the raindrops of flames and slammed into the two-headed Pangdun King. Gomora crossed the distance of two to three hundred meters in the middle in just two or three seconds, and King Pangdun was hit on the chest by Gomora before he had time to dodge.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, King Pangdun flew straight up, and then hit the ground heavily, crushing a large area of ​​trees under him.

Gomora, who became vicious because of the pain, stepped on King Pangdun crazily. Every time he stepped on the ground, the ground shook violently. King Pangdun roared in pain, his two heads kept shaking, But he couldn't get up.

Xingye stared at Gomora. Compared with Kate's monster last time, Gomora's fighting power has increased by nearly a quarter. This speed of improvement is simply appalling, is it the result of fighting Leonix? Fight with each other to quickly improve the strength of your own monsters. Is this still the loser, and the winner?

"How could it be?" The Gossian's eyes almost popped out, he looked at King Pangdun who was completely suppressed in disbelief, and then looked at Lei in surprise: "Why? You didn't defeat any Leonix, It didn't absorb the power of other Leonix at all, why is your monster so powerful?"

"Hahaha," Lei laughed triumphantly, staring fiercely at the Gossian: "You lose, leave everything to me!"

Following Lei's words, Gomora roared crazily, then bent down, and pulled King Ponton's body with both claws crazily. Mark of.

"Ahh! Ahh!" King Pang Dun roared in pain, his voice was full of fear and unwillingness, but he couldn't stand up anyway.

Gomora lowered his head abruptly, and the sharp corners of his nose pierced directly into King Ponton's body, and then Gomora straightened up, even picking up King Ponton hanging on the tip of his nose. The exposed horn-like thing shone with a dark red light, and bursts of strong super vibration waves crazily poured into King Ponton's body.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, King Ponton exploded into fragments all over the sky, but these fragments did not land, as if attracted by something, they gathered together and flew towards Gomora, and then merged into Gomora Inside the body, a slight red light appeared on the surface of Gomora's body, and then fell silent.

"Gomorrah...absorbed King Pundun?!" Oki stared at Gomorrah, whose eyes almost popped out, looking at Gomorrah who had never been like this in disbelief.

"How could it be?!" Kumano also felt that he was watching the Arabian Nights. He had seen the battle between Gomora and monsters a few times, but he had never seen such a situation.

"I...lost!" The Gossian stared at the mighty Gomora with surprise on his face, and then turned his head to see Lei with a sinister smile, walking towards him step by step.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," the Goss star looked at Lei who was approaching every step of the way, and then threw the fighting instrument in his hand at Lei: "I'll give it to you, the fighting instrument is yours, and... I also have a spaceship that is yours too, that... When I return to the planet, I will give you all the houses there."

Seeing that Lei was still walking towards him unmoved, the Gossians knelt on the ground as soon as their legs softened, kowtowing their heads incessantly: "Please forgive me, please forgive me! All my things I can give you all."

"Lei..." Captain Hinata called softly, and saw Lei walking in front of the Goss star, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly raised the fighting instrument in his hand, fiercely It hit the Gossian on the head.

With a loud sound of "Bang!", the Gossian's movements stopped suddenly, and then he fell on the beach. With a soft "Shua!", the Gossian's body seemed to collapse and disappeared in an instant.

And the fighting instrument belonging to the Gossian behind Lei also dispersed, turning into a golden particle and flying to the fighting instrument in Lei's hand, melting into the fighting instrument.

"Is this the so-called winner gets everything and the loser loses everything?" Xingye was also dumbfounded. In the real cruel battle, there is no fluke. Even Lei, who has always been gentle, will become very tyrannical after meeting Leonix, as if the switch of the fierce personality in his body has been triggered.

"Thunder..." Captain Hinata raised his voice.

Lei turned around abruptly and stared fiercely at the crowd. His cold eyes made the crowd feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and they could not help but take two steps back. Everyone on the Panlong felt that Lei's eyes had become very strange, and he looked at everyone as if he was looking at prey.

Haruna Chiki asked tremblingly: "Little Hazel, is this guy really...a partner?"

Xingye walked towards Lei slowly, and said softly: "Lei, the battle is over, you have won, there is no Leonix anymore."

"Huh?!" Lei suddenly turned his head to stare at the slowly approaching Starry Night, gasping for breath, and it took a long time for the fierce light in his eyes to dissipate.

Lei raised his head and glanced around in confusion, before turning his gaze to Panlong: "BOSS..."

"Huh!" Captain Hyuga let out a long sigh of relief, and then Captain Hyuga stopped everyone, and walked slowly towards Lei alone: ​​"Ray, are you okay? How do you feel?"

"It's okay." Lei nodded wearily, then raised the fighting instrument in his hand and pointed it at Gomora next to him: "Come back, Gomora!"

"Ang!" Gomora roared loudly, and then turned into a ball of golden light and flew back into the fighting instrument.

Lei lowered his head and silently put the fighting instrument back into his waist pocket, turned his head and glanced at the shallow crater made when the Gossians fell just now, passed through the crowd in silence, With strange eyes, he walked back to the Panlong.

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