Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 87 Ace: Brothers, are your teammates so good too?

What shines in the universe is not only the crystallization of human technology, but also the determination of monsters to protect their homeland.

Taganura teaches the alien hillbillies a lesson.

Our earth also has its own temper!

After releasing all the beams of light, the Taghanuras withdrew from their shining posture and slowly fell silent.

"Beetle Monster"

Yichu watched the Taghanuras become silent and thought that the Taghanuras had burned their own lives.

However, at this time Cui Ming walked over and slapped Taganula.

"Hey! Stop being so polite!!! If you want to eat, I'll prepare it for you!!! Stop stealing my Barga's energy!!!"

"." Ibuki's mouth twitched when he heard Cui Ming's words, but then he smiled happily.

"Hahaha! What a few interesting guys!"

Several Taghanuras left quickly in embarrassment.



It turns out he was pretending to be dead to steal energy! ! !

The rest of the group thought the Taghanuras were kind of cute.

"Xiao Cui, what are these monsters?"

Captain Muramatsu came over at this time and looked at the monsters that had not launched any more attacks.

"The Earth Defense Front is a kind of self-protection mechanism of the earth. I only learned about this situation by accident."

Cui Ming said as he looked at EX Red King who was showing off his power towards the Ultramans.

"This type of monster is stronger and more intelligent, even King Red."


Red King roared in this direction.

"Who are you talking about? Although there are many fools in our clan, as a king, I am very smart!"

"I know! I apologize!!!"

"Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry!!!!"

Cui Ming's expression tensed up.

Looking at so many monsters

Oh, by the way, Siglas and Simmons are coming this way.

Although these two were late, they had good intentions.

"Wait! I'll get someone to prepare food! Don't start a fight! If any fool provokes you, just kill him!"

This is Cui Ming's reminder. If there is a fool causing trouble, you can just go find that fool.

The three Ultraman looked at each other.

Then they flew into the sky together.

King Red looked at Ultraman and the others and waved his fists in displeasure.

"Roar!" (You stinky guys!!!)

When leaving, Ace suddenly asked the first generation and Seven: "Brothers, were your previous teammates as good as Cui Ming? Didn't you say that the battle on Earth is quite difficult? I think Cui Ming is here. It’s pretty good.”


Ultraman and Seven were stunned for a moment, and then

Are you thinking that Ace's skin is itchy?

You'd say he's an awesome team member.

The two of them are really good, but when compared with Cui Ming.

It’s really hard to say.

Those who know how to do scientific research can't fight without Cui Ming, and those who can fight can't fight without Cui Ming who knows how to do scientific research.

Although Cui Ming is not the best at scientific research, he is definitely the best at fighting among all the defense teams!

Moreover, Cui Ming can also provide help to everyone as a human body when necessary.

If Ace asked if there were any good players, the two of them would definitely say yes.

But it’s the same as Cui Ming

Ace, do you need some brother-loving exercise? !

This incident had a huge impact, mainly because the monsters came together to fight the space monsters

And some Japanese Showa advisers had some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

For example, the staff officer who is coming to inspect now looks at the monsters who are waiting for humans to bring food and suddenly says: "Do you think we can control the monsters? Yes! Team Kurt and Team Tucker, I order You guys! Take control now”

bump! ! !

With the sound of a gunshot, the staff officer who had just proposed the idea flew backwards.

And it was Cui Ming who fired the shot.

Cui Ming was not relieved after taking the shot, and continued to bombard this guy with his killer shotgun.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! !

"I'm tired enough here. Can you please stop having some little thoughts that you shouldn't have! I've been thinking about these things all day long!!! I'm under a lot of pressure!!!!"

Cui Ming kept firing as he spoke.

And the people around.

They all silently pretended not to see it.

This guy is indeed quite stupid.

What do you think? !

Also control monsters!

"From now on! Don't let Japanese staff appear in front of me!!!"

Cui Ming's roar came.


Long Wulang thought so after listening to Cui Ming's words.

Don't blame Cui Ming.

For what these staff officers did, Cui Ming's best option was to shoot them on the spot.

But to be honest, it's quite scary.

But King Red and the others don't care about this at all now.

When they saw a truck full of food being delivered, they grabbed it without any politeness and stuffed it into their mouths.

Especially beef!

King Red thinks beef tastes good! ! !

Looking at the monsters eating, Yi Chu shook his head.

"Really. I won't dare to attack monsters casually anymore."

"No, Senior Yichu, you are wrong, you have to attack when you should." Cui Ming said very firmly at this time.

"I thought Xiao Cui you would say that the monsters are comrades-in-arms." Yi Chu was surprised that it was Cui Ming who said this. After all, Cui Ming had just killed a staff officer for the monsters.

But Cui Ming was not confused at all.

"These guys are indeed, but monsters are not the same as monsters. And senior, you have to remember that humans are just a part of nature. For the earth, what humans do can at most cause some skin diseases on the earth. "

Cui Ming said and looked at Dadi.

"Although humans do create horrific weapons, most of the time they are used to deal with external enemies. From the perspective of the earth, there is no comparison between a pimple on one's body and letting outside bacteria invade one's body. "

When Cui Ming said this, he looked at Gomora.

"Just like Gomora, I remember there is an exhibition in Japan, right?"

"Ah, that's true."

I'm sorry. Gomora is also unlucky.

Cui Ming shook his head.

"It's actually nothing, because in the eyes of the monsters, everything we do is just following the law of the jungle."

".The weak eat the strong"

"Yes, Senior Yichu, you are in trouble."

".We humans, as we continue to expand our territory, will sooner or later come into conflict with monsters."

Yi Chu said this.

Cui Ming shrugged.

"So what, animals will also have territorial disputes, not to mention humans and monsters, but at least now an agreement has been reached. Alien bumpkins and extra-dimensional bumpkins don't want to cause trouble on earth!!!!"


Well, I suddenly feel a little envious of Xiao Cui, after all

Xiao Cui takes everything very seriously.

"I thought you would try your best to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters."

"Maybe, but certainly not now."

Cui Ming said and stood up.

"So, senior, you don't need to be confused. Sometimes it makes no sense to think so much. However, if human beings destroy the environment uncontrollably, then self-destruction is just a deserved outcome. I am only responsible for dealing with intruders. Why do human beings self-destruct? Yes, it has nothing to do with me.”

Cui Ming takes everything very seriously.

It turns out that on that side of the world, if EDF is not established, humanity will self-destruct due to endless civil war.

But that will all happen thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years later.


Siglas and Simmons arrived too late.

Cui Ming looked at these two people speechlessly.

"Go and send food to them."


Then Cui Ming shouted to Siglas and Simmons: "You are late!!! Please be more careful next time! Eat first! Don't eat our car!!!"

Siglas and Simmons looked at each other, quite embarrassed.

It's late. We still have a share.

Button, the volcano monster bird, has obviously gained weight!

Eat what Doragli eats.

Barton was very satisfied.

Oops, this Arborite is called Arborite, right?

The super beasts made are really delicious!

Meaty! It's much stronger than the monsters I usually eat!

Barton looked at Cui Ming.


(Don’t you want this Doragali?)

Cui Ming looked at Barton.

“Pack Patton!!!!”

"Ah, don't you leave some of this?"

Long Wulang looked at Cui Ming and asked.

"Forget it, Captain, there's no need."

Cui Ming shook his head and gave the result.

Ryugoro thought so too.

"That's right."

"Roar!" (I will also take away Muluch, who was torn apart by King Red!)

“Pack that Muruchi away too!!!”

Damn it, Muluch, you deserve to die!

However, Muluch seems to be caused by environmental pollution.

Muluki can carry out gill breathing and lung breathing, and can adapt to underwater and land environments without air. A posture that suddenly mutates due to environmental pollution. It spits out a hot wire of over 200,000 degrees Celsius from its mouth and smashes the building with its 50-meter-long tail. The teeth are poisonous enough to kill even a whale in 5 seconds.

But in the eyes of other monsters, if you attack, you will die.

It's that simple.

As for the Taganuras, it's even simpler. They don't have such big requirements, as long as they eat some energy, it's enough.

Then these Taghanuras went back on their own.

After all, their mission is to shoot things in the sky.

In fact, Taganura is just a small insect. It eats Titrim and grows in size. It is a 60-meter beetle-type monster that can move underground and in water, cross the continent, and finally land in Japan.

They now have to find a way to return to normal.

After all, it's not good to be so big.

The consumption is too great.

And Beidou Star Division is also back.

No one except Ryugoro and Cui Ming noticed Beidou's previous disappearance.

Cui Ming obviously noticed that Beidou seemed a little injured?

"What happened? Were you injured during the battle?"

Beidou nodded helplessly when he heard Cui Ming's question.


"Don't be so stupid, what's going on?"

Nan Xizi on the side said at this time: "It's nothing, my brothers gave me some special training."


Oh, that'll be fine.

"Can I ask why you suddenly need special training?"

Cui Ming looked at Beidou curiously.

"It's nothing. I just asked my brothers if they have any good comrades like you."

Beidou is also quite innocent. Why are all the brothers so supportive when this question comes up?

"Aren't Yichu-senpai and the others pretty awesome? The Ultra Guard is pretty good too, too."

Cui Ming has read the information, and even if it is a monster special attack team, the fire support provided is pretty good.

This time I didn't call for fire support because I was afraid of accidentally injuring friendly monsters.

Of course, I said it covertly.

The monsters began to return after eating and drinking.

Gomora hooked his hand towards Cui Ming at this time.


".What's up?"

After Cui Ming approached, Gomora quietly growled a few words.

"That one is the one that was strengthened for that guy Red King. Give it to me too."

".You want it too? They're almost all used up here. So, I'll prepare one for you next time."

"Okay, no problem, just call me next time."

Gomora started digging the hole with satisfaction.

And Cui Ming looked at these caves

Okay, it's time for Varga to start working.

After all, Barga was originally used for engineering purposes.

"Okay! I'm going to start working! Help replace Balga's arms with earth-filled ones!"


Grass! I forgot before, but this thing seems to be really used in engineering! ! !

With Barga, you get twice the result with half the effort!

Look at the speed of filling!

And the speed of helping to rebuild buildings!

Brother Tumu is ecstatic! ! !

Cui Ming can guarantee that if Brother Tumu can drive Barga, a lot of people will sign up.

And Cui Ming's proficiency also shocked everyone.

Although he knew that Barga was a civil engineering machine, Cui Ming was concerned about his proficiency.

No less training.

"He directly destroyed a staff officer."

"It's okay, that guy deserves it."

"I understand this."

After all, everyone wants to see if one of that guy’s brains is missing or if it’s full of water!

TM's control monster?

Look at the strengthened King Red and tell me how to control it? !

And now it is clearly shown that monsters have intelligence that humans cannot imagine. In the future, monsters can no longer be regarded as simple beasts.

Anyone who thinks this way is a fool! ! !

Thinking of this, everyone sighed

I was arrogant before and thought that humans could easily deal with monsters, but now these few have appeared.

Especially that King Red, he has been strengthened!

Although he has transformed back now, who knows if this King Red can still transform.

Cui Ming said that he would not work overtime if the monsters on earth were provoked by humans themselves.

The top management can't say anything yet. Who makes Cui Ming stand on the front line against the people of the universe like a mad dog all day long? Are you saying Cui Ming is derelict in his duties? I can’t even get over the hurdle of conscience! Of course, if you dare to accuse Cui Ming of dereliction of duty, your political opponents will dare to accuse you of having an affair with aliens tomorrow.

Hey. Although the term "mad dog" sounds unpleasant, whether in the eyes of humans or aliens, Cui Mingna is really the same as a mad dog.

But at least from the perspective of humans, the more Cui Ming is like this, the more at ease everyone feels.

It's just a little bit scary.


Maya was brought back safely and is fine.

After inspection, there was nothing serious.

The person in trouble is Yamanaka!

At this time, Shanzhong was still lying on the bed!

"Yamanaka-kun! I've wronged you!"

What can Maya say.

Yamanaka was given to aliens for his own sake


"Maya, just be okay, this ring"

Cui Ming was speechless

In the mountains, you are still lying down.

"Forget it. Yamanaka did work hard this time, but Yamanaka is sorry that he couldn't catch those two guys. They became deserters."

"It's okay! Vice-captain! Maya is fine!"

"Well, you go ahead."

Cui Ming left as he spoke.

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