Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1033 The Third Leonix

"No," the little girl shook her head: "I felt it. Ultraman was slowly getting weaker. The last time I contacted me and told me that there would be a rescuer, I could feel that he was extremely weak. .”

"Is it because you want to accumulate energy and contact me?" Lei couldn't help but whispered.

"It's just her fantasy," a crew member of the Xilong said. "This child has experienced a severe shock, so sometimes she will take the fantasies as reality."

"She also said that when the base was destroyed, she saw a ray of light descending from the sky and turned into a baby. The light around the baby protected her too. Then the baby grew up within a day, and then disappeared." Haruna's older brother, Haruna Chiki, came over and said, his face was full of regret: "This child was frightened by monsters, so she talked about Ultraman or something, because she wanted someone who could protect her, the legendary The savior is the best choice."

"Ultraman is real..." Oki distinguished unconvincedly, and was held down by Captain Hinata before he finished speaking, and then asked: "By the way, what happened? Why is this planet All the bases are destroyed?"

"We don't know the specific reason for this," Haruna Chiki shook his head, and said with a hint of self-mockery: "The thing is that a month ago, a large number of monsters suddenly appeared near the base, and all communication equipment When the monsters appeared, they were all broken. In a hurry, I took some people on the Xilong, flew into the sky, and escaped from the base. It was useless.”

"The planet Polis seems to have become a monster lair, and there are horrible monsters everywhere," a crew member said with a look of fear on his face: "All the bases have been destroyed, and we searched for a long time before we found the only surviving one." girl."

Haruna Chiki said very fortunately: "Although I don't know why, this island is indeed the only place where there are no monsters, and it has been here for a month, and no monsters have disturbed us, otherwise the dozens of us would have already Died here."

Haruna looked at her brother very puzzled and said, "Brother, haven't you looked for the Ultraman that the girl is talking about?" is unscientific.

"We followed her there too, but there was no Ultraman that melted into the stone at all, just a few small hills." Haruna Chiki sighed, looking at the little girl's eyes full of sighs: "The one who talked to her In fact, it was herself who needed comfort because she was too scared, so she imagined that Ultraman was protecting her on this island."

Xingye ignored their words, but looked at the little girl and said, "Then can you take me to see that petrified Ultraman?"

"Hmm! He's there!" The little girl nodded obediently, then turned and pointed to a mountain in the middle of the island and said, "Just pass through this valley to see him."

"Here we come." Lei turned around suddenly, staring at the sky fiercely.

"Who's here?" Captain Hinata was taken aback for a moment before he understood: "You mean Leonix?!"

Lei's eyes became very fierce, and he said with a hint of joy in his tone: "Want to defeat me? Come and compete!"

"Who is that... are there any survivors?" Haruna Chiki looked at the Panlong crew who suddenly became nervous with a confused face.

"No, it's the enemy!" Captain Hyuga said word by word, and then asked: "Ray, how long will it take for the other party to arrive here?"

"It's already here!" Lei suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky above his head, only to see a black spot quickly pass through the white clouds and fall towards the ground. Before everyone could see what it was, the other party had already landed on the beach.

"Uh, hahaha!" A very arrogant voice came out of the diffuse dust: "Kate didn't even leave such a weak guy behind, it seems that her strength is nothing more than that, wait until I defeat you Just go beat her."

"Who are you?" Lei directly took out the first-generation fighting instrument and shouted at the man.

A guy wearing a red and silver two-color space suit walked out of the smoke and dust. The other parts of his body that were leaking were green, and there was something that looked like hair on his head.

"Ah, it's the Gossians," Oki yelled first. "The aliens who used to invade the earth with their fat bodies threatened to destroy three billion human beings with missiles. They are very cruel aliens."

The Gossians looked at the crowd in surprise: "There are still so many Earthlings here, it's okay, I'll kill you all one by one."

Haruna Chiki looked at the Gossian angrily: "Is it you who put so many monsters on the planet Polis?"

"Hahaha, this is a miracle made by the great Leyblad star, so that we Leonix can choose the most suitable monster among all kinds of monsters, and then start a duel. Only the final winner will win the battle." Can inherit the blood of Reyblad."

The Gossian raised the fighting instrument in his hand: "Come on, let's fight it out."

"Really?" A ferocious smile appeared on Lei's face, and he held up the fighting instrument in his hand: "Come on, Gomorrah!"

"Fighting device, activate!" The cover of the fighting device in Lei's hand was opened immediately, and a card of Gomora flew out from it, and it slid across the card slot at the front of the fighting device, turning into a ball of golden light falling in the distance. On the ground, the huge body of Gomora was condensed.

"Yes, a monster!" The crew of the Xilong looked at the huge Gomora collapsing directly on the ground, and looked at Lei in horror: "It's that man...he controls the monster, he is an enemy."

"Ray is not an enemy, but a reliable partner who fights together." Haruna immediately retorted loudly.

Chiki Haruna was almost frightened and sat down on the ground. He looked at Lei in surprise after hearing what his sister said. His face was full of surprise and confusion. Obviously, the discovery that Lei could manipulate monsters made him feel as if he had seen the Arabian Nights. .

"Go, King Pondun!" The Goss star on the opposite side also waved the fighting instrument in his hand, and a dark red light flew out of it and landed next to Gomora, condensing a monster with two heads.

"This is...Pondon!?" Oki looked at the red monster opposite Gomora with some uncertainty, his face full of doubts: "But why are there eyes? And the head is still separated."

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